CW: Anguish.

“In exactly 297 words write about “cool water””
– a prompt for this week’s CW piece.
[Source: @CarrotRanch]

As I got to the beach, I took my shoes and socks off and left them behind as I proceeded towards the water. I do not remember if there were a lot of people nearby, but I assume there were only joggers around as it was just past 6 am. Summer was over, and so the dawn was shrouded in more darkness than in previous months. But I didn’t notice that, either. All I was focused on was the darkness in my head. In fact, I was filled with nothing but darkness.

I entered the lake thinking of its size. Thinking of how much water there was. The horizon was hidden behind the autumn fog. There was no end to my struggles, either. I was just like that lake – destined to remain flooded. And flooding was something I could take no more of.

The water was up to my knees.
I kept walking until I could not feel the sand beneath my feet. Then I swam as far out as I could.

It was far enough.

I laid on my back on the surface for a minute. I thought of all the people I left behind; like those socks and shoes on the beach.

When will they realize something isn’t right? Will they weep, or breathe out a sigh of relief? That wasn’t something I would live to see, so why bother?

Finally taking a dive into the abyss has been a long time coming.
The darkness hugged me harder than ever before. But at least, I knew that sleep was eternal.

The nothingness felt so peaceful.

All I could hear was the humming of the water flowing in and out of my ears.

In and out of my nose.

In and out of my mouth.

Cool water.


Throughout the month of September, The Carrot Ranch hosted a few different prompts, to which we had to reply within 24 hours with 297 words. The first part of the contest has concluded, and I did not move onto the next phase, but I wanted to share with you one of the pieces I submitted.

Let me know what you think!


P.S. As always, you are more than welcome to use this prompt to inspire your post. If you decide to write something, be sure to pingback to this post, so that I can get an alert and check out your post. (A post on how to do pingbacks can be found here.) If pingbacks are not your thing, feel free to simply leave a link to your piece in the comment section below. The more, the merrier!

Stay golden,



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39 thoughts on “CW: Anguish.

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          1. You’re quite good. I don’t know how long it takes you to formulate something, however; very impressive.

            When I write, it usually only takes me 10-15 minutes. I don’t know if I would even have the time to brainstorm anything worthwhile.

            I’ve been blogging from my phone now for over two months. My computer had some “issues” that for some reason, it seems to be lagging. I’m at work everyday, and just typing what makes sense to me.

            Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for the compliment.
      I have to admit that word limits (exact!) intimidate me at first, but I like the challenge. Once you write something with a specific limit, you get better at estimating what you can fit into that.


    1. Thank you for the vote of confidence. There were 5 weeks/ prompts. I think I participated in 3. The first one (my first attempt at 297 words exactly) was… choppy. But I liked this entry a lot, so I wanted to share.

      You totally understood what I was trying to do. I’m so flattered that it came across that way to you.


          1. This was a contest divided into 5 sub events in September. Now, only 5 people moved on to the next round. You can still play along, but you will not compete for the prize. But I think there are some other things in store in the future. Not sure.


      1. Yup I’m know what u mean! I’m always on the fence about triggers. Your piece It’s truly incredible! I hope you do participate in NaNo I’d love to have someone to chat about with 😊 we can help each other prep in October
        I mostly pantsed my first novel so I’m really looking
        forward to learning more about plotting in Preptober 😊 since I’m working on querying right now I won’t start plotting until mid or late October probably so think about it!

        Liked by 1 person

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