
Just a few hours at work today, and afterwards a trip to the airport. And then a lengthy plane flight. Is it for business or pleasure? – you ask. Both? Neither? I do not really know. When it comes to travelling, I usually look forward to it. Usually, I know what to expect. This time I am not so sure. What I do know is that whatever happens, will make me stronger and I WILL enjoy it one way or another.

What are your plans for later today/ the weekend?

Do you like to travel?

Are you maybe scared of flying?

Stay golden,



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44 thoughts on “#FridayFeeling

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  1. I can’t wait to travel to Florida by June to visit my mom, other than that… This weekend (Today, ide indoors because of the Northeastern) and Sunday, travel to a friends house with whom I haven’t seen in a month.
    Have an enjoyable trip! May it be a safe & happy one!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. She’d brought most of the UK to its knees. Snow is now melting and we now have floods to contend with. Why this country is so useless at dealing with a bit of adverse weather is beyond me.

        Liked by 2 people

  2. Sounds exciting. Enjoy your travels and be safe.
    One of my childhood dreams was to travel the world and live out of a suitcase, everyday somewhere different, taking in the world one exhilarating breath after another. Enjoy!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. The feeling when I step out of a plane into an unknown land is one of my happiest. And although I travel a lot, I still get afraid of flying, especially during turbulence. Those are some of the very few moments that I start to pray.😆

    Have a great trip!😊

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Well we all love that Friday feeling! Nothing feels better than a lovely Friday evening spent with your friends and loved ones over good food, drink and interesting conversations 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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