CW: You were not supposed to let go! – #tbt

Today, I choose to share one of my older CW pieces with you. #tbt #ThrowbackThursday Am I right?

I’ve been working on a single story for the past few days and didn’t have time to write anything else (details to come).

Also, I found no Internet when I arrived home from work yesterday, so I could not search for prompts. Yes, I finally took a nap, instead.

Are those explanations acceptable to you?

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via CW: You were not supposed to let go!

Stay golden,



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23 thoughts on “CW: You were not supposed to let go! – #tbt

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    1. Thank you. I have two main sources for my prompts, but sometimes they don’t speak to me, so I look for others. I haven’t seen these, so thank you. I might have to try it out in the weeks to come.

      I had no internet at home, but luckily was able to write this (re-post) at work on my break 😉 I did not feel like there was enough time for me to write a fresh CW piece of decent quality before the post was scheduled to go out.

      Liked by 1 person

            1. First, I would list all the categories you use (this is how I went about when I was planning my schedule).

              I’d do “Bike Writer” once a week, because it allows you enough time to go on a new adventure. (And it would motivate you to do so when you don’t feel like it). However, I understand you don’t bike all year round (or do you?), so that might have to be a seasonal series.

              I’d try to do the poetry once a week, too. Unless it regularly pours out of you on a more-often-basis.

              Looking through your page right now, I have to admit that some of your categories aren’t easy to distinguish. Journal entries are sometimes from your biking routes. I’d try to keep it more… defined.

              The journal entries can even be daily. But the question is – Do you feel like sharing something EVERY day? I only do that once a month in my Hashtag series. But then again, some people have no problem doing so regularly.

              I can’t decide on the “Am I right?” It seems like an unpredictable post. Something that is written spontaneously. Am I wrong?

              Just some brain vomit.

              Let me know if you’d like to bounce around anything else.

              Liked by 1 person

              1. Wow, love this analysis. Legit at the store right now. But, stay tuned for my digestion of this. I actually agree with all your comments. I need to flesh things out I feel. See what really draws people. What is that draws you? Anything specific?

                Liked by 1 person

                1. The main thing is your talent. Your poems speak to me. And that connects to point no. 2 – relatability. It seems like most of the things (if not all), I can apply to myself. I think the fact that you usually write shorter posts makes it easier for people to come, take a look, comment and leave without spending half a day on your site (although I do the opposite with my posts).

                  Liked by 1 person

                  1. Awe, that’s awesome of you to say. Means the world to me to read that. I’m serious. You know, it’s hard to find people who are on that same level you know. Our bloggingship has grown a lot and happy that’s the case. As for you, you may think that about your blog, not the case though. I love how raw you are and all of your posts always leave me in a ponder. I love that about your blog. Glad we connected.

                    Liked by 1 person

                    1. There’s a lid for every pot. That’s so awesome about writing in general. I truly believe that there is someone out there who will enjoy your writing. Sometimes you just have to find them. Sometimes they have to be in the right mindset. But you will find your audience if you truly seek it. (Not to diminish anything I just said about your stuff.)

                      Liked by 1 person

  1. Aside from yesterday, when was the last time you took a nap after you arrived home from work? If your answer is two weeks ago or something longer than that, then I’m glad you finally took that unplanned break.

    So you’re brewing a story, eh? And it’s been brewing for days now. If you’re taking so much time on a single story, then that story must be pretty neat. I can’t wait to read it.

    I read that poem you shared. I enjoyed reading it!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. My 2nd husband died after 10 years of marriage (heavy smoker/diabetes). At first, there’s relief: He’s now at peace. And then, left with two children 5 & 7, the ache inside the heart blames him for refusing to stop smoking. If only…over what could never be.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. He would come back from the doctor saying that everything was fine. After he died, I found a letter from his doctor that was written several years earlier. He was advised to quit smoking and eat right. Back then, people had drinks when they were at lunch meetings. He wasn’t supposed to drink. Everything, right down the line, that the doctor said was going to happen did. He lost his sight (diabetic retinopathy) and was blind for two years, was on dialysis due to kidney failure and died on the dialysis table before he had to face getting his legs amputated.

        Liked by 1 person

          1. I’ve always been torn by that one. He did it his way until the last 3 years of his life. These days, there would have been in-home nursing and hospice care. in 1982 and until he passed on at the end of 1983, I asked for help and was told, “He has you.” We had 2 children and they were 5 and 7 when he died. As the disease slowly tortured him, he had time to think about the effect it was having on his family.

            Both children are talented, kind human beings, and loving parents. I think he would have been proud of their achievements.

            Liked by 1 person

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