HW: #FridayFeeling: End of the week, beginning of the weekend.

You know how sometimes you say: “I am exhausted but I am happy”? How is it that sometimes we are tired and ready to scream, yet other times we push ourselves to do even more?

I have had a busy couple of weeks and what did I decide to do? I decide to volunteer for two weekends in a row. So while I am celebrating the end of the week right now, I am also preparing myself for a less than a restful weekend.

People have asked me: “What would happen if you just did not show?” Nothing. Nothing would have happened. Only I would feel terrible. If I signed up for something, you bet I will show up. 

Last weekend reminded me yet of another answer: “I want to go. It makes me happy”. A week ago I was more tired than I am today. I went to volunteer with a pinch of resentment. With more than confusing parking directions, I was almost ready to turn around and go home. But I did not. I drove around until I found the place. At the end of the weekend, I realized that even though I did not actively rest, I was not bitter.

Somehow I felt energized. How was that possible? It felt like I had a purpose. That what I was doing made a difference. That I ended up directly helping someone instead of being just a tiny wheel in a giant machine. It reminded me of how fulfilling helping others can be.

So today I look forward to more work over the weekend.

What are your plans for the next couple of days?

Stay golden,



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15 thoughts on “HW: #FridayFeeling: End of the week, beginning of the weekend.

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    1. The key is to find balance.
      In the past year or so, I’ve become a bit of a workaholic. I don’t mean formally. There is always something that needs to be done in my personal life and around the house. I seem to always want to get things out of the way so I can rest and sleep in next time. But once next time comes around, the “to do” list is already filled…

      Liked by 1 person

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