Equality. How real is it?

It has been recently announced that the new Doctor Who will be played by a female. Great! Fantastic! Is it? I have no clue; never watched that series; never heard of that actress before; probably will never watch it in the future, either. But the Internet is celebrating as if all the world’s wars came to an end.

For those of you who do not know what “Doctor Who” is all about – the show is about “the Doctor”, who travels the Universe in his time-travelling spaceship, helping different civilizations. The show started in the 1960s, and has since seen 12 different people play the main role. Because the very first “Doctor” started getting sick a few years into the show, the writers decided to write in a story about regeneration through reincarnation, which made it possible for different people to play the same character for years. All of the 12 actors playing it in the past were white males, but that is to change with the 13th regeneration scheduled to occur towards the end of this year. Fans have been voicing their opinions in the past, saying they would like to see a female as a lead, or a person of color. They finally got what they asked for – a female lead. The former executive producer used to give the lead to whoever he thought felt right for the story. However, the current one has always wanted to see a woman in that role. And that is what bothers me a little.

That article reminded me of the issue related to the Oscars in the past couple of years. People started boycotting the film recognition event, because the nominees/ winners were not culturally diverse enough. There were too many Caucasian actors nominated/ winning the trophies, and not enough African-American ones. That, in turn, led to Asians speaking out about how they are underrepresented in movies and how they cannot get rid of the stigma related to various stereotypes of Asian men.

I fully support people of color making movies in order to increase their chances of being recognized, but bullying others into recognizing you just because you are of a different race is not what equality means. If there are 10 people participating in a preliminary event and you can pick 4 to move on to the real games, would you not pick the best 4? Would it not be the smartest to pick those 4 who did the best in the qualifying events vs. each of a different skin color, even if the 3 out of those 4 were the last 3 to cross the finish line? What would that do to those who came 2nd, 3rd and 4th, but were not picked because they were white? Is that not racist??? Does it not kill healthy competition?

There are more white actors in Hollywood than of other skin color. Statistically speaking, they have a higher chance of getting nominated. One would like to think that when it comes to recognition, it is the talent that should be rated, not the color of ones skin. I do not give out the awards, but it so happens that I have seen more skilled Caucasian actors than African-American ones. You might raise the issue of more white people being cast in mainstream movies. Absolutely. I am aware of this. However, that does not mean that we should go overboard and cast different races for a character they would not fit. Would you want to see Martin Luther King Jr. being played by a white guy? That would be silly. White people cast white people in their movies? Yep. But I have also seen black people movies with an all black cast. Tit for tat?

We often hear different groups of people banding together and calling for equality, but as seen below, that is not what they really want. Our caloric intakes are not equal. We all differ in age, size, lifestyles, workout routines and appetite. Distributing the same amount of food between different people will not satisfy them equally. Some will have too much, while others will not have enough. That definitely would not be fair, would it? What would be fair, would be to divide the food according to their needs. A 5-year-old will need less food than a 35-year-old farmer.

Same with feminists, who demand equality. It is a scientific fact that men and women are different and therefor cannot be treated exactly the same. Equality is a faulty concept. What is really desired here is equity – for females to have same opportunities as males.

However, after all is said and done, it is my observance with all these different groups (blacks, feminists, LGBTQ+) that they do not want equity. They of course ask for equality, but that is just an ignorant use of the word, and they do not really want it, either. What they REALLY want is superiority. In one of the TV series I watched recently, a mother talked to her daughter about feminism and the lack of equality between males and females in today’s world. The daughter did not really see it, as she felt as if she could vote, she could drive a car, she could drink, she could go to college, etc. Basically, she did whatever she wanted to do, so she did not feel as if she needed to fight for more rights. However, her mother said something along the lines of: “Women have been oppressed for so many years, we should get revenge now (i.e. more rights than men)”. And that is how I feel reality is like, too. We always want more. Just because someone did something cruel to our ancestors hundreds of years ago does not mean that nothing has changed, or that we should get damages.

Equality is not fair. Equity is not fair (the tallest boy is upset he got no boost), and it is not what people really want. But it is very important to see what causes people to fight for equity, so that we can remove those barriers and allow everyone to be satisfied without any preferential treatment.

155 thoughts on “Equality. How real is it?

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  1. you got it right. I’ve been saying the same sort of thing for over 40 years and yet people don’t understand it. remove the barriers and suddenly everyone has an equal chance at whatever they are working towards.

    Liked by 7 people

    1. Thank you. Glad it resonated with you. Too bad that things don’t really change in the right direction…
      So cool you dug up one of my older posts.
      My eyes are playing such tricks on me today (I see the wrong words)… I had to read your comment 3 times to realize did not say “batteries”, but instead wrote “barriers”. I think I should get some rest…

      Liked by 3 people

  2. Thank you for addressing me to these earlier posts. And I’ll read more. Of course this modern drivel about IMPOSING diversity everywhere is pure insanity. I hope you don’t mind me saying that you sound here a different person than in your later posts.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. It’s interesting to hear you say this. I’ll have to think about it.
      Maybe it’s because I have not encountered an issue recently that I was so passionate about as when I wrote those posts.


    2. How is diversity imposed everywhere? I haven’t seen diversity imposed everywhere, could you give an example of how diversity is imposed in these two common places that are a big part of everywhere?

      Court System
      Fast Food

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I can’t speak for David, but I will address your question from my standpoint. “Everywhere” might be a bit of a generalization. However, I do see examples on a daily basis. From personal experience to TV news.
        I see people of all races, ages and genders work in fast food. How is that not diverse?
        As for the court system, it is a place where positions don’t always change every couple of months, so the diversity is slower to enter. However, during November mid – terms, I had the chance to vote for various judges, and many voted on specific ones based on their race/ gender for diversity reasons.


  3. Another great post; agree with everything you say here. You really should watch some Doctor Who though! At least the early stuff from the 1960’s and 1970’s… it looks a bit dated now but the stories were great. Later stuff… not so good. For me it doesn’t make much sense having a female Doctor Who, but on the other hand the reboot of the series for the modern audience changed the whole premise of the series anyway so I guess it doesn’t make much difference now. Political correctness and forced equality is getting way out of hand…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It seems like most reboots/ re-dos are far from matching the original. Once a classic, always a classic. There’s no beating that.
      It really is. It just pushes us to extremes instead of the healthy middle.


    2. I’ve watched most of the Doctor Who TV shows where an imaginary alien being with two hearts travels around the universe through time to save citizens from England being eaten by various things like space ghost. I even once watched an episode where the doctor pulled the earth back into place with a tow line after restoring creation from tape backup.

      Why can’t he be something far easier like a woman? What does it matter if the imaginary person is anything since he’s not even human?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m sorry, but I have not seen those episodes, and I’m not sure I understand your question. “Far easier”? Could you clarify?
        I don’t think it matters. In fact, I see aliens as mostly gender-less.
        But we’re talking about the main character, who is portrayed by a human. I don’t question a female having a lead role. I question re-makes that come to life for the sole purpose of “equality”


        1. You stated — “I’m sorry, but I have not seen those episodes, and I’m not sure I understand your question. “Far easier”? Could you clarify?”

          My response — Sure. The doctor has been dead, an alien, a ghost, an atheist, gay, so my question was simply given all he has done and been why is being a woman such a big deal? His enemy the master was just a woman.

          You stated — ” I don’t question a female having a lead role. I question re-makes that come to life for the sole purpose of “equality””

          My response — Why? If the creator or owner wants to do something why do you care? Why not just let him do what he wants with what he owns or created?

          Liked by 1 person

          1. I am a person who appreciates the classics. You know when they make some sort of a remake decades later, and people are upset that it’s not as good as the original?
            I’d like there to be more reason that just “diversity”. And truthfully, that s just the cover. The real reason is that the “creator” knows it will make them money, because of the trend, so they go for it. And people go and spend money on it, while the creator laughs.


            1. LOL My point is that the doctor is LITERALLY remade each season. That is the point of the show.

              An alien that dies and comes back as a different type of alien each season.

              From my perspective it looks like you are afraid of women in tv roles. I could understand if we were talking about Tarzan being a woman but this is Doctor Who. The same show that had his nemesis ( a man) comeback as a woman last season.

              It hardly seems a stretch that a self resurrecting alien that morphs into different people would one day be a woman.

              Liked by 1 person

              1. There is a difference between a remake and a continuation of the same show (i.e. seasons).
                Not afraid. Just tired of the entertainment industry trying to push the diversity agenda down our throats.
                Why wasn’t there a plague of remakes with females 20, 30, 40 years ago? Why all of a sudden every movie has to fit the same agenda?


                1. You stated — “Just tired of the entertainment industry trying to push the diversity agenda down our throats.”

                  My response — Sounds right for your type.

                  I don’t see an agenda, just actors doing a job. I will treat them the same as all the other actors playing the part. I will watch until they bore me.


    1. I don’t believe in equality but to address your point, I’m in the middle class, so what I see every year is me giving more to the rich and the rich complaining that they shouldn’t have to give anything while pointing at me to do more.

      So I think that there are people in the middle class that want equality (not me) and they are in fact donating their own.

      The middle class does most of the work in America, they fill most of the military with their children, they pay the most taxes and they take care of most of the elderly and poor.

      just a thought

      Liked by 2 people

    1. You stated — “I fully agree with you”

      So when he states the following, “It is a scientific fact that men and women are different and therefor cannot be treated exactly the same.”

      Keeping this in context how different should a woman be treated than a man in the following common daily jobs due to science.

      For pay how different should the following be paid with equal training:
      Male/female Highschool Teacher
      Male/female Postal Worker
      Male/female Politician

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I did not say that a man and a woman should NEVER be treated the same.
        We are wired differently. We are built differently. Sure, not all women are the same, and so aren’t all men. However, “handling” men and women in the same way isn’t always a good idea. Tell a man he’s hot, and most likely, he will be happy and proud to hear that. Tell that to a woman, and she might slap you, and file a suit against you.
        I’m all for equal pay when it comes to equal training.


        1. You stated –“Tell a man he’s hot, and most likely, he will be happy and proud to hear that. Tell that to a woman, and she might slap you, and file a suit against you.”

          My response — I tell women they are hot all the time and all I get are smiles.

          How about this, there are no defacto absolute rules.

          Liked by 1 person

    1. You asked — “Which party is it that wants to enforce faked and forced “equality”?”

      It depends on the viewpoint: Is it the party that states you can’t join the military because you are something or the party that says you should join because you are something?

      Something = woman, black, gay, etc

      Do we “Enforce” when we say what you can’t do or what you can do?

      Liked by 2 people

        1. You stated — “Well, I happen to agree with the transgender ban.”

          Your response doesn’t answer your question.

          You asked — “Which party is it that wants to enforce faked and forced “equality”?”

          You believe that banning people is the solution through government power and control. You want to use the police to enforce your beliefs.

          So are you in the party that enforces equality or are you in the party that leaves it up to the individual resulting in inequality?

          I myself do not ban any gender, I leave it up to each individual organization (store, religion, office, etc) to decide on their own, how they want to respond to transgender people. They can then survive or fail on that decision in relation to their customers. It creates inequality among organizations and customers.

          I don’t believe, like you do, in a government that can solve my problems through force since they will ultimately use that force against those they protect today.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. It just so happens that Republicans want less government regulation in general than Democrat. Republicans “leave it up to the individual” far more than Democrats, who enforce ridiculous SJW nonsense on everyone else.
            I gather that you’re a Democrat. If you look at what they stand for, you can not be both a Democrat and a Christian. Not a true Christian. Period.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. You stated — “It just so happens that Republicans want less government regulation in general than Democrat. Republicans “leave it up to the individual” far more than Democrats…”

              My response — Finally an answer to your question. In your response you have stated that both parties want to enforce “faked and forced equality”.

              As for which of the two parties is burning your house down more often, that just seems nonsensical to me. From my perspective if two people are outside, pouring gas on your home, I don’t support the one who does it less often.

              You stated — “I gather that you’re a Democrat. If you look at what they stand for, you cannot be both a Democrat and a Christian. Not a true Christian. Period.”

              My response — You gather incorrectly. I always feel bad for people who label me, it’s a weak position, besides that, it really has no value to our conversation. Republican or Democrat doesn’t tell me anything about you, so I don’t care.

              As for “True Christian” this I find more interesting. Are you saying that God has no children who are saved that are Democrat? Or are you saying that all Democrats oppose God and that he doesn’t recognize them?

              Liked by 2 people

              1. “As for which of the two parties is burning your house down more often, that just seems nonsensical to me. From my perspective if two people are outside, pouring gas on your home, I don’t support the one who does it less often.”
                LOL! Good description of the two-party system. (My apologies about the labelling)

                Liked by 2 people

                1. You stated — “Replying to the “dumping fuel on my home” – I feel like I am being waterboarded by the Dems. No one is perfect and without sin, but for me, there is only one arsonist.”

                  My response — Let me update my analogy to fit a world where only one party does wrong (not yours)

                  The DEMs are the ONLY arsonist but REPs sell them the gas and watch from across the street as your house burns.

                  Here is one for your waterboarding.

                  The DEMs are waterboarding you while the REPs are filling the buckets.

                  The thing I hate most about party pretenders is the fact that they can ignore all the bad evil done by their party while pointing out all the evil done by the other. It’s just disgusting.

                  Liked by 1 person

                    1. You stated — “No party is perfect, that’s true.
                      But I disagree with the rest.”

                      My response — That’s expected since you support a party.

                      Let’s agree to disagree to save time.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    2. You stated — ““Level of bias”… you mean MY experience?”

                      My response — No not your experience, that would be something you might draw on to support a bias.

                      I’m talking about belief vs evidence in a conversation. (only in a conversation)

                      Mind Map 1

                      Liked by 1 person

                    1. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I would like to apologize for being MIA during it, but I was writing NaNoWriMo (i.e. 50k words in the month of November), and had to take a break from blogging. I did not ignore either one of you. Now that I am back, I’m catching up.

                      Liked by 1 person

            1. You stated — “At this point, it’s a way of fighting back.”

              My response — Then the same excuse should work for them, they are just “fighting back”

              I guess both sides are fully justified since they are both just, “fighting back”


      1. For me, there is no need to say anything. If you say “something” is welcome, you make it sound like they aren’t welcomed elsewhere (which doesn’t have to be true).
        That’s how cliques are formed, and I thought we were done with those after high school was done and over with.


        1. You stated — “For me, there is no need to say anything. If you say “something” is welcome, you make it sound like they aren’t welcomed elsewhere”

          My response — Black people don’t say “Something” they are something, so how does your logic apply to them?


                1. You stated — “You can be born with black skin color and “get out”, or remain inside, and enforce your “clique”, by not allowing outsiders.”

                  My response — You are really missing my point, I’m not saying a person is in a clique I’m saying they are perceived to be in one because of a physical factor they can’t control and thus are treated as though they are.


  4. A very thought provoking post….
    You have a valid point… ..don’t give any equality or an equity but just remove the barriers .
    Then pick the shining Star. Makes sense i shld say.
    I thank J-M’s History Corner for leading me to this post.
    Keep sharing your thoughts friend….


    Liked by 3 people

    1. You stated — “Very thought-provoking post and in-depth look at it all. I think you are right.”

      Was he right when he said ““Women have been oppressed for so many years, we should get revenge now”

      My mother wasn’t pushing this agenda when she took me to church. That women need to get revenge on men. I watched every woman in my family work hard to support the men in their lives and find it disturbing that someone would say that women working so hard in this world to get fair pay only want revenge and power. To do what? raise male children? LOL it’s insane the thoughts of mankind.

      Liked by 2 people

        1. You stated — “When floating gold quoted that line, I had gotten the impression that he or she did not agree with that concept.”

          My response — Not only did he agree but he also added this statement, “And that is how I feel reality is like, too.”

          He said that for this statement — “However, her mother said something along the lines of: “Women have been oppressed for so many years, we should get revenge now (i.e. more rights than men)”. ”

          My mother worked two jobs to make sure that I, “A Man”, would have what I needed to survive in the world. Here we are years later listening to people reduce their effort to “Revenge”.

          Jesus is the way the truth and the light. So the Truth here is that women deserve to be treated with some respect.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. No, please do not twist my words. Feel free to re-read. The previous line was a quote as I said in my previous word. And the line you just quoted doesn’t say “that is how I feel”. It says that I feel like the line regarding revenge is not just scripted TV. That is how reality is from my experience.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. So clarity for me which one is true:

              A) Women are just people and make individual decisions the same as men.


              B) Women have been oppressed for so many years that they are looking to get revenge.

              Liked by 1 person

      1. Ok, hold on there. As you can see from the double quotes, it was a quote. From a TV show. Not something I said.

        I’m glad to hear that your mother wasn’t like that. But I see many women craving that revenge now. Many of them do not plan on having children for a variety of reasons (includes fear of birthing a male). Those who have kids, decide to bring up their boys as something they can mold to their liking.


        1. You stated — “Those who have kids, decide to bring up their boys as something they can mold to their liking.”

          My response — Who doesn’t bring up their own kids per their own guidlines, standaards, beliefs, etc.. This statement is nonsensical and gives a false impression that only women do this and only with male children.

          Liked by 1 person

            1. You stated — “Yes, we do, but there are examples that are more toxic than the rest (my example vs. yours).”

              My response — You believe women have women have agendas damaging to men when it comes to male offspring and I believe people are people all doing their own thing.

              We have different perspectives. Let’s agree to disagree.

              Liked by 1 person

        2. You stated — “As you can see from the double quotes, it was a quote. From a TV show. Not something I said.”

          About this quote — ““Women have been oppressed for so many years, we should get revenge now””

          My response — So prove me wrong and provide some clarity stating that you do not agree with the statement.


            1. You stated — “You’re asking me to prove that what I said is what I said.”

              My response — I was only asking for you to provide clarity on your position in respect to the statement. You said I mis quoted you so I was hoping for you to clear it up.

              It’s no big deal. We can simply let it go as a misunderstanding. I don’t know what you meant and we can leave it as a “?”, that’s fine.


              1. I assumed you would have gone and re-read that piece of my post. Another reader also replied to you saying what she understood, and I corrected you, so I wasn’t sure how else I could have made it clear.


  5. You are absolutely right about calling it equality and really wanting superiority. As a woman, I am not a feminist. I truly believe that men and women and different, but deserve to have the same opportunities within the limitations of each. It’s gotten to the point that so many people have so many causes that no one wants to hear anyone else anymore. Thanks for a great post.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for reading.
      You make an absolutely great point – real causes are lost in the avalanche of spam causes. We should remember that we are humans and we play on the same team, so it might not be a good idea to try and antagonize others just to make yourself feel better.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Your comment went to my Spam…
      Do you think the lack of trust is a problem, or a result of a different problem?
      Interesting idea regarding the job pay. I think chaos would ensue because of the discrepancies in pay for the same position for different people.


  6. You stated — “I think chaos would ensue because of the discrepancies in pay for the same position for different people.”

    My response — So then you don’t agree with your own post since my option is a “fence” like in your caption, a clear easy to see through fence. If you truly want to to remove barriers that cause inequity then my option will do it. Since my option is the solution in the post O.o

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I didn’t say that it would necessarily be a bad thing. Or that I would be against it. But I do think it would cause quite a bit of problems.

      However, I don’t see secret pay being the “fence”. How does knowing how much your neighbor earn help you?


      1. You stated — “However, I don’t see secret pay being the “fence”. How does knowing how much your neighbor earn help you?”

        My response — “Secret pay” is not the fence it’s the boxes that people stand on to look over the fence. It’s this notion of equality. Secret pay is offered to some so that they can receive and do more than others. So they can be in a special group of people who are equal with each other over the other sheep.

        In your post there was an analogy of boxes that people stood on to see over the fence. Those boxes are the “secret pay” for people to gain an advantage over others. They then use this leverage to pit the middle class against each other, divide and conquer. Give them something to fear loosing and they will fight for you.

        Make pay transparent, like “your fence” in “your analogy”. Once that is done, leverage is removed, and the notion of equality is lifted. People will have to stand on their own.

        Like I said, I don’t believe in equality.

        Liked by 1 person

          1. Those seeking equality have always been the rich and only for themselves. They are the only class of people that have standards that can be enforced.

            The middleclass and the poor do not hve the hope of standards since they do not have the money to make it happen.

            We take what we can get… period.

            To have equality all must have the same. The rich (right now) have an equal healthcare system. They have an equal ability to travel anywhere they want. They have an equal full access to all levels of education anywhere they want. The can equally purchase anything the desire.

            They have equality.


              1. You stated — “So, if they have equality, why do they search for it?”

                My response — Greed. They continually search for more, never being satisfied with what they have.

                When did greed need a reason to have more.

                Liked by 1 person

                  1. They search because they are never satisfied.

                    Using your wording (or logic) replace the word “equality” with “money”

                    “Sure, I get that. But why do they search? Do they think they don’t have money? Or are they trying to be “richer”?

                    What is richer? It’s just money in the bank, making even more money. More summer homes, more cars.

                    Don’t they have cars? Do they think they don’t have cars? Why buy more cars?

                    They consume the middle class and poor for nothing gained simply to keep up with each other. They can’t fall behind they must remain equal.


  7. You stated — ” I am aware of this. However, that does not mean that we should go overboard and cast different races for a character they would not fit. ”

    My response — I don’t usually care what Hollywood does but your statement makes me ask “Why not, we do it all the time?”

    We do it so much there is an entire website dedicate on Wikipedia for it. It’s far from a new concept so I’m not sure why you have a problem with it.

    Just out of curiosity what character would other races not fit?

    Liked by 1 person

      1. You stated — “To me, it would be quite funny to see a Mongolian playing Hitler.”

        My response — And yet here we have John Wayne as Genghis Khan in “The Conqueror”

        The irony of you statement is laughable.

        Liked by 1 person

              1. You stated — “I did not say there are none.
                I’m sorry to have upset you.”

                My response — It’s no big deal, you’re not being upsetting, you’re being vague.

                I didn’t give up due to frustration I gave up because when I dig in for more detail you don’t seem to have any.

                The topic is not that important to me so no big. Like I said earlier I don’t really believe in the concept anyway. It’s mostly used by the rich.


                1. I’m not being vague. There is a lot of grey area everywhere, and I have to admit that it feels like you’re waiting for me to slip up. My arguments were laid out in my original post. You seem to be an all or nothing kind of person, and that is rarely the case.


                  1. You stated — “You seem to be an all or nothing kind of person, and that is rarely the case.”

                    My response — I like to see Hot or Cold the warm I just reject.

                    You stated — “I have to admit that it feels like you’re waiting for me to slip up.”

                    My response — I don’t think people can slip up as you say. I believe truth is relative so if you are right or wrong is not the point of the discussion, it’s simply to see why you think you are right. I am simply sharing why I think you are wrong.

                    I could be wrong and eventually gain a new understanding by simply debating with you (it’s happened before).

                    But if you are not convincing then I see no reason to change my mind.

                    It’s also not your job to convince everyone who questions you but we are in an open blog so it seems like an opportunity to engage.

                    Hope that helps

                    Liked by 1 person

  8. I’m not sure I agree with everything you say, here. But I’m in full agreement with the third frame of the final image: remove the systemic inequities; even the playing field. The problem there is getting those who can do that to recognise that the systemic inequities exist.

    Liked by 1 person

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