Award ceremony – March 2019. A new addition.

The time has come.



After more than a year of continued inflow of award nominations, the well is now dry.

No awards were received in the month of March.

Come to think of it, there might be something wrong with the Post Office. They might be late with their deliveries. It is always their fault, anyway! (Feel free to share good/ bad experiences with the Post Office, if you would like.)

Because of that, I need to improvise.



Today, March 31st, 2019, I present to you a brand new award.

farmuuu table.png

It is not a secret that I particularly enjoy your comments. Not only does it validate me and my blogging efforts, but it also stirs up some fascinating conversations.

I long for comments, and I make it known whenever I can. Therefore, coming up with this award was not difficult at all.

The word stormer is defined as “something particularly impressive or good of its kind” in the Oxford Dictionaries.

This award is meant to thank a certain someone for making the blogging journey more engaging.

The plan is to present this award monthly in my award posts (last day of the month).

How do I select a winner? The initial idea was to bestow it upon a person who makes the most comments in a given month. In the perfect world, that would be easy, straightforward and fair. However, we are not perfect, and so we do not live in a perfect world. I do not encourage spam comments, and I feel like this award could cause that. With that being said, I cannot post strict rules. I apologize if that might sound infuriating to you. It probably would sound that way to me if I was on the other side. The general rule is:


I will be looking at the number of comments one makes, but I will also factor the content of those comments.

This month’s winner was easy to select. Not only did she leave the highest amounts of comments, but she also engaged in meaningful conversations.

The winner is:


Cosmic Observation
“Contemplating, pondering, examining, considering, musing…effectively chewing on all curiosities.”

Victoria shares all kinds of curious stuff, including things that happened today x years ago, street art, and spiritual ponderings. Check her blog. I hope you all can find something for yourself. There’s such a wide range of topics. Music, movies, etc.

Thank you, Victoria, for being a part of my blogging community!!!

How do you feel about this new award?

Stay golden,



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36 thoughts on “Award ceremony – March 2019. A new addition.

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  1. I think it’s a great idea to acknowledge bloggers who make our blogging journey more beautiful. I’ll head on to check Victoria’s blog. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I’ve always been impressed with your award-winning talents. And I’d be overwhelmed trying to navigate them all. You’ve come up with some creative ways to handle the, which is cool.

    I like this award because it’s a single winner. And because of that, I’ve already checked it out. When there are lots of nominees, I can get overwhelmed by too many choices. So on THAT issue, thank you!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you for your kind comments.
      I’m glad you think the single winner is a good idea. I’ve been scared in the past of singling anyone out. I didn’t want to upset anyone, but also, because I could not come up with a fair measurement. I think this works, though. We shall see.
      Thank you for checking her out. Intermingling can be a lot of fun, and open doors to other dimensions.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. It’s definitely one of the upsides of the awards!

        Besides, you’re designing this one and engagement is a cool measure. Raw clicks, without quality control, would, as you note, risk the trolls coming out.

        Liked by 2 people

  3. Damn. Wasn’t expecting THIS. Thanks, Goldie. I can, unintentionally, be a bit of a chatterbox, given the right topic. 😉

    It’s easy to have a good conversation with good conversationalists. Exchanging ideas and points of view are always a good thing. How else are we supposed to learn…

    Thank you. And, now, I will go off…embarrassed…at 2:00am. *yawn*

    I will decorate my blog with my trophy…after some sleep.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s been a pleasure, and I hope it continues.

      So well said on the topic of conversing and learning. Ditto.

      2am? I don’t remember the last time I went to bed so late. I think it means I’m getting old. But I used to stay up all night back in uni!


            1. Weird is good. In some instances. I definitely consider myself that.
              However, this time I used it to express my lack of understanding. I couldn’t work the 3rd shift.


              1. Ah. Yeah. Well. Neither could I. I’m more of a second shift type. 3p to 11p would work just fine for me but, I never found a job where I could work those hours. The best I ever got was 10a to 7p

                Liked by 1 person

                1. 2-10 would be perfect for me.
                  I’m not a morning person, so 10 am sounds good, but I think I would prefer it to end later (like 10), cause then I wouldn’t feel like I was wasting an evening. I would just go to bed. Leaving at 7, getting home, eating dinner, no time to relax… just a tease.

                  Liked by 1 person

  4. I love this award. I was going to say something about spam comments when I saw the initial idea. But I’m glad you developed the criteria into something fair and better. Congratulations to The Hinoeuma! I’ll go check out her blog now.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I wrote a short story on my blog “Racheal’s Novels” and you were one of the characters. I apologise in advance if I’ve offended you by doing that. I didn’t mean to. It’s just that today “Racheal’s Novels” turns a year old, so I wrote a story in celebration of it, and thought I would have some bloggers as characters alongside myself. Hope you don’t mind, and I pingbacked your post. Here’s the link to the article if you want to read it:

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m honored.
      Unfortunately, I’ve been a bit behind with catching up on reading, so it took me longer than I’d like to get to your post. I did get the pingback, so thank you for that. Those are very helpful.
      I am going to read the story right now. I can’t wait.

      Liked by 1 person

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