#FridayFeeling; Guess what I am feeling today.

Today is Friday. For me, it means the end of the work week, and the beginning of the weekend. I have so many things I need to get done over the weekend, but I also foresee a lot of activities that relax me. All in all I have a feeling that this weekend is going to be a good one. But I cannot complain about this past week, either. Nothing extraordinary happened, but to me – if something is not bad, it is good. Hence – this week was good.

By now, you probably think this will be a week/ weekend/ fun/ work kind of post, but it is not. It is about a different feeling. It is meant to be about hunger. But do not worry, it will not be a heavy post regarding starving humans, even though I did think of them as I came up with the idea for this post.

Coming back home from work today, I realized I was hungry. I felt it creeping in in the afternoon while I was at work, but because I knew I was leaving work in an hour or so, I chose not to buy myself any food. I would be on my way home soon enough, and then I would eat. I would not want to spoil my appetite. So off I went, on my way from work. The closer I got to getting home, the hungrier I became.

I got out of the car, opened the door to the house, walked in… poured myself some water… and realized that I was not hungry anymore. That was such a weird feeling. Since I was no longer urgently hungry, I decided to sit down and write this post.

As I realized that my hunger has died down, I also realized that us craving food can be compared to us craving a better life. It hit me right there and then how important it is to satisfy your hunger. First of all, dreams are like food, you might want it, but if you quiet it down and/ or do not work to achieve it, it will fade away. At least that is how it is for me. I might really want something, but if I do not satisfy that craving for a while, it will dissipate. I will resign myself to thinking I do not need it, or that my life is fine without it anyway.

Second of, have you ever “starved” yourself and then thought that you would be able to eat so much more? And what happened when you actually got to it whatever it is that you were waiting for? For me, because my stomach shrunk, a tiny bit of that food would fill me up. In the end, I would not have been able to enjoy it as much as I wanted to. And the same is with our dreams. The longer you wait to achieve it, the less of it you actually get to enjoy it. In this case, I do not mean a goal you have been tirelessly working towards, I mean something that you want and think of, but do not do much to achieve. That way, once you actually achieve it, you will be underwhelmed. By that time, it will not excite you as much.

What I am trying to say is that if you are hungry for something, make sure that you go out and get it, because at some point, you might lose a craving for it. I hope I was able to convey this with my post. If not, blame it on my hungry, foggy brain.

Stay golden,



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18 thoughts on “#FridayFeeling; Guess what I am feeling today.

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  1. Friday is a confusing day for me.
    It’s the day when I feel the most tired so I don’t even get to enjoy Friday evening because I probably fall asleep at 8:00.
    But having two days off and be able to spend it without seeing emails popping up, makes me very happy.
    Yet, if you’re in a job search like I am, you know that there will be no developments for 2 days. And that feels like a waste of time for me.

    I think you’re right about the hunger too. But unfortunately I always end eating something unhealthy when I feel a sudden hunger.

    As for the dreams I’m trying to achieve. I am quite pro-active on trying to achieve something and I hardly ever wait for something to magically happens.
    Waiting makes me nervous and again, feel like a waste of time.

    Liked by 3 people

      1. I applied 124 times, according linkedin, in the past 2 months.
        I only got one invite for that stupid personality and IQ test. One month went by, nothing. 😑

        Boyfriend seems to be more in luck. He’s got some interviews planned. Fingers crossed.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. That is an interesting way to compare the pursuit of our dreams with hunger carvings.
    I do see people letting their dreams fade away because they do not pursue them and this is a good way to look at the process.
    Have a super wonderful weekend.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hello. I hope you are having a great week end. Its been busy here. With trying to get the garden planted. This was a excellent post and water kills the hunger pains for me. As for other hunger , you always need to go and find a way to satisfy that hunger, its not as easy as it sounds. Like love for instance, It took a long time to figure out what love truly was and I have that now and feel it for everyone I chat with, family, Mark who just proposed to me on mothers day this year. My hunger truly has been satisfied. I am not sure this all makes sense, but it does to me. I so look forward to reading your posts as it makes me stop and think. Annarose.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My weekend has been great so far.
      I appreciate you taking the time out of your busy schedule and reading my stuff.
      A very thoughtful comparison, you made RE: love. I am so happy for you. CongratZ!
      Thank you for your complements.
      Enjoy your Sunday.

      Liked by 1 person

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