HW: #FridayFeeling: How To Celebrate All Saints’ Day And Still Enjoy Your Friday.

Usually, when I sit down to those #FridayFeeling posts, I feel that I am conflicted because there are plenty of feelings swirling around in my head, which makes it harder to write a cohesive post without jumping from one thing to another. But today… Today, things are exactly the same.

Are you used to many feelings at the same time, or are you usually only feeling one thing at a time?

Does your weekend influence your week?

In my opinion, the way you spend your weekend has a strong chance of affecting your week. Sure, if your weekend was the time of your life and you hate your work, your week might not look so rosy, but I assure you that the good vibes from the weekend will help you get through the week a bit easier.

How did you spend last weekend?

Last weekend, I decided not to do anything. Well, I did SOMETHING, but it did not involve chores or work. I took my sweet time and relaxed by watching movies, reading a book, and sleeping. It was glorious. Instead of making me dread the week ahead of me, the weekend put me in the right frame of mind, which helped me tackle various tasks throughout the week.

How did your week go?

While there were some excellent moments during the week, there were also some that angered me. However, overall, it was a decent week. Neutral is where I want to be. Moments of raw happiness are fleeting, while feelings of gloom usually linger for a while. Because of that, I do not complain about my days being “neutral.” I much prefer this to the lowest of lows.

Do you have a feeling equilibrium you like to maintain? Or are you more of an all or nothing kind of person?

Enough about last weekend and this week. It is all in the past now. We are in the territorial waters of THIS WEEKEND!

How do you feel about that?

For me, Fridays are days to take it slow but to also get out of work ASAP. Whenever possible, I go in a little later, which already puts me in a positive state of mind. It is good to feel in control of your life, even in such minute details. Throughout the day, I hope for no emergencies and a low-pressure workload. Sometimes it works out that way, but sometimes it does not.

Why is it that some people wake up at 4PM on a Friday and realize they need something ASAP? Maybe if I did not solve your problems, you would learn your lesson and work on your planning and organizational skills?

As much as I dread stressful work on Friday, I prefer to take care of it before I leave for the weekend, rather than deal with it on Monday. Somehow, on Fridays, everything seems so much more manageable.

Do you like finishing up work on Fridays, or do you prefer to leave it until Monday?

Yesterday, we celebrated Halloween. People in the office dressed up. People were walking the streets wearing the weirdest costumes. Even if you do not own a calendar, you knew what yesterday was. I am not sure if everyone knows what today is. Undoubtedly, not everyone celebrates it, unlike Halloween. You should have already gathered from the title of this post, that today is All Saint’s Day.

Do you celebrate All Saints’ Day today? 

All Saint’s Day, November 1st, is a day during which Christians remember and celebrate their saints. Some branches of Christianity observe this holiday after Easter or Pentecost. Today, we celebrate the bond between us, here on Earth, and the Saints in Heaven. There is speculation as to whether observing All Saints’ Day was influenced by a Celtic festival of the dead, or if its origins are Germanic.

The day following the All Saints’ Day, we celebrate All Souls’ Day. Personally, I am unsure why these two are not combined into one. The difference is that one day, we celebrate Saints, while the next, we celebrate all deceased. To me, it is a beautiful holiday, during which we pray for all of the departed and not just OUR loved ones. I have seen a fair share of abandoned graves in my life. We all know that some people die, and no one ever really cares. It is an ugly truth. Days like today and tomorrow remind us to direct our minds towards those that are no longer with us. During All Souls’ Day, we pray that those in Purgatory shall be welcomed into Heaven one day. If you have ever been to Europe during this time of year, you might have seen cemeteries filled with candles and flowers. The flickering lights look absolutely beautiful at night.

Today, I am excited about the weekend. Because I did not do much last weekend, I know that I will have plenty of things to take care of this weekend. However, I know I will find a balance. Once I am done with work, I will go to Mass and say an extra-special prayer for the members of my family that no longer walk this planet, as well as those that have been seemingly forgotten.

Do not worry, this somber mood will not ruin anything. I plan to go out and have some fun later tonight in order to get some energy and motivation for the weekend of chores to come.

Life is a balancing act. Today and tomorrow, stop and think about the deceased. Maybe say a prayer for them. Many people often pray for themselves but forget to pray for those that can no longer pray for themselves. However, that should not dampen your spirits. Enjoy your weekend, because you have earned it!

Off-topic: do you prefer questions throughout the post, or at the bottom? 

Stay golden,



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45 thoughts on “HW: #FridayFeeling: How To Celebrate All Saints’ Day And Still Enjoy Your Friday.

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    1. I panicked a little yesterday when I got home and figured I could not sit in the dark all evening. There was no Halloween candy, but I figured I would find some random snacks if need be. No doorbells. Phew. Dodged a bullet.

      Me time sounds great! I highly recommend it. Is it already too cold for biking? Snow? Or are you one of those who bikes in thermal clothes? Stay golden.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Nah, gets cold, I tap out…shag that lol. But, today it’s actually 18 degrees which is weird, just got back from the gym and still in just a shirt showing off all my muscles hahahaha Reach out the weekend if you like.

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    1. I have these extended periods of time when I love Saturdays and hate Sundays exactly because of the “back to school” feel. However, fingers crossed, knock on wood, it has not been the case as of late.

      Any major weekend plans?


  1. I enjoyed this. I didn’t actually know about All Souls Day and knew very little about All Saints. It wasn’t a big part of the Anglican tradition I grew up with. It sounds lovely, however, at least your plans. Thank you for the enlightenment. I do enjoy learning new things.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. All Souls’ Day is vastly overlooked, and to me, the difference between the two isn’t really all that great.

      Yesterday, the priest said that as much as the day was about the Saints, we should also focus on ourselves and on how WE can become saints one day. I thought it was a great homily, which encouraged us to be better human beings.

      Glad to hear it. I love learning new things, too!

      Hope you’re having a nice weekend so far and are fighting the good fight.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I enjoyed the questions throughout the post. It helped to keep them in mind as I continued reading them and reading your answers to them.

    The weekend definitely influences my week. I tend to sleep more during the weekends, and if I don’t get that extra sleep, even if it’s just one or two extra hours, I start the week tired.

    So true on life being a balancing act. Enjoy your weekend, too!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. While I’ve never celebrated All Saints’ Day, I can certainly relate to thinking positive thoughts about the ones that cannot do so for themselves any longer. But beyond that, Fridays used be that excitement before the storm. Now, I find that it’s just another day, but one in try to wrap up as many things as possible. I will try doing a relaxing weekend and see how my week fares. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, I agree – sometimes Fridays are just yet another day in the grind. Our lives are often going by way too fast. I hope you find a way to slow down and relax. And that, in turn, will help you have a great week.


  4. I also think that the mood at the end of the week can greatly influence the weekend in many ways. E.g. if you have a great week, especially after work, then you’re likely to have loads of fun during the weekend. And if you have a bad week, then you’ll look forward to the weekend! 😀

    I do personally prefer questions at the end of the post since I’m more likely to answer them in the comments. When they’re throughout the post, I sort of forget the first questions and not remember to answer them hahah

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Hi Goldie! I believe All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day should be merged as the idea of celebrating these days is to pray for all deceased people. While I totally understand the idea of All Souls’ Day, I’ve never really seen how do people celebrate All Saints and what’s the idea behind it.

    PS. I prefer questions at the bottom of the post as questions throughout the post distract my attention when reading 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Exactly. The line between those days is already blurred. I liked what the priest said this year – the Saints are already saints and do not really need our prayers. It’s more of a day for us to fuel aspirations in us. It’s meant to try and make us better people. I liked his explanation.

      Gotcha. Thank you. I feel that when people put questions throughout, then I constantly scroll between the comment and the text. However, I see the questions at the end a bit… unnatural? But I think I will stick with the questions at the end.


      1. I like as well what the priest said. It makes sense and it should be explained this way. I believe that some traditions should be revised and not kept for a simple fact that they were in place for a long time. If the religion is for people, it should reflect a present state of spirit, not the one which was valid hundreds years ago.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. While I am a big fan of tradition, I do agree with you that some things need to evolve. That doesn’t mean those things need to be corrupted, but altered slightly for the greater good.


            1. It’s hard to think of something off the top of my head. There are places where the priest gives communion straight into your mouth. It’s become somewhat popular to give the wafer into ones hand, but it’s not the case everywhere due to fear of desecration.


  6. People have always thought I was weird when I’ve told them I aim to have a “boring” life. I don’t often get it. My life is filled with lots of highs, but balances out with some pretty major lows. I crave having do-nothing weekends, and answering “relaxing/calming/chill” to the ever-present “how was your night/weekend/vacation” questions.

    I prefer completing work on Fridays rather than pushing it until Monday. I will usually end up thinking about the stuff I left undone over the weekend, which doesn’t usually influence it positively.

    I love questions throughout the post, assuming it’s appropriate! Sometimes, posts are a diatribe about one subject and it suits the post better to ask any questions at the end, similar to how you’d interact in person.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think there’s a multitude of factors that contributes to the dislike/shock regarding a “boring” life. First of all, when you are a certain age, you are expected to “live it up.” Why is that exactly? There are people who party all through their 20s and 30s, but there are also those who don’t, but go crazy later in life. Or not at all. We don’t all live the same lives. Also, with the rise of social media and everyone “living their best life,” there’s a lot of pressure on doing things that are worth posting about. Again, why? I am very pleased when my weekends are “chill.” Maybe the people who think it’s a boring answer don’t have enough going in their lives? Maybe they haven’t lived through what we have so they have nothing to escape from?

      Although that is not always the case, I try to live my work at the door. It’s the healthy approach. At least for me. I had a great week, which went to hell as I was about to leave work. It could have spoiled my weekend. I did everything I could on Friday to get it off my head. And then, during Sat/Sun I continued doing so. Recently, I had a conversation at work with someone who was complaining about a young professional. The person I work with suggested to the other one to take their work home if they were not able to complete it during work hours. They were absolutely stunned when that person said that it would mess up their mental health.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I still don’t understand the mentality that we should all be willing and able to work 24/7. Luckily, my company sees the benefit of a solid work/life balance and does their best to ensure we all attain it by providing resources designed to assist us in getting our work done during our normal work schedules. That’s not to say weird things don’t crop up to derail that planning, but they do a pretty spectacular job. I’m super grateful. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Especially when they are getting paid A LOT more than us. And their job description includes crazy hours. Yours does not.

          That’s great to hear! For me, it seems like there is always this one person that will spoil your bliss.

          Liked by 1 person

      1. I think this is the first I’ve ever heard of either celebration; but that may simply be because I don’t cleave to a religious cult. Apart from Easter and ‘Christmas’* I am blissfully unaware of what the various religious sects celebrate.

        I enjoy Fridays because they’re the last day each week that I’m obliged to tug my forelock to my employer for the right to earn the pittance they give me that allow me to live; the day precedes two more in which I can do whatever the hell I want.

        * I view Christmas as a relic of the Roman Empire; as I understand it, Jesus was believed to have been born in the Summer, and the Romans cynically hijacked the pagan midwinter festival so as to to placate the population of the British Isles after they invaded it. And the ‘holiday’ was subsequently hijacked again by the all-devouring consumerist society that now holds us all in thrall. YMMV.

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