Award ceremony – November 2020. Receiving and giving.

Last time I wrote one of these award posts was back in December of last year. Oh, what a different world it was. For me AND for you. Probably in more than one regard. This year, I wanted to focus on highlighting other bloggers instead of myself. Unfortunately, due to a multitude of things, I only managed to do so once. But I do not despair. That means that there is room for improvement next year. At least that way I will not have to rack my brain for what to do.

Anyway, I am just thinking out loud. For now, I decided to compile a couple of awards that I have received throughout the past several months and pass some sunshine and appreciation around. We all could use some right about now, I assume.

Thank you for putting a smile on my face even in the cloudiest of days.


These are the awards I have received this year so far:

Sunshine Blogger Award
The Original Outstanding Blogger Award – Iseult Murphy
The Original Outstanding Blogger Award
Mystery Blogger Award
Awesome Blogger Award - Latestarterfire
Awesome Blogger Award

I was also tagged with “My Favorite Feelings” Tag this year!

(As per usual, please click on the page numbers at the bottom of this page to view the rest of this post.)

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

25 thoughts on “Award ceremony – November 2020. Receiving and giving.

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    1. I’m not sure why you didn’t get a pingback, either… WP can be strange sometimes.

      I just wanted to show some appreciation. It’s been a pleasure knowing you all this time and gaining some insights to all sorts of different things.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I rather enjoy your award posts; though I confess, their length often gets them put off for a time. Hence my surprise when I finally get to it and find my own name… Like Ruth, I didn’t receive a pingback. Though perhaps that’s really a devilish plot on your part to keep us on our toes? Well anyway, thank you very much for the tag. 😊 Though, may I ask… Why are your questions/answers put under the “Rules” heading on page 5? It’s very strange to see “Rules: Where do UFOs come from?”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. When it comes to awards, some people visit the nominee’s blog and announce it. I never did it, because I don’t want to push (some people don’t do them), and because I like to keep you all on your toes. However, I have always done the pingbacks so there is some sort of FYI. I have no idea why it didn’t work this time…

      As far as the length is concerned, that’s why I do pages – so you can read one page at a time and know exactly where you left off.

      Thank you for pointing out the rules snaffu. You have earned your editor’s wage this week.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Well, I have been having some WordPress issues lately, so… We’ll just blame it on them. 😉

        Read bit by bit, as time allows? Goldie… That would be smart. Ridiculous!

        I’ve earned my wage, eh? Excellent. I expect my payment in chocolates.

        Liked by 1 person

          1. Ah, wonderful! Although, I do wonder why people don’t make chocolates and the like in the shape of things where a beheading would be more desirous. Like… vampires, maybe? Because edibles in the form of, well, anything with a head, are going to get beheaded, it’s just a fact of life. And we make bunnies, and Santas, and poor, innocent, nondescript sort of people. Now what does that say about us?

            Okay… I know what it says about me. 😅

            Liked by 1 person

  2. I have finally responded to your tag 😉 Go check my post out.

    I thought it was “Love after Love” Cher sang about! Am I wrong?

    If things can get worse, chances are they will – Unfortunately true

    I love your list of favorite feelings!

    Liked by 1 person

Hmm? What did you say? I did not hear ya.

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