
After yesterday’s lengthy vent post, I will keep this one short and to the point.

Just the other day, I was sitting by the sea, with my shoes and socks off. It was warm. The humidity was very high. Storm clouds started slowly approaching.

And then…

I felt wind on my feet and between my toes.

That is not something one experiences on a daily basis. We often talk about having the wind in our hair when we go on a road trip, or feeling the sun on our face when we go out for a walk and look upwards. Somehow, feet end up being taken for granted. They are there every day, from the moment we wake up, to the moment we lay down to sleep. They carry is all around. Most of the time, they are suffocated by socks. They feel claustrophobic because of being in shoes 24/7.

So today, both literally, and figuratively, I advice that you appreciate your feet. Whether it be going to the beach and feeling the sand under your feet, or soaking your feet in the tub, etc. Once that is done, be sure to think of the people that play the feet role in your life. Express to them how important they are. Reward them with a breath of fresh air.

Do you take care of your feet?

Are they the least of your worries?

Do you appreciate the people who are there for you, even when it is not always comfortable for them?

Any wisdom you want to impart on me?

Stay golden,



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27 thoughts on “#WednesdayWisdom

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  1. I love this post! Being aware of all the parts of our bodies is being in the moment. What a beautiful moment you described feeling the water flowing over your feet. I am always aware of my feet because I practice yoga. I see them when I am on my mat and I am aware of the positions they are in during most poses. Our feet are our connection to the earth. They ground us to this place. I go barefoot every day as much as I can in the summer months and hate putting shoes on in the fall and winter. Have a great day!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. oh….sorry, I said water flowing between your feet but I reread it and realize it was the wind. What a beautiful image of sitting on the rocks looking over the sea.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. The wind between your toes” is very new to me! Good idea thiugh!

    Do you take care of your feet?
    Not really no, i cut the nails every once in a while

    Are they the least of your worries?

    Do you appreciate the people who are there for you, even when it is not always comfortable for them?

    Any wisdom you want to impart on me?
    Worries and anxieties are part of the lack of confidence in God. We may not acknowle it but if you think about it, you’ll see. if someone trust God’s will, he’ll fear no more. But I have to say IT IS NOT Easy! 😕

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Do you take care of your feet?

    Heck yes I do, my entire adult life has been spent on my feet, many miles at home and abroad. I learned the importance of good shoes, good socks and taking care of my feet a long time ago. I never scoff at the price of amazing shoes, not for their looks, rather their performance.

    Are they the least of your worries?

    Nope, my feet carry my big body, the better my feet the better my entire body.

    Do you appreciate the people who are there for you, even when it is not always comfortable for them?

    I do appreciate the people but I hate to be a bother or an inconvenience.

    Any wisdom you want to impart on me?

    Yeah, for sure, read more bottomlesscoffee007.com !!!!!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I learned the lesson of cheap shoes a few years ago. Never again.
      It’s great to hear that you are so aware of something I feel like many people take for granted. I really only know 1 person in my immediate circle of people who sees it that way.

      “Hate to be a bother, or an inconvenience” same.

      Love your “wisdom”. I sure will!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. There are many people we take no notice of that serve us to the best of their abilities…the bank teller, the fast food cashier, the janitor. Have you ever looked them in the eye and said, “Thank you! You are my feet?” I thought not. I have callouses on my feet and sometimes they hurt. When we are callous to those that are serving us, sometimes we will see hurt in their eyes and wonder why. Most won’t notice. You need to appreciate all those around you, actually talk to them…about them not you. Think of everyone wearing a sign that says, “Make me feel special.” If we can visualize that, we let our ‘feet’ go bare. We are the wind between their toes.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I was thinking of the people whom we interact on a daily basis, but I really like your sentiment about extending it to people that we interact on a less regular basis. I actually really thanked some random customer service person on the phone. I feel like they get a lot of crap, and they can be annoying, too, so once I get someone who is actually helpful, I am more than grateful.

      Absolutely amazing metaphor. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts.


  5. This is a great post about being mindful and taking care of yourself. I have flat feet so I do take care of my feet every day. Even if I didn’t have that, I think I would still take care of them. Because..Why Not? After-all it carries us around all day long. It deserves some lovin’=)

    As for appreciating the people that are there for me, I could probably focus on that a little more and make more of an effort. Mostly I feel pretty self-sufficient so I don’t focus on it, but I also know that nobody can make it alone. So, good point Goldie, I will make an effort to focus on appreciating people that are there for me.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. That’s the problem with us, self-sufficient people. We seemingly don’t ask for much, but I found that some people do things for us, even if we don’t ask. And that is just so wonderful and touching.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. hello. What a great post. I don’t think I think about my feet as much as I should. Now after reading this. I took my slippers and socks off and stared down at them. They could use a good walk in the sand or pedicure. I guess I worry about other things more. I so appreciate people that are there for me now as I am not as self- sufficient as I used to be.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You made me chuckle, but I absolutely love it that you actually took a look at your feet. Go to the beach over the weekend, if you can. Your feet and your brain will appreciate it. And treat yourself to a pedicure every now and again, because I bet you deserve it.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I usually buy cheap shoes. It ruined my feet.
    It’s a big mistake.

    But I can do something creepy with my toes. I can stretch very widely.
    If that makes sense 😉

    As for the other questions, I don’t anyone, except for Jasper, is really “there for me”.
    But that is also “my fault”. I haven’t let anyone into my life for a loooong time.

    As for wisdom, I think the “sun cream song” by Baz Luhrmann pretty much gives all the advises in life I could think of.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It seems my toes stretch wider than other people’s, too. Maybe it’s a sign of supreme intelligence?

      I’ve never seen/ heard it. I will check it out fully. “Wear sunscreen”, yes, I agree.


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