CW: i-Robot

I remember how I used to write…

Eyes closed,
Ears open.

The empty bucket
Into the well.
How much water
Gathered inside?
What other treasures
Would surface?

I pull the rope up
And bring the bucket
To my face.
I stare at the reflection.
Ripples show
The imperfections.
the hidden truth.

The watered seed

I remember how I used to write…

When I asked
to live forever,
I did not realize
That I would no longer
Be able to
Tap into that well
Write from within…


“In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story about a robotic writer.”
– prompt used for this CW piece.
[Source: Carrot Ranch]


P.S. As always, you are more than welcome to use this prompt to inspire your post. If you decide to write something, be sure to pingback to this post so that I can get an alert and check out your piece. (A post on how to do pingbacks can be found here.) If pingbacks are not your thing, feel free to simply leave a link to your piece in the comment section below. The more, the merrier!

Stay golden,

SGK signature.png


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32 thoughts on “CW: i-Robot

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          1. Hehe, I guess it’s something all of us have to deal with constantly, but continuing to challenge ourselves and push ahead makes us stronger as well.

            And I had a great weekend. I hope you had a nice, restful one!

            Liked by 1 person

  1. Holy crud! Goldie, your story poems are brilliant! You should put together a collection of these, publish them in a book and I will happily jump the queue to buy it (yes, seriously). I would need a signed copy though!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Nice–be careful what you ask for. A literary theme that’s the equivalent of a golden oldie (from me that’s high praise). I like finding these themes and doing different things with them, which is what you did here (as opposed to say, rubbing a genie’s lamp). Go you! : )

    Liked by 1 person

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