
I was halfway through writing the final part of “The Search” this morning when my life decided to fall apart.

I will be away from blogging for an unspecified period of time. I might pop in here and there if I have some time, connection, and need a way to escape, but any routine posts are now on hold.

Thank you.

Stay safe.

107 thoughts on “Break

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  1. Well Shit, Jase and I are both sorry to hear that and will be thinking of you. Thank you for letting us know. (HUGS) and thoughts of strength and wisdom. Be well Goldie, be well

    Liked by 3 people

      1. ❤️ Hi friend! We both started to feel a sore throat last night along with a weird feeling of not being able to take a deep breath. No fevers so that’s good

        Liked by 1 person

          1. Still have a sore throat. Feel run down, was coughing last night. Night sweats while sleeping. Nothing to get tested for, in my opinion. I haven’t been in public for a good 2 weeks.

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      1. OMG…Large house project! I know EXACTLY what you’re going through! Keep good records of your work and your anecdotes…they make for an amazing number of stories later. I’m doing a Tall Tales competition about the remodel of my bathroom. I have at least 4 stories for each room in the house, and each contractor, and each surprise (and there are many of those!). Also make sure you have a good contract with the people helping you so you know exactly what you want and what they’re providing. I know it’s very hard to work all day on the house and go to bed and see the woulda/coulda/shouldas from the day or the week. Stay ahead of the work so you don’t go in without a plan, or the work will derail your plan. Looking forward to the end of your story, and the new stories arising from your adventures!

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  2. When you are sensitive to be constantly confronted with the same barrage of nonsense everyday is hard going. I try to keep myself out of it and like you I keep to myself. Inspiration is lacking due to much negativity in the air. Take care Goldie and may you receive many blessings.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Oh no, I’m sorry for whatever’s going on. I know you’ve chosen not to write about it here but, for what it’s worth, I’m always around if ever you need someone to chat to or to listen. Just drop me an email. I really hope you’re okay… Sending lots of love & hugs your way. Stay safe & well  ♥
    Caz xx

    Liked by 2 people

          1. There’s always a light somewhere. It can feel daunting when your in the midst of the storm waiting for that first glimmer. We continue to think of you, thank you for letting us know you’re still out there. (((HUGS)))

            Liked by 2 people

      1. I have written thirty posts this month! Migraines stopped play some days but I caught up with all the Discover Prompts. They were actually a lot of fun. It was something to subvert to my own ends!!
        I didn’t want to be a pain in the bum and hound your comments but I’ve missed your posts more than anything here.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. o.O Wow. Impressive.
          I had this vision I would write SO much during the virus. Not having to drive to work every time cuts out a nice chunk of your day to do things you actually like. But then, life happened, and yea… couldn’t do much about it. I’m more than ready to be back.

          Liked by 1 person

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