
Today’s post is sponsored by PROCRASTINATION, which can actually be good for you.

When I get to the office on Monday, it takes me a little while to boot up and warm up. However, once that initialization process is complete, I find myself to be very productive. That weekend break, although never long enough, definitely helps to recharge my professional batteries, so on Mondays I feel like I can do anything.

What I fear are Wednesdays. They are far enough in the week for me to start feeling tired, but not close enough to the weekend to make me feel hopeful. What I found particularly helpful to get through a Wednesday is … work. Lots and lots of it. It works because I get so lost in all the running around that before I know it, it is time to go home.

So what I do, after a productive Monday, is I take it slow on Tuesdays. That does not mean I neglect my duties, but I organize the non emergent stuff and move it into a “do it later” pile. Sometimes, I even procrastinate a little on Tuesdays. Maybe daydream a little.

That way, when Wednesday comes, I have no choice but to pick up my “to do” pile, which has been accumulating for a day or two and JUST DO IT.

If you did not plan ahead and you did everything diligently on Tuesday, think of what you will need to do on Thursday, Friday, or maybe even over the weekend and do it TODAY. Cram as much as you can into this day. That way, you will be too busy to look at the clock today and you will have less to do the closer you get to the weekend.

What gets YOU through the hump?


“In the middle of winter I at last discovered that there was in me an invincible summer.” — Albert Camus


Song of the day:

“Do you feel cold and lost in desperation
(…) remember all the sadness and frustration
and let it go…”

P.S. The header image of this post was just created by me.

Stay golden,



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41 thoughts on “#WednesdayWisdom

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  1. First of all , i like your headers
    Second i feel productive when I’m in good mood and when i believe that the thing I’m going to do is useful.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. I find it interesting thinking about how we deal with particular days of the week. For me Tuesdays were always troublesome days, they seemed super busy to me and Thursday was like in the hollow of the road before the light of Friday emerged. Though it had a lot to do what time of the year it was as well as report time was just hectic, head down, bum up get it done and make no mistakes. To me Wednesdays were a float thru the day sort of event…good luck with your Wednesday.

    Liked by 2 people

        1. Many, even though they go to work on Friday, consider it to be a part of their weekend. When I was going to the office pre-COVID-19, people would dress casually on Fridays, bring donuts, go out to lunch in groups and spend most of the day chatting about unrelated things. Yes, I’m glad to be skipping out on most of these things, even if I have to get donuts myself.

          Liked by 1 person

  3. It’s Wednesday today, and I’m not procrastinating 🙂

    That Linkin Park video was quite moving. The part where Martin Luther King’s voice became more and more robotic sent chills down my spine.

    I think I take after Arthur Dent: it’s Thursdays that trouble me. “I never could get the hang of Thursdays.” (Sadly, the only video clip I can find of that is from the abortion that was the 2005 movie, which I refuse to inflict upon you — especially as ‘Arthur’ gets that classic line wrong in that. Sloppy.)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Good for you! I’m not either. My week’s been busy and it’s just ramping up.

      Thanks for making me listen to the clip… Very fitting. And I agree with your comment.

      Thursdays are weird indeed; I ‘ve learned to like most of them.

      Liked by 1 person

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