CW: Life

This post is a little different than my usual CW ones. There is no official prompt. There is no story. A fellow blogger was asking for poetic submissions for their contest, and I did not think much of it. But by the time I finished reading their post, I felt like freestyling. It is not polished. It is just what came out of me. Thoughts?


Things have been tough lately.
If I was to be honest,
life’s shit.

I wake up every day,
and I want to scream
because I had to wake up.
I get to work,
and I want to scream
because I hate all the people there.
I come home afterward,
and I want to scream
because I am so tired.

Unable to follow my passion.
Surrounded by those who do.

No one hears the ticking time bomb
that is me.


If you feel up for it, share YOUR freestyle lines about life and the way you currently feel.

Stay golden,



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42 thoughts on “CW: Life

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    1. I considered not posting it because of the fact that it’s depressing. But then I went and posted it anyway. I felt like that recently. There were too many holes in my boat, but now I’m on a paddle board and things are better. Thanks for your concern.


  1. Powerful and expressive!
    I feel like screaming when I’m in school sometimes. Well, many times…This is just so relatable, Goldie! I can relate to being surrounded by people who are following their passion. While I don’t have a clue what mine is.
    And comparing yourself to a ticking time bomb? That’s just brilliant!
    If you’re really going through this then (this is just something Mom says when I get stressed or tired) you should know that things will work out. Always look on the positive side of things!🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Sometimes I think a little bit
    About why life is such a shit
    About my earthly lack of wealth
    About my general state of health
    I think about the state of play
    And realise I’ve had my day
    I’ve just arrived but can’t believe
    That suddenly it’s time to leave

    These golden years are not much fun
    I’m old, I’m told. The setting sun
    Is swallowing the final light
    I’m cold. I’ve lost the final fight
    Forever bold, I bid adieu
    Somehow already missing you
    A hand to hold. Your heart to keep
    Forgive me as I go to sleep

    Liked by 3 people

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