To NaNo or Not to NaNo by Goldie

Guest post written by me for Sophie’s blog on the topic of NaNoWriMo. You will also find some general rambling of mine about my blog and my thoughts regarding writing.


Hello everyone!

Happy October! You all know what this means! For writers out there who are interested in participating in NaNoWriMo, this is the month when we start to plan our novels (of course this also depends on whether or not you like to plan, or if you like to just wing it!) You might have heard the word “Preptober” thrown around! For the rest of the month, I have a line up of AWESOME Preptober-themed blog posts on Writers’ Corner!

To kick off Preptober, we have a guest post from the amazing Goldie @ One Day at a Timeabout making THE decision to do NaNoWriMo…. or not. If you haven’t checked out Goldie’s blog yet, please take a look! Goldie fills it up with wonderful short stories and other thoughtful musings.

Even though I have been writing ever since I can remember, I have never sought…

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17 thoughts on “To NaNo or Not to NaNo by Goldie

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  1. Wonderful article on the good ol’ NaNoWriMo. I’ve only learned about its existence once I got into blogging a couple of years ago and it’s amazing that people do such a thing. Like you said, it’s wonderful that they participate and accomplish things by the end of it. I wouldn’t and couldn’t do it with the limited time I got but I think everyone should write when they feel like it.

    P.S. I saw Joker and, as a die-hard fan of the character and the Batman lore, I think it won’t be too much of a surprise if I tell you here that I adored the movie, huh? 😀 I consider it a chef-d’oeuvre, Joaquin Pheonix nailed his role and gave us one of the darkest and most disturbing look at a plausible origin story that simply works, where the villain is broken inside but also by his city. I’ll definitely share more thoughts on it in the near future to explain why I loved it. I think it honestly comes down to what every person thinks about the character in the first place. If they find his psychopathic behaviour unacceptable and cringe every time he does something, then there’s a good chance they’ll hate what this movie does for the character, and fall into that group of people who find this movie an abomination, something that should never exist.

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    1. You seem to be level-headed, so I trust you when you say you would not be able to accomplish 50k during November. Yes, you probably would have to give SOME things up. Last year, NaNo showed me that I can if only I want to. It punched my excuses right in the face. Of course, I was not blogging regularly during that event.

      I’m glad you wrote what you wrote about the movie. The trailer made me worried. It didn’t seem… psychotic enough. It seemed tamed. I’m happy to hear that it is not the case.

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      1. Oh no, good sir. I believe the violence was perfect for this origin story. It’s dosed so that the impact would be far greater. Every single moment of violence is relevant, purposeful and powerful. Okay I’ll stop before I end up just writing my whole review here. 😛 Hope you enjoy it if you ever give it a chance. 😉

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  2. As I think you know, I’ve been a ‘wannabe writer’ since i was knee-high to the proverbial grasshopper. But over the years, I’ve come to realise that although I may be a fair wordsmith, I’m unable to sit down any write anything at all unless I have at least a rough idea of what I’m going to say in advance. Without a fully-fledged plot in my head from the outset, I simply can’t get started 😦

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    1. How do you go about obtaining said “full-fledged plot?” Does it all just come to you at once or do you think about it for a while before starting to write? Why do you think you prefer it that way vs. sitting down to write and THEN figuring it out?

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      1. Ideas either come to me, or they don’t. A good example is ‘Iceberg!‘§, a story idea that came to me, fully formed, in a dream. Another example, one of which I’m especially proud, is in my short story ‘The Wooden Groat’ (available in my book ‘The Eclectic‘, and I thank you again for featuring that in your Golden Reviews!)

        I can’t say I ‘prefer’ it that way. Call it a personal flaw, but unless I can see where the story is heading before I begin, I just can’t start.

        § My original title for this was ‘Humility’, but I changed it as a result of a suggestion made by a member of the Scribophile community (and I can’t thank them highly enough for their contributions to my creative efforts).

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