CW: The long way home

“In exactly 99 words, write about “Travel with a Twist””
a prompt for this week’s CW piece.
[Source: CarrotRanch]

Off I was on an adventure of a lifetime. Kissing my mother goodbye, I assured her I would call every day. She was happy for me, but also fearful, knowing she could not protect me any longer.

It felt freeing to be on my own. But when I made some friends along the way, who joined me, I could not have been happier.

We rented a car, but soon the fuel flashed “empty”. Having nothing to refill the tank with, we crawled towards the horizon where we found a toll booth.

“I will now weigh your sins” – said God.





P.S. As always, you are more than welcome to use this prompt to inspire your post. If you decide to write something, be sure to pingback to this post, so that I can get an alert and check out your post. (A post on how to do pingbacks can be found here.) If pingbacks are not your thing, feel free to simply leave a link to your piece in the comment section below. The more, the merrier!

Stay golden,



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44 thoughts on “CW: The long way home

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  1. This is just too briliant.
    And sad.
    And true.
    It gave me chills. Like the one you wrote about “cold water”.

    Have you participated in any of the contests again?
    I actually don’t what what happened with the
    One about “conversation “. They could have at least emailed me for updates 😢

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m about to cry. (Not, not really, but I want to express how much your comment means to me.)

      It seems like you “get” my short pieces (and (most of) everything else), and it really encourages me to keep at it.

      Yes, this was my entry for another contest (like the “cold water” piece), but it got no recognition. Now I know how rejection feels when others write about it. I didn’t expect much, because there are always so many contestants, who write amazing pieces, but it does sting quite a bit.

      Thank you for keeping my spark lit.

      As for your “Conversation” piece, I assumed they would have emailed you, so I’m a bit surprised they didn’t. Normally you get an email saying: “I got your entry”, or something like that, but I know there was a bit of a chaos this time around (too many contests going on at the same time, different people being judges, etc.), and some people slipped through the cracks. However, with you, I think it might have been because you didn’t meet the criteria – (correct me if I’m wrong, since it’s been a while; the dialogue was supposed to be related to the turtle photo, and everything was supposed to be in quotation marks, meaning no outside commentary).


      1. I understand each and every of your piece.
        More than understanding it, I “feel” it.
        (Sounded more poetic than I intended to).

        The only thing that frustrates me that is that I cannot come up with something like that.

        I am very confused about the contest. I have been following the site, but never really saw any winners.
        So if you have a link, please show who on earth can come up with something more briliant than your pieces.

        It had to be about the turtle picture?????
        I didn’t even know. It was not stated clear.
        They did tell me that they got my piece, but never told me I did it incorrectly.
        I will be honest, I am not too impressed with them.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I think you can. It just might not be your style, or you might not feel inspired, but I think you are definitely capable.

          It’s possible that the winners were announced when you had no Internet connection/ were busy. It almost slipped by me, too.
          Here’s the one for the Dialogue winners:
          Here’s the one for the Travel with a Twist:
          There are some issues that I’ve been having with them, too, recently, but it’s all good if I get inspired by the prompts. After all, I write for ME (and MY readers).


  2. To which particular competition do you refer? I have a proud record of savage rejection from every competition I have entered (and there’s been a few!) – it would be a shame to miss the opportunity of further insult.

    And, by the way, just how much does a sin weigh?

    If life’s a race
    I’ll never win
    My handicap?
    The weight of sin.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Here on WP. There’s the Carrot Ranch and they hosted a bunch of “Rodeo” challenges a couple months back.

      That was a neat piece. However, aren’t we all handicapped the same way? Someone has to win…


  3. Ahhh Goldie. I read this while I was waiting to see the eyeball neuro so I’ve had a long drive each way to think about it. This is one of those stories that stick with you and keep popping back into your head. I don’t know how you put so much content into so few words but it truly is food for thought.

    Liked by 1 person

          1. Yes I am – but also because it’s long. They can’t do an open mri as it doesn’t give enough detail for what they need and it’s going to last approximately 3 hours. I am not terrified of what they could find but I’m scared witless about everything else

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Sedation is something I’m very uneasy about, so I totally get it. 3h IS long. Maybe your husband finally decided to get back at you and he’s the one that came up with such a long time needed. To him, it means 3h of peace and no pranks. Think about it…

              Liked by 1 person

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