Pre – Block Party – Party!

Every year, ever since I created this blog in 2017, I host a Block Party around Labor Day weekend. It is meant to bring us all closer together. Sure, you might know your neighbors’ face (gravatar) and you might even wave at them in passing (hit a ‘Like’ on their comment). But do you really know them? You are always too busy, rushing around. And they are, too. However, maybe you can carve a little time once a year to actually converse with your neighbors (bloggers) and get to know them. Maybe you will even make friends!

During my first year as a host of the Golden Block Party, I emailed everyone that followed me and everyone that I followed a question for them to answer. I also allowed them to ask me a question of their choice. The results were truly amazing. You can check it out –> here <–. That was a great way to get to know the person behind the blog. It also enabled me to shine the spotlight on all the fascinating bloggers I interact with and without whom my blogging experience would not be as fun.

The following year, I was blessed to find out that I had too many followers for me to try and email all of them with different questions. Plus, I was doing a lot of award posts back then and so I thought my readers got to know me fairly well and I them. So I did a typical blog party where people comment and check out one another’s blogs. There were hundreds of comments. People mingled. I was happy.

Last year, I decided to combine the previous two years in a way. While it was still a party during which people visited each other’s blogs, I also asked a couple of questions that the reader could answer. I thought it would be a great idea to get to know people better and to showcase them to others that way. It was my impression that everyone got to enjoy themselves and meet new interesting people.

As you can see, I like to keep my Block Party… different. What I am trying to prevent is random spammers who are just trying to get attention without giving any of their own attention to others. I am pleased to say that this community has really been fantastic and so I do not have to fear that too much. Thanks, Y’all! With that being said, I want to go back to my roots somewhat. Because of that, I am giving you the opportunity to be featured in a Block Party announcement post.

For the initial Block Party, I shared a line or two about the blog, one of that blogger’s posts, as well as their answer to my question. I basically allowed this person to gain the most exposure that I could. This year, I will do this again. Only not for all. Obviously. There will still be a party in the comment section where you will be able to share your links and visit others. BUT, you might also be featured in my post (with more info about you).

What do you need to do? Simple. Navigate to my Contact page (I purposely will not include a contact form below or a hyperlink. I will make you work a little.) and RSVP. Let me know that you will be available around Labor Day (September 7th) to mingle with others. I will then send you a random question which I ask that you answer and return back to me as soon as possible so that I can start compiling a feature post.

How much time do you have to RSVP? I am not sure myself. It depends on how many queries I get. Since I am rather busy with life, I am trying not to overwhelm myself too much. However, I have to admit that interacting with you gives me wings! I would love to feature you in my post for all to see. I want to share my success with you. I want you to be friends with my friends (if you would like that). I am pretty lucky to know you guys. It makes me smile when I visit one of your blog and see others that I know commenting on your post. That is how the network spreads. That is how we extend our web. Extend our reach.

Will you have some time to visit other blogs in about two weeks?

Do you want others to learn more about you?

If you answered ‘Yes’ to both, reach out to me via the Contact page and let me know you are ready for me to ask you a question.

Are you brave enough?

Stay golden,

SGK signature.png


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28 thoughts on “Pre – Block Party – Party!

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  1. I always like reading your block party posts.
    No headspace at the moment though 😦 want to lend me some? Along with some hope? Enjoy sprouting your wings and flying…. you’re awesome and I’m really glad you’re here….

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I wish. I’m struggling to find some “headspace” for myself. But, in the meantime, I will do whatever I can to work through it and to fly.

      Thank you for your kind words, Eliza. I hope your life glitters so much brighter today.

      Good to have you. Stay golden!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I can barely get through the few bloggers’ posts I follow (as email delivery). I “follow” many others but pay no attention to their submissions. Good luck though with this. I’m sure if you post about it, I’ll be notified.

    Liked by 1 person

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