Award ceremony – June 2018.

June came and went. I barely had time for WordPress and blogging, but I am not complaining. Life is good (crosses fingers and toes, knocks on wood, spits over left shoulder). What anti-jinxing actions do YOU take?

Summer has officially started (at least here, in the Northern hemisphere; sorry my Aussie audience), and so I feel like everything should get even better from now on. We get a proper amount of sun/ vitamin D to help maintain our mental balance, and there is not much doom and gloom to pull us down.

In this month’s edition of the awards, I thank you for your ongoing support. I truly value our conversations in the comment section, and outside of it.

A special THANK YOU! to those who chose to nominate me for those awards. Thank you for remembering about me. It means I am in sight. That is a good thing, because out of sight, out of mind, and no writer wants to go there.


The awards I received in the month of June are:

Image result for blogger recognition award

Image result for entertainer blogger award

Image result for liebster award

Image result for mystery blogger award

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22 thoughts on “Award ceremony – June 2018.

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  1. Congrats, you really deserved it.
    And this time I actually mean it, since half of the awards came from me!

    Looking at your mug, I am starting believe your passport name is Goldie 😉

    My parents never let me wear my regular clothes at home either.
    Believe it or not, I used to find it annoying switching into different, comfier clothes.
    Now, if I don’t leave the door, I’m even getting out of my PJs!

    Ps. thank you for the nice announcement of me.
    I almost feel like this is actually true!

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Hey there, thanks for participating 🙂 For some reason I never recevied a notification about this post but went to have a look to check it out. Of course you didn’t disappoint. I think it’s awesome that you have received these awards multiple times already and you still make to effort to participate. It shows your commitment!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for letting me know that you didn’t get the notification. It’s probably because you’re self hosting.
      You don’t have an option to enable pingbacks, right?


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