Award ceremony – April 2019. Receiving and giving.

And another month has zoomed by. Hopefully, no matter where you live, things are brightening up. There is a sun in the sky, the grass is green and the flowers are blooming. Finally, you are able to shed a layer of your clothing. Life is just more colorful in the summer, and I look forward to the following months. Do you?

Last month I introduced an original award – The Brain Stormer Award, which you can read about here if you missed the previous Award installment.


The awards I received in the month of April are:

Image result for liebster award


(As per usual, please click on the page numbers at the bottom of this page to view the rest of this post.)

Pages: 1 2 3 4

41 thoughts on “Award ceremony – April 2019. Receiving and giving.

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  1. Wow! I never took you as someone who would dislike documentaries. And I was really shocked when I read that you’d prefer to lose your sense of sight above all others. You really are weird. 👀
    Congratulations on your awards, Goldie! Much deserved.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. I do. I love documentaries. 😊

        I would rather lose my sense of taste… or maybe smell. It’s got to be one of the two. I love sensing things, but if one of my senses had to go, it would be my sense of taste. It’s important to me but not as important as the other ones.
        As for the Stormer Award, three is my lucky number, so I’d probably win it this month. 😁

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Imagine never being able to taste your favorite food. Smell goes with it. If you don’t smell the food, you won’t think of it as appetizing. And you won’t know when not to walk into a room if someone farted!

          You can do it!

          Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh my! Did I really engage that much? I guess I have a lot absent since mid April 😛 😀
    Thankyou so much for the award ❤ ❤ I am really honoured.. What do I do with it now?

    Aaahh..crime an punishment.. I remember reading half of it during my graduation but then exams were so close that I could never complete it. I think I should go back to it after I complete reading Kafka on the Shore that I've been reading since ages 😛 😀
    Fav thing to do- sleep and eat. I can so relate to this 😀

    Also, I had a question- how do you make different pages without making a new blog post?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. It’s interesting how I saw a lot of comments from a blogger at the beginning of the month, and then plenty from you and then not as much from either one. That’s why I’m so thankful for ALL the comments. Because even if someone takes a break, someone else is there to save the day.

      You don’t have to do anything. It’s something I came up with last month. This is only the 2nd time I gave it out. The person who received it last month wrote a post about it. You can just put it on your site with other stamps. It’s all up to you. I just wanted a way to say “Thank you”.

      Different pages… It’s a tricky thing. Do you mean categories? What would you use the page for? (It would help me understand what you’re trying to do.)

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hahaha..yes, it’s good to have so many people around here.
        Ahh yes, I can put up a post about it. But then I remember there is a long list of pending award posts that I haven’t done yet. I took a break from blogging when I got the time to do them..Haha..So I really don’t know 😀 😀

        It’s a good way to acknowledge bloggers. Your own unique way.

        No I don’t mean the categories. I know about categories. I am asking about how do you put one award on one page and the other on second and so on..and that too in one blogpost.

        Liked by 1 person

          1. Yes, like your post. When I press Shift+Alt+P together in the block editor, it selects the top toolbar. If I press them again, the settings panel on the right is slected. And pressing them for a third time, it prompts me to open the publishing panel. :O

            Liked by 2 people

              1. I also had some difficulty using the block editor initially. But now I like it. It has so much more options. I switched to classic editor to find out how it;s done. It;s called page break. Will look for it in the block editor. Thanks 😀

                Liked by 1 person

                1. I keep telling myself that I will dedicate some time for the new editor, but it never happens. I want to be able to sit down and learn EVERYTHING at once.

                  I’m not eager to start using it because my posts are simple. There usually is just text. No videos, or photos, or special formatting.

                  I don’t think page break is the same. I thought it was only used for your front page. To showcase the very beginning of your post instead of the whole thing. You could customize where the excerpt ends.

                  Liked by 1 person

                  1. I learnt almost all of the things in the new editor. Though I didn’t find a couple of things in the new one. But then I realised I could add classic blocks in the new editor to use one of them.

                    I found page break in the layout element. I guess to show the excerpts only, you should use “read more tag”.

                    Though I know I won’t be using any of these features, it’s just that I’m curious to know what all is there that can be done. And that’s the same reason why I tried the block editor.

                    Liked by 1 person

                    1. Yeah, you should. I’m glad they gave this option of using the classic one for some time- it didn’t vanish overnight 😀

                      Liked by 1 person

  3. So much thoughts right here after reading this introspective, authentic post of yours, Goldie.

    What I especially like about Award posts is that it forces us, the Writer, to look deep within to answer the questions given. You did an excellent job with that. I enjoyed all your answers.

    Another thing I like about the way you do your Award posts is the manner in which you acknowledge those who have nominated you, you’re very descriptive and factual . You’re able to garner interest (well at least my interest) in these other Bloggers. It makes me want to head on over to their page and see/read what they’re all about. You make them substantive, and who doesn’t enjoy substantive Bloggers?

    It’s such a great idea to make personal mention of the Blogger who engages our blog the most. Fantastic! Such personal mentions encourages even more engagement.

    You’re a fine, Blogger, Goldie. I always enjoy your posts (whenever I have the time to read, it is always a pleasure).

    P.S. “Discombobulate” and “Flabbergast” are 2 of my favorite words too. I still remember the very first time I heard them both. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh, why thank you! I like to think that I’ve developed my signature style to these awards, which I’m rather proud of. Thank you for recognizing all those different tidbits. It’s all about widening the circle. That’s why I don’t nominate a million people anymore. It’s easier for the reader to just check out a couple of blogs (whom I receive the awards from and whom I nominate for them) instead of 20 of them.

      I’m glad you like those words. They’re so much fun.

      Again, thank you for the compliments! Don’t make me blush.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Thanks for the nomination, Goldie. I am honored. It may be a little late at night for me to try to post my answers and pass it on. When I tried to copy and paste your address, it came out as about 8 lines of gibberish! I’m sorry, you’ve apparently nominated a technologically challenged blogger, but I will give it another go tomorrow. Thanks again for the honor. Blessings, and good night!

    Liked by 1 person

Hmm? What did you say? I did not hear ya.

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