6 easy steps to perfect blogging.

My blogging career in a nutshell. So far. 2017.

Update June 2022 – there used to be an infographic here poking fun at me and my blogging tribulations but it has since vanished. Unfortunately, I am unable to retrieve it. It depicted a winding road with a person as the writer and butterflies as the readers. Sometimes the butterflies came and danced around the human and other times they flew away no matter how much the person tried to catch them. Gaining an audience can be like voodoo – sometimes it works and other times it does not. And, you never know what actually made the butterflies come around (and then leave).

Stay golden,

SGK signature.png


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123 thoughts on “6 easy steps to perfect blogging.

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  1. This is exactly how I felt when I started my very own blog memorycarver.com!!!
    OMG the frustration when you don’t get enough viewers… Btw I loved your writing style… Sure gonna follow 😇 do go through memorycarver.com too (we are all in the same boat😜)

    Liked by 4 people

  2. As long as you are writing about the things that YOU care about.. the readers are a bonus and WILL come if the content is of a good quality. Which yours is 😉 Happy New Year!

    Liked by 6 people

        1. Update: your FB link takes us to vibeslifeud typo. last letter.
          The Twitter icon takes you to Vibes Life Us (i.e. nowhere), possibly because of the spaces? Just my guess.
          Insta and Pinterest work ok. But I don’t use these, really.

          Liked by 2 people

  3. This was really creative and you chose to take a chance and do something different. Not to mention the amount of words and good content you offer. You can tell that you really sit down and dedicate your time to what you are doing. You just earned a new follower.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. You are totally not alone– I think that is the trial by fire all bloggers go through; but just keep doing what you are doing… and “they” will come. : )

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Can you give more tips on how to get followers? I have gone to literally a dozen different community pools and nobody answered. Later, I asked a friend about it and he said “Oh, if a community pool is older than, like, 3 weeks, then nobody even visits it. I’ve been going through a blue period where the only people who visit me are friends, schoolmates and random people who searched GMO and found my site. Please help!!! I don’t know what to do and I’m running out of ideas for posts.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Community Pool is a weekly event. Most people post and view it on Monday. It’s open for a few more days afterwards. There are some people who read all the comments on there. I used to be one of them, but have been a bit preoccupied with life recently.
      Stay persistent.
      I don’t have the magic remedy for this one, but I will consider writing a post on this in the future.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re probably right about the title. I’m not so convinced that it’s only me that will have chanced upon it recently; its ‘catchiness’ has lasting appeal. Of course, one ought to ensure that the content is of the same quality, to avoid accusations of clickbait.

        I’ve been paying more attention to titles recently. Search engines rate them highly (as they should). Check out the ‘Advanced Marketing Institute’s Headline Analyzer‘; I think you might find it interesting.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Yup. It’s actually a resource I used myself about… two (?) years ago? I did an entire series of BT (blogging tips) post and writing headlines was one of them. I tried it for a bit but didn’t really see a difference. Also, I seem to be allergic to anything that takes the creative part of creative writing. I want my titles to just come to me and not have to solve a mathematical equation to form it.

          Liked by 1 person

    1. Well… that’s unexpected…
      Apparently I had that image linked instead of first uploaded to my library… Not sure if I had it on my old computer, either… Ughhhh, I will have to try to find it/re-create it.

      Thanks for alerting me to this. It’s amazing how it’s been OK for more than 3 years… until it’s not.


    1. You are the second raided to land on that post and report the broken link/image. I investigated it and it looks like it was hosted on a different page (where I designed it) and it was recently deleted due to inactivity. Gotta love it! I will now have to try and recreate it, although I know it won’t be as fun as the original.

      My attitude has always been very positive about blogging. It’s the interactions that can be challenging.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Images are the biggest problem for me in the older posts. The text remains but the photos for some reason disappear. I have photos going back many years though and perhaps WordPress doesn’t cope with that. Perhaps the image qualityon some older photos is too low. Some are now really really small.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I don’t use many images on my blog (mostly are just ‘cover’ images), so it’s especially annoying when something happens to those few. I can’t imagine what people who have TONS of photos go through with all sorts of different bugs.


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