#ThrowbackThursday; Blogging stats

Due to a multitude of outside factors, I will keep this post pretty concise and leave a lot up to YOU to fill in the blanks.

Do you remember the beginning of your blog?

It has been a year since I created “DailyFlabbergast”. I would have never imagined that I would be sitting here right now, writing this blog. A year later.

Yet, here I am, going strong, not planning on stopping. Statistics say that a lot of bloggers quit before reaching their first year anniversary. I am glad to see that it is not going to be me.

Because today I think back to the beginning on my blogging journey, I would like to present you with some blogging statistics that might help (and/ or surprise) you.

(Source 1-3.

Source 4-7.

Source 8-12.

Source 13-15.)

  1. The Number of Bloggers is expected to reach 31.7 million in 2020. (i.e. The prognosis is that this “industry” will continue to be on the rise. In 2020 your blog will be AT LEAST two years old. Think about how knowledgeable and experienced you will be then.)

  2. Blog articles with images get 94% more views. (Well, there go my views. But then, I do put up a “feature image”. Does that count?)
  3. The average word count of top-ranking content (in Google) is between 1,140-1,285 words. (I think I am up there most of the time, but also try to be considerate of your time and attention span, so I do post some shorter pieces as well.)

  4. The average blog post takes 3 hours and 20 minutes to write. (That can really vary for me. Sometimes I sit down and write it all down in one sitting, while other times I come back to it on different days. I normally do not pay attention to time when I write.)
  5. 81% of bloggers write at home or their home office. (Definitely true for me.)
  6. 61% of bloggers writer during business hours. (I write during the day on the weekends. Sometimes. Most of my stuff is being written in the evenings/ at night, because that is when I have the time and when I am most productive.)
  7. 30% of bloggers are reporting “strong results” from blogging. (That is a rather subjective statement. Rather a low number. Chances are you might NOT get rich from blogging.)
  8. Blogs that post daily get 5X more traffic compared to those that don’t. (Personally, no matter the numbers, I am not the biggest fan of daily postings. But every now and then, I do post daily.)

  9. Once you write 21-54 blog posts, blog traffic can increase by up to 30%. (I’m certainly there. Are you?)

  10. Twitter users are 506% more likely to write a blog, and 314% more likely to post a comment or review than other internet users. (I am not overly into Twitter, but I see a lot of bloggers on there, so I see how that might be a cause-effect situation.)

  11. 6-13 word titles tend to attract the highest and most consistent amount of traffic. (That actually surprised me a bit. It seems a little lengthy.)

  12. 43% of people tend to skim blog posts. (I am aware of the fact that a lot of people do that. I really try to read entire posts, though.)

  13. The median average time spent reading an article is 37 seconds. (This one surprised me a bit, especially when you compare it to the time it takes to write a post.)
  14. Odd numbered listicle headlines outperform even ones by 20%. (This one was pretty peculiar. I would have never thought of it, but now that I think about it, most of the posts/ articles that I see do have an odd number in the title.)
  15. Including a colon or hyphen in your title can result in a 9% improvement. (I will have to try and remember that. I imagined that would make the title more clunky.)

Sometimes, I think to myself: “If I knew a year ago what I know now, then…” But then again, you live, you learn. I hope these statistics can help you on your blogging journey even more.

I do not remember too many “big” things from a year ago. Do you?

Did something major occur to you a year ago?
What were you doing a year ago? Are you still doing it?
Was your life better, or worse back then?

Stay golden,



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63 thoughts on “#ThrowbackThursday; Blogging stats

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  1. A year ago, let me think……
    I believe i did pretty much tye same thing except the new blog Centiscript, maybe less friends than i have now, maybe more thinking posts the “What about #”
    I guess I’ve known about the community pool last year too
    Well I’m about the same happiness 😉

    Liked by 3 people

    1. If I told you a year ago that you would be working on Centiscript right now, would you believe me?
      It’s interesting how sometimes we would have never dreamed about doing something that we end up doing.
      My experience shows that friendships do fizzle out with age. Everyone is in their own little bubble of life, in which there is less time for friends.
      I was so green in regards to blogging last year. Did not have a single clue.
      I hope next year you can be happier!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I wonder how can someone read 1200 words in 37 seconds. Yes! They skim the posts.

    A year ago I decided to post regularly. Atleast once a week. And today I’m posting 25 blogs in a month on an average. I don’t get time to write on a daily basis or maybe I just don’t feel creative to come up with something new, so sometimes I just post stuff that I wrote earlier just to be regular. But I can see that content will go extinct soon enough 😛

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Most of my posts are really short as I usually share poetry. The stats show that my word count per post is about 150 words.
        The number of posts fluctuates with me too. Since last month, I was busy with exams, the number went down.
        Also, a year ago, my blog was a basic one. I’ve worked a lot on the layouts, themes, menus, widgets, pages and categories. In fact, from time to time, I keep on updating the layout till date. It looks much more organised (to me :P) now. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Yes, I think your page looks great.
          I feel the urge to change mine a bit, but not all free themes have what I’m looking for. Or they have options I don’t want to use. But like you said – our blogs are works in progress, and I think it’s a good thing.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Yeah, we need to compromise a bit on something or the other when we have only limited set of themes. You are doing so good on your blog which makes me wonder why haven’t you bought a domain name yet. Are you planning to buy it any time soon?

            Liked by 1 person

            1. I was thinking about doing so for Christmas (a gift to self), but then another blogger reminded me that it would just be extra money I would have to spend to renew every year. A valid point.
              And then, I want plug-ins, so I have to figure out if it’s worth getting the “business” plan. I want to stick with WP, since I know it a bit, rather than getting a self-host from a different site.
              Yes, my wheels are turning on this one. I’m thinking maybe towards the end of summer I’ll make a decision. Some of my life should stabilize and I should be able to make an informed decision.

              Liked by 1 person

              1. You could get that money by monetizing your site. Yeah, WP is something that I’m also familiar with. We are on the same boat as to making an informed decision. I hardly know a thing about buying a domain name and monetizing. Have been trying to gather information but it’s really vast. Seeking some expert guidance 😀

                Liked by 1 person

  3. I notice the semicolon in the title😂
    Great job on persevering for a year! I love your blog!!
    Those stats also really surprised me. Good to know…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad you did. I wanted to implement some of what I have just learned, but at the same time, wanted to preserve my Hashtag series.
      Thank you for being a returning “customer” 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. This was super interesting!! Especially the word-count one. I normally aim for about 600 because I worry people will get bored but maybe I should have a little more faith and try to go for 1000?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m confused about this myself. My observations say that the shorter the post, the better. I personally like writing and reading longer ones. And Google’s SEO or whatever says that the longer your post, the more “knowledgeable” you are, and so your authority on the subject is promoted. Weird stuff.


  5. Love this part “Statistics say that a lot of bloggers quit before reaching their first year anniversary.” Your posts are very informative and conversational, keep floatin’! 🙂 It is really hard for people like us to quit isn’t it?;)

    Very interesting post and stats. At the moment, a year ago somehow feels like a blurr.., but I have stopped using facebook as it was a time suck for me (except for messenger and event invites) which gave me more time to do more creative writing and projects.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I’m not yet a year on here, but I will be in August.
    A (real life) friend encouraged me and herself to start a blog. We were discussing what to write about all the time.
    The very few views made us both frustrated.
    She quit, but I continued.

    I look back at my older post and I find them better than the stuff I produce now to be honest 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Do you rub it in your friend’s face all time time? Do you say: “Look at me now?”

      Funny that you say that, because I sometimes feel the opposite. But then again, I realize that my blog is evolving and changing, and inspiration varies, too.


      1. Haha no.
        In the end there is nothing to be “jealous” about. In the end I’m still a 9 to 5 sucker.
        Although the likes and followers are nice, but it’s not really a life achievement.

        I feel like the more I blog, the more I run out of topics to blog about.
        But it’s good that your inspiration is growing!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I totally get the “running out of ideas” part. Supposedly, it’s good to refresh old topics. To write related posts, linking to the old ones, but I don’t want to write the same thing twice. Another one of those blogging tips vs. how I feel about it kind of thing.


  7. I didn’t notice the semicolon in the title! You might have noticed it is something I do rather a lot (colons, that is).
    Congrats on your anniversary 🙂 I’m 2 years next month – but to be honest the regular activity has only been since October last year.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. 2 years. Nice. Something for me to look forward to.
      Yes, I thought of your posts when I was reading that piece of statistic. And also the one saying lengthier titles are better. I usually want to put a long title, but was thinking those are bad.


      1. I do what feels right for the post itself. Hence The Kelpies is just that, but others I find do need a title and sub-title. It would be interesting to see what others would re-title mine as. Look at my blog experiment post last week, I changed the title to see if it would pick up more views, and it did!

        Liked by 1 person

  8. I am happy that you are still blogging and that I found your site.
    My blog will be three years old in June. For the first 2 1/2 years I wrote and published and little happened. I don’t use any social media but occasionally one of my sisters would share I on FB and I would get more hits. Since I found community pool and began reading and commenting on other blogs my stats have gradually increased each month.
    I have begun using longer titles but I’m not sure if it makes a difference. I also use lots of photos but I’m also not sure how much that helps.
    I rarely just skim a post and often reread it before leaving a comment. If a post is too long I will probably just skip it. Occasionally I write a long post but I would rather break it up into a series of smaller posts so as not to lose the reader.
    I know I’ll never get rich from blogging but since my blog is somewhat of a journal I can look back and tell you that asparagus season is beginning 1 week later this year than last. LOL

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I love the tidbit about asparagus. That’s pretty neat to see what you did a year ago. Isn’t it?

      Yes, promoting your stuff, and being “out there” definitely helps you get an audience. CongratZ to you for sticking with it for so long! I’m glad I stumbled upon your site.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. I’m doing it all wrong! I do read a post properly unless it’s boring – but then I stop. Skimming is rude in my opinion. Either do or don’t but don’t be half hearted.
    As for stats. 61.3% of stats are made up. I tend to ignore them as they can be skewed so easily to what you want them to say.
    I’m loving blogging, I resisted it for ages but finally gave into pressure from friends and now, honestly, I wish I’d started sooner. As for monetizing and seo etc. I can’t even remember what seo stands for. I’m not sure I’d want to monetize even if I knew how – I think people wouldn’t pay to read my crap!
    I also don’t think about post length (or comments obviously!) I just write what I have to say until the story is done. It seems like there’s an awful lot to learn if I want to do it right.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Glad to hear that I’m not alone in my blogging madness. I noticed that the more “serious” bloggers, with A LOT of followers, etc. are all about stats, research, etc. It’s kind of artificial, and it makes me feel uncomfortable at times. However, I do like researching things, and improving whatever I’m doing. So if I can combine both of these things with a pinch of creativity, I might just give it a try.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. *sigh* I just started my blog on April 18th of this year, and I rarely get any visitors. I post on every First Friday and Community Pool that I can, but nobody seems to notice. I’m following everyone’s advice and writing about what I love – genetics – but even though GMOs are a huge controversy right now (and probably will be for a while), I seem to never get a single view that isn’t a friend or somebody who noticed me on a Community Pool. I try hard, but I can’t seem to balance my education and my blog.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. It can occupy a lot of my time, too, so sometimes I wonder what I was doing in my free time before blogging. I can’t really think of anything, so I guess I am now being more productive.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. A year ago, I was too busy with my project research, preparations for my degree exams, professional exams, teaching myself to bake and calculating how rich I’d be by the time I’d graduate with money I would realise from the ponzi scheme I had invested in (urgh!😭).

    I never thought about starting a blog, although the thought had appealed to me way before that time.
    These are really interesting facts. I was going to do a post about the increasing number of bloggers because it seems like everyone is a blogger these days and you just gave me all the info I need in one post.
    You rock!👌
    Happy blogiversary! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Odd numbered listicle headlines outperform even ones by 20%. (This one was pretty peculiar. I would have never thought of it, but now that I think about it, most of the posts/ articles that I see do have an odd number in the title.)

    I agree, that’s very weird. Have you come across anything that indicates why this should be the case?

    Liked by 1 person

  13. thank you for sharing. it helps to know these things, i happen to get that quitting feeling at times but i just take a break and come back to it. number 13 is so true and weird as well. happy blog anniversary though

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for stopping by. I hope it helps you in your blogging journey. I will definitely play with it.
      I think we’ve all thought of quitting at one point or another, but it really feels rewarding when you keep on going against all odds.


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