Award Ceremony – August 2018.

[Please feel free to browse through the PAGES of this post, which can be found by clicking on the hyperlinked numbers at the bottom of this page.]

I would like to take this moment to thank those who have nominated me for the below awards. It was a pleasure receiving and answering them.

It takes a while to actually compose the whole post, but I will not complain, as “no pain, no gain”. Now, if you have some time on your hand, and would like to volunteer your secretarial services to me, I would not refuse. I could dictate, and you could write and worry about the composition. It is a dream, payless job. Go to my Contact page to apply. Be sure to submit your full resume and a cover letter!


The awards I received in the month of August are:

Image result for liebster award
Liebster Award
Sunshine Blogger Award
Image result for blogger recognition award
Blogger Recognition Award

Pages: 1 2 3 4

29 thoughts on “Award Ceremony – August 2018.

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  1. It’s interesting what you say about learning about “Life” at school.
    In highschool I had some subjects like “philosphy of life” , “society /social studies” and “taking care of yourself”.
    I don’t if it were the teachers or the material, but I was never interested.
    Mainly dur to my parents, who only forced me to know languages and sciences.
    Now I realease, there is more to life than only that.

    I like grizzly the most too! They stole my heart when I saw them in Canada. In captivity though, but still 😉

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Hmm… what’s going on, here? My comments aren’t appearing where I think they should.

    I’ll try once more, with a final comment on this topic, that should allow you to delete all the others!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Page 1:
    Second ‘award’ image has gone walkies. Links to the other three pages are good: going to check them out now.

    Page 2:
    Links on:
    ‘Andrea’ and ‘Bottomlesscoffee’ are both currently dead (domain names lapsed?)
    ‘Christy’ and ‘Ash’ are fine.

    Page 3:
    No issues.

    Page 4:
    Link on ‘Priyanka’ is no good: ‘ is no longer available’
    Link on ‘Britchy’ likewise: ‘”Bitchin’ in the Kitchen” is not available at the domain right now. There’s a problem with this domain.’

    This comment was brought to you courtesy of 💥 ?Random Raiders! 💥

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks!

      -replaced the image with a new, downloaded and resized one
      -Andrea has a new blog and Coffee ain’t blogging no more (or at least to my knowledge).
      -I have not kept in touch with Priyanka…
      -I was just thinking about Britchy the other day. I got her page back through the WBM and sent an email through a contact page. Do you think it will work? I hope she’s ok… Her page was still up a couple of weeks/months? ago.

      And thank you for your service, peNdantry.

      Liked by 1 person

Hmm? What did you say? I did not hear ya.

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