When are you most active on WordPress? A poll.

A year ago, I posted asking my Followers to tell me when is it that they read other people’s blogs. Back then, I was not aware of how to insert a poll. It was my understanding that one needed a Business account to enable the plugin. Moreover, I did not have many followers then.

It is with pleasure that I say that I figured out the poll thing (I hope), and I do have a wider net of people visiting my blog.

Would you be so kind and answer the question below? You can choose multiple answers, but try to focus on the ones that pertain to you THE MOST. If you want to leave a more detailed comment on top of that, I would be more than grateful.

So as not to be selfish, I will also tell you about my CURRENT reading habits. It seems that I read the most during the day, M-F. That has been the case this week, but cannot always be sustained. My goal is to read a bit every day in the evenings, before bed – like I did back in the day. As much as I would like to tell you that I read stuff over the weekend, I am not so sure. I used to. But nowadays, weekends can get tricky. So I guess it depends on what I want to/ have to do.

EDIT: So I noticed that if you view this post in the Reader, you do not see the poll itself. Instead, at the bottom of the post, there is a hyperlink “Take our poll”, which will take you to a different site. If you view it through my site, then you should be fine and see the poll right there and then.

Stay golden,



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49 thoughts on “When are you most active on WordPress? A poll.

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  1. I may even be throughout the day – but instead, I opted for before work, evenings and weekends. Sometimes I quite like that I’m busy through the day and it stops me checking stats because that can be so addictive!
    What are you planning to do with the results of the poll? Or is that classified at the moment? 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. My reading and writing habits vary according to what else is going on in my life. Summer is very busy but I still try to read a little each day although I may not comment. I will more likely read and write more in the cooler/cold seasons but my answer would still be throughout the day and include weekends. Also rainy days in the summer I would likely be doing more reading but again it would be throughout the day. I am not sure if any of this is useful. LOL

    Liked by 3 people

  3. I’m jealous of your poll Gold. I need to work on mine. I like the way you set it up.

    I read throughout the day while I’m at work. Sometimes during the weekend as well. It all depends how busy I am. I do try to keep up with those whom I follow and comment on their posts, only if I have something to add or a question to ask.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. I love the idea of a poll!

    Because of my very busy routine, I read at selected times every weekday: 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM and 12:00PM – 1:00 PM. And if I return home from work around 5PM and I’m not too tired or busy, I’d read a few blog posts before calling it a day. I’ve discovered that I find it hard to read blog posts in the evenings.

    But since I’m usually free during the weekend, I read throughout Saturdays and Sundays.

    Liked by 2 people

        1. Interesting. I’m here three years later, and the poll responded to my ‘submit’ with ‘Thank you for voting!’ and presented the results. Maybe it was broke and is now fixed? Or maybe it’s a browser wars issue? Gotta love technology.

          Liked by 1 person

  5. I guess I have a lot of time now, so basically I’d say “All of the above”.
    But as for preference, I like doing everything in morning.
    However, people on the other side of the world start commenting in the evening. And that’s when I really want to just enjoy what really matters in life (anything other than work 😉 )

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I am stunned to keep hearing about people reading/ writing in the morning. I get up at the last minute and head to work. No time to sit and read/ write stuff. And I’m aware that evenings can get tricky for many people. Whether they’re tired, or just having “a life”.


  6. Can’t really select one option as it isn’t not fixed for me. When I am in a mood to read or when I have time, it could be in the morning, during the day when I got some free time, or before I go to sleep. Like right now, I got a free lecture, so I am reading right now because I am in a mood.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Hahahaa… To read I’m spontaneous.. But while posting I tried to observe when do get maximum readers. 1. WordPress shows you the popular hour in the stats section. 2. Get to know where your readers come from (all your readers come from different time zones) Most of my readers are from India and US. 3. Post daily at different times for a week or so. If you don’t write the blog daily, the duration will be more of course. 4. See on which post(s) you got max views, likes and comments. I found out that people in India read usually during their evenings or nights and people in the US do it during their mornings. So I try to post between 5-6pm of my time zone.
        Infact the stats of a blog or any website don’t work only on the time. They even work on days. During my internship I gotta know that the readers of our online publication visited us mostly on Wednesdays and Thursdays. And there were time slots. So we scheduled the articles accordingly.
        And I was told of one more thing. Never schedule the articles, blogs, social media posts on a round off time. Like don’t schedule at 6:00pm, 8:30pm, 4:15am.. the minutes should be 11, 16, 48.. a random number not ending with 5 or 0.
        I don’t know the technicalities of all these things. But I think there are some softwares or plugins kinda stuff (which I think are paid) that help you know about the traffic on your site.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. As I was reading the comments this morning, I realized that I have not looked at the most popular day/ time that WP calculates for you. Out of curiosity, I went and looked, and right away I was reminded why I don’t think that stat is of any help. First of all, the day seems to change depending on when I post, which is pretty obvious. If I post on Sunday, Sunday and Monday would be when people read it. Not Friday, or Saturday. Moreover, the percentage for the day AND time is so small (around 10%?) that I do not think it carries any substance. It just shows how people’s reading habits are spread all over different days and times.
          In regards to the regions, I should have readers all day/ night long, because they mostly come from North America, the Western part of Europe, India, and Australia (that covers quite a few zones).
          I tried posting daily at different times, but I’m not sure if I saw any striking results. Will have to watch it more closely next week when I host my monthly HashtagWeek.
          That’s quite an interesting tip regarding the rounded time. I wonder why that is. What I usually do is schedule it when I write it. By that, I mean, I usually post right away, but even when I pre-schedule, I leave the time that I wrote it at. It usually is a random number. I’ll need to keep it in mind.
          Yes, I know that if I upgraded my account and got some of the plugins, I would know more. BUT! It does not look like I will get that done. Actually, not too long ago, I decided to go for it, and upgrade. I reverted back … probably about 5-10 mins after the upgrade. I realized I didn’t want an independent domain (lots of problems with that), and the themes weren’t really for me. But I upgraded for the plugins mainly, so I went to check those out, and found out that I have to get rid of some things on my current blog (don’t remember exactly what anymore). I was so upset. In order to be able to use something, not only did I have to pay, but I also had to get rid of some stuff. No, just no.

          Thank you so much for such a detailed comment. I appreciate your time.


          1. Yeah.. I know.. the stats will show that particular day or the next. That’s why I said post daily for a week.
            Yeah, readers come throughout the day.. but then what matters is when you get the maximum number of them. Another important thing is that the post should be publicised on the social media within 24 hours. The first 24 hours are the most crucial to gain traffic.
            Get rid of stuff to get an upgrade? Why so? I hope they weren’t your posts 😵

            Always in for a productive discussion 😄

            Liked by 1 person

          2. Do you get email notifications? It might be worth setting them up for a period and making a spreadsheet of days and time stamps on both the likes and comments. Time consuming with the data entry but it would be the most accurate.

            Liked by 1 person

  7. I just went back to my teaching job, and I’m taking two course at university, so I’m trying to figure out how that’s going to affect my blogging and reading of blogs. I’m usually on WordPress in the evenings and on weekends. If I wake early, I sometimes read blogs before work 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Till a few weeks back I used to be glued to wordpress. Reading posts whenever I got time. But then I suddenly lost touch of it. My excuse being work load. But then I have come back today from my hole. I missed out on so much.

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