NROP: Crowds – when there is no one there to help.

This sexy person with whom you have been chatting for weeks is demanding you two meet. What do you do?

Agree to meet in a public place. Right? Hopefully. (Unless you are the psycho killer.)

You hope that the chances of you getting brutally murdered decrease with every stranger that is to surround you and your mysterious date.

Even if you know the person whom you are meeting, say from work, you still choose to meet for drinks first to make sure that person is not a well-adjusted psychopath.

(Side note: If you are not cautious about these things, you should reconsider and mend your ways because I do not want to hear about your mutilated body in an abandoned house.)

As a kid, were you not told to do whatever it takes to gain someone’s attention when you are in trouble? Do you carry this high-pitched alarm with you when you go out at night? You should.

For generations, crowds have symbolized salvation. If you were running away from trouble, you screamed and someone turned around, your odds of survival increased. That person would call 911 and/ or assist you with your escape. Most of the time the attacker would just retreat, seeing that they have been spotted. It was not worth the risk. Why is it deemed safer to walk down the street during the day than during the night? Exposure. If you are up to no good, you want as few witnesses as possible. It increases your odds of committing a perfect crime. That is Criminal 101.

With all that said, I have to warn you about other random people/ crowds.

Have you ever watched a movie in which someone running from danger thinks they are safe because they see another human being… and then they die? They tap this person on the shoulder to ask for help, but the person is already a zombie? Or possessed? Or simply dead?

In today’s world, zombies surround us. Counting on people to help you in public is a gamble I would prefer not to take.

Two years ago, I wrote an article entitled “The Zombie Apocalypse is already here!” The post is about our society always clutching a smartphone and using it for everything but actually making calls.

A year ago, I published a post under the title of “Death is funny like that,” which deals with absolute desensitization of our society and the need to go viral.

Is this a pattern? A news piece about death on video every year? I hope that is not the case, but if you want to find out, stick with me and this blog for at least another year.

What happened this time around? Last week, in New York, two teenagers (18 and 16 years old) got into a fight, which led to the death of the younger one. It is reported that the 16-year-old and his family have only recently moved into the neighborhood in which the incident occurred. It is said that the altercation happened because of a girl, whom the victim walked home a few days earlier. The 18-year-old, who used to date that girl, was jealous and provoked a fight, which he ended by stabbing the younger boy.

This whole ordeal happened in the middle of the day and it was caught on video. Unfortunately, I have not seen the recording, so I have to trust the news articles I read. It might not have been a 1 on 1 fight. The younger boy might have known that he was going to get ambushed by the jealous ex and his friends, but he did not know that there was going to be a knife involved.

The police reported 50-70 onlookers at the scene of the crime. WHAT? Yes, you read that right. Instead of jumping in, or calling for help, people stood and watched as a kid got stabbed and bled out on the pavement. Some of those present there recorded the whole thing and shared via Snapchat and other social media.

I am not advocating violence by any means, but a fist fight is almost like a right of passage for a young boy. It is even more honorable when you are participating in it because you have done something good that others do not like (i.e. walk a girl home at night). He was standing up for his rights and he died, because he only brought his fists to a knife fight.

How do you think he felt when he saw so many people show up? His family says he was prepared to get beat up, but he probably felt somewhat safe, knowing that there is so much potential help surrounding him. The knife must have came as a surprise, but I bet the real surprise was that no one tried to help him. His schoolmates turned out zombies only able to record the event.

“This can’t go on. Your friends are dying while you stand there and video it. That’s egregious” – commented Police Det. Lt. Stephen Fitzpatrick.

When we talk about suicide, we talk about looking out for signs that someone is struggling. In situations like the stabbing, one does not have to be a detective to know what is going on. If we cannot trust people to help someone who is attacked and dying in front of their eyes, how can we expect them to help someone in mental anguish?

There used to be a time when you felt safe in a crowd. Not anymore. Prepare to die alone.

Stay golden,



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63 thoughts on “NROP: Crowds – when there is no one there to help.

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  1. Wow, how sad. But I don’t doubt it. I will see a video of something horrible happening, and then it occurs to me – Who took this? Why didn’t they help? (You may have seen my post “Anger: the Bad, the Ugly, and the Useful” – same idea. Instead of circulating these videos to get everyone else as mad as you are, why not actually do something useful and take it to the authorities? #duh)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This horrified me but it’s not an isolated incident. There are so many videos on Facebook of people videoing fights instead of either stopping it or calling the police.
    I really feel all the spectators should have been charged with assisted manslaughter. Until there are consequences, this behavior won’t go away

    Liked by 4 people

    1. It’s unfortunate the society we live in. Before, people got into fights, an eye and ego got bruised and then they walked off to separate corners and that was that. Now, there is always an angle someone will play. Because of that, people record. Just in case proof is needed. Just in case someone lies. And I get that part. But using your phone as a weapon (“Watch me record you”) or as an entertainment device like in this case is just preposterous.

      You’re absolutely right. I’d hold these people accountable, too.

      Liked by 3 people

  3. I am usually annoyed by crowds, but I do feel safer in a crowd.
    Weird actually, because the more people there are, the more chance for a lunatic.

    This is a whole other topic, but I somehow understand killing someone out of anger.
    But chatting to someone online and plotting a murder master plan…
    Who has time or energy for that?!

    Jealousy is a very powerful emotion however.
    Sad to here that this has happened and recorded.
    I consider the people who have filmed it equally criminal. Possibly worse.
    Looks like they enjoyed it.
    That could be an interresting topic, when can someone be considered guilty?

    Have you ever been called to be in a jury?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I’ve always been weary of crowds. Way too many people in a square mile. And you are right – places like this definitely draw attention in today’s world as places to attack.

      There are people of all shapes and sizes. Obsession can turn from healthy to unhealthy quite quickly. And once you are obsessed, you lose track of anything else, making time for what’s really important to you.

      Interesting topic indeed. And like I already said in response to another comment – they should be held accountable. That way they will know what to do/ what not to do in the future.

      I consider myself to be the judge on a daily basis.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. That is disgusting! I try to talk to my children about fear and standing by as opposed to taking action. And in that situation, what would I do? I simply don’t know. But over 50 people? They could surely do something.

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    1. I was brought up with the notion of “stand up for yourself and for what is right/ against what is wrong”. However, I know of instances in which people stepped in to help and were told by both involved parties to stay away. I know these people might have feared getting attacked themselves. But like you said – 50-70 people? And it’s not even about jumping the attacker. They could have formed a protective circle around the victim. Or, call 911 right away.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. This incident is so disheartening. I feel for the poor mother of the victim so much. My heart is still so heavy after reading about this.

    We have become a desensitized, uncaring, hostile society.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Great article. It’s a sad state of affairs. The idiots on cellphones and the stabbings.

    A guy chopped another guy’s head off on a Greyhound bus in 2008 and no one on the bus did anything to stop it.

    No one wants to get stabbed. Remember 9/11 was orchestrated with “box cutters”.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Box cutters may or may not be true. But that’s besides the point.

      I’ve been in public… altercations in the past and I admit that no one seemed to be interested in helping me. Not that I needed help, but I would have liked to see people stand up for what’s right.

      People don’t even want to call the cops when there is a domestic dispute, because often times they are the ones that suffer the consequences. Strange, strange world.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I think a lot of it depends on the area where you live. A big city with a lot of crime would be different than a small tight-knit community. The truth remains that a person would actually have to look up from their screen for 2 seconds to notice someone in need of help. Then they would have to decide if they wanted to record it for YouTube views or actually help the person.

        Liked by 1 person

  7. An excellent observational post on society Goldie, very accurately described. I see people say consequences for the watchers …indeed, but what are those consequences going to be? What weight do they carry in a world that is so incensed at nothing and yet incensed at everything. We spent more money keeping people alive than in killing them, and yet society is so very good at killing people. The world kills people very well. The news reports deaths, murders and killings and in the same breath supports and promotes the next fight, tickets available soon – it’s all going to a Rollerball type of community or maybe a Purging who knows — people watch, people have always watched, because don’t want to be killed for another person’s problems.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. When “The Purge” movie came out, I froze. I saw that as a foreshadowing of our near future. We do like sitting back and eating popcorn while drama unfolds. While I know that some people are braver than others, I cannot understand the absolute lack of reaction. Of course, you have to calculate your odds in a split second. What these people don’t think about is their mental health AFTER the fact. Will these kids be OK knowing they could have prevented a useless death?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I think the problem we have Goldie and your post summed it up beautifully, sadly too well- our world is desensitized by everything – the srrival of global social media platforms, meaning news can get further and quicker, meaning more localised disaster can be seen by more more frequently and so on. everything unfurls on a screen of one sort or another – disasters are ten a penny, real and virtual and imagined, people no longer can seperate what is real and so what happens is that society becomes a spectatorship – we are all now spectators.

        You are spot on, in those seconds can you – could you – are you an active hero? because that’s what you meed to be, l may well include your post in one of my 24 hour questions probably tomorrow – l’ll spash the credit tag to your post 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  8. That’s insane and sad, although I can see it. Just have to take one look around no matter where you are to see it for yourself in real life. The fact that a kid could stand around and video something like that says a lot for the world we now exist in. Great post!!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. As any society becomes more affluent, ultimately its inhabitants become softer and easier to instill fear. We fool ourselves into believing that we have defeated depravity.

    The truth is, in this artificial environment that we have bought into, depravity abounds more than ever. We assume that the authorities will step in, in our defense. When we have litigated one another and authority to a point of obscurity. In the days when fights weren’t pursued with suits, we we more safe than we are today.

    The fight at Disney Land is proof that no where is safe, when everyone is afraid to interdict. Since, once a person interdicts, they assume a mountain of liability as well.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I think today’s day and age is yet another rennesaince for depravity. I totally agree with you.

      I haven’t seen this one, although I think I heard about it. Absolutely insane. The fact that people can’t keep their issues confined to their own home boggles my mind. Maybe it’s better they had it out there, because it might have been much worse if there was no one else to interrupt. But have you no shame? And the person recording it took how long to actually call the cops? She said: “We have it all on video” to the dispatcher like it means anything…

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Imagine if no one had intervened and that “fight” would’ve taken care of itself.

        There’s always a cost and life is a gamble. The more people that realize that sooner, are often more measured and deliberate. Until then…let the games continue.

        Liked by 1 person

  10. Talk about an ending note hahaha It’s definitely a sad world we live in when so many have the reflex to whip out their phones and record instead of acting. I also would point out to the herd behaviour known in psychology with individuals following each other instead of thinking for themselves, unbiased and unfluenced by a group. Filming a scene has also become more and more prominent in society because of their power on social media, whether to expose some individuals or to go viral. After all, you’re filming “proof” of illegal activities and some people feel good about that. :/

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Most definitely. The herd behavior is a curious one. The fact is that many people assume that since there are so many witnesses, SOMEONE is bound to call 911. Someone that is not them. That’s why authorities urge us to call out to a specific person (“Hey, you in the green shirt, call 911.”) to achieve the desired result.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. I think this scenario may play out differently with different players and/or regions, but I get what you’re saying. I still, generally, have faith in people doing the right thing by helping or stepping in. I do think those folks are getting tougher to find, but all hope is not yet lost.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Honor is something that our society seems to be losing. It’s slipping not only from our fingers, but from the fundamental values in new generations as well. Why do fist fights now have to end in death, as the crowds just stand idly by watching or recording? Aside from the one who provoked the fight and felt it necessary to use a knife on a kid who was 2 years younger, the people who stood by and did nothing have no honor all the same. It may as well have been any or all of them to stick the knife into the boy.

    “The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing” – a quote which is attributed to Edmund Burke, although there is no written record of him actually staying those words, but instead something quite similar from which it probably derived. Regardless of origin, be it him or John Stuart Mill or someone from an earlier time, the words ring true no matter how they’re phrased or rephrased. This story is just another example of how our younger generations are growing up without values, or virtues. It’s something that is slowly being forgotten as they (virtues) are no longer being taught to our young. How can one know they are a good man or woman if they don’t know how to distinguish the difference with the lack of moral growth? It seems to me that people see virtues as something to say, to share, to hold onto, as opposed to something to be.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Your first sentence is golden. People might call me old-school, but I really do think that there are many good values that are overlooked in today’s society. Honor is definitely one of them. It’s been replaced with pride. Those are not one and the same.

      I totally agree with your second paragraph as well. The society seems generally superficial, to me. As much as I recommend focusing on “here and now”, I also encourage deeper thinking. We are centered on “me” instead of the bigger picture. We are focused on professional growth and mindfullness. Even though these are important, so is spiritual growth, which often goes hand in hand with moral growth.

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  13. It’s never just oppressed and oppressor. Bully or victim. The complicit are everywhere. The bystander effect. Suddenly there’s something much more interesting in their nails or (possibly even worse) they decide to film it on their phones to share someone’s humiliation thousands of times, for likes. They don’t see themselves as part of the problem or solution. They’re not getting involved. It’s someone else’s business. Until they or their loved ones are the people in danger. Then, and only then, do they look around and ask “why didn’t anyone help?”

    Liked by 1 person

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