NROP: We march for everything.

I am happy to say that during this weekend I caught up on reading a lot of new blogs, as well as posts by bloggers I already know. It was a busy one, and I did not get the chance to do everything I planned, but I am glad I managed to complete some of my “to do” tasks at least.

The truth is that after that month-long break, I am still out of rhythm when it comes to writing. In a way, it is like starting over again from scratch. Now I understand why so many people that take a break never really come back. But I refuse to surrender.


When I was on my break, I did not seek out any world news. If anything major would have happened I would have been told, but because it had not (That is a good thing!), I spent a few weeks in a blissful state of ignorance. Coming back plunged me into the reality of ridiculousness. I opened a news site on my computer and the first thing I saw was marches for gun control. Shortly after, I read how some of the survivors from the latest U.S.A. school shooting suddenly became celebrities because of how outspoken and demanding they were on that topic. A few days later, we saw a march against racial profiling.

This post will focus on the general idea of protesting/ marching, and not really on the issues behind their origin. But before I move to discuss how I feel about kids participating in marches, let me just say that it is tragic that so many children were killed in a place where they come to learn about the world around them. These marches are said to fight for a solution that would prevent such tragedies from ever happening again. I do not think that banning guns altogether would fix the problem, but that is not the topic of the conversation at hand.

It is also unfortunate that a couple died in a car crash, orphaning six young kids. Long story short – ICE tried to stop a couple driving away from their home, but as soon as the officers exited their vehicle, the male and female sped away. They did not get far, because as you already know – they crashed and died on scene. They were both illegal immigrants from Mexico. The reason for the march is that ICE took that man for another one they were trying to arrest. People argue that racial profiling caused that tragedy. The thing is that it was NOT racial profiling. We use the word “race” erroneously nowadays. Ethnicity =/= race. “Mexican” is not a race, so no racial profiling there. Moving on to how I feel about all these marches that seem to be never-ending.

First of all, it sickens me that young kids are used to push the adult agendas. Yes, nowadays kids have easier access to worldwide news, but that does not mean that they are actually as informed as an adult should be. Their brains are not even fully developed yet. I think back to when I was 13-14, and I will admit that many of my then views are different from the ones I hold today. It is because I was just a kid back then. I did not submerge myself in the adult world of logic and arguments. What is even more important, I did not have as much life experience as I do today. Back then, I believed everything my parents said. (Well, maybe aside from Santa Claus. I think I found out the truth by then.) Their words were the holy grail. They simply do not know what they want and why. What they do know is what they hear and see from others around them. In today’s world, forming an independent opinion is even more difficult for kids, because they are a generation that uses social media 24/7. Twitter and Facebook are now the gold standards of truth. I do not blame them. They are overloaded with information that does not pertain to them. Most of the time, it is not something they are interested in, but it is still something they see. Be it a part of a news segment, or a video skit, or a celebrity tweet, etc. It engraves into their impressionable brains.

The second thing that upsets me about those protest/ march/ speak out is that they become famous overnight. Because we live in the era of social media, we can either be lynched or named a hero by people from around the globe in a matter of minutes. This is the generation that revives things like the “condom snorting challenge“. They will do everything for a “Like” or a “Retweet”. Becoming “insta-famous” is the goal. I think it is in bad taste to use such tragedies like school shootings, or car crashes as a platform for fame. I have to give kudos to these “activists” because they do know how to seize the moment, grab the opportunity, and create a name for themselves. That again ties in with what I said in the previous paragraph regarding these young people just being pawns in the adult game of chess. A school shooting happens and what do camera crews do? You would think they focus on the victims, but instead, they try to poach some survivors to fill in their narrative. Do not be fooled. These people are carefully selected before they are given any air time. These encounters are most often scripted, too.

While I know formal education is not perfect, I think that kids need it. It is a privilege not everyone has. There are many children hungry for food and more around the globe, but they might never even learn to read. In the meantime, American kids take it for granted. They seem to “know-it-all”, anyway. Back in my day, there was no “snow day”. Nowadays, snow barely covers the ground and kids get to stay home. Because of prevalent low pay, teachers go on strike, sending kids home for days or weeks at a time. Now, we add marches and “walkouts” to the list. Yet another opportunity to skip school. I am actually unsure how the marches work on the school administration end. I know one did not have to participate in the walkout if one did not want to, but I am not sure whether it is the school that gives students time to work on the march organization, or if it is the students themselves who choose to skip class. It would be a shame if classes were canceled across the board, even for those who would like to remain and learn. What I DO know is that studying is put on a back burner. A college student, who participated in the Women’s March said: “I definitely fell back in school a bit for it, but to me, that was worth it.” Back when I was in school, if anyone told me to go walk down a street with a sign in my hand so that I did not have to go to school, I would have done it in a heartbeat. Anything to skip school. Anything to avoid a test or a deadline.

Lastly, it seems like marches are the only way to get what we want nowadays. Aside from Tweets, of course.

Stay golden,



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63 thoughts on “NROP: We march for everything.

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  1. I really try to filter out the news (even published a post on the news a couple of months ago). When I stopped watching everything they try pour into my head I became a happier person. I definitely recommend The News by Alain de Botton which shows a philosophical side of the every day news. I hope you rested well during your break.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s true. I like to stay informed, but there are times when I cannot take it anymore and I need a break. If I didn’t stop viewing the news every now and then my mental and physical health might be much worse. And it’s not worth it.

      I have not read it, but it’s something I will take a look at since it sounds interesting. Thank you for the recommendation.

      The break wasn’t really all that relaxing, but it had a lot of good sides to it, so thanks!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. There was a protest today in my country. And it led to riots in many cities. Even though my city wasn’t in the affected area, my father got worried if I reached back home safely. I got relatives in the some of the affected areas. Thankfully they are safe. I don’t understand what do we get from all of this? Publicity and power? Where will you take it?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. It’s very sad, because I do not think most of them will achieve any of their goals. And like you said – it just causes a lot of problems for regular people, who are struggling to get to/ from work, etc.

      I remember a year or two back people decided to march on the expressway. Needless to say there were a lot of angry people honking in their cars trying to get home from work.


  3. Your post are always so thought provoking. Even if I just hit the like button and don’t comment I usually spend some time thinking about it..
    I totally agree kids do not have the maturity or life experience to be that should be required to influence public policy. It wasn’t until I was in my mid or late twenties that I really began forming the values I have today and some of them are opposed to the values I was raised with. It is scary to think that social media has more impact on the values of young people than parents do.
    In the US I think there was a time when marches may have been effective way to at least draw attention to a cause but nowadays I think there are way too many marches for too many causes.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much for your kindest complement and for telling me that you think about what I write about even if you don’t comment.

      And you said what I did not know how to express – “there are way too many marches for too many causes.” That way it all gets muddled up. People get annoyed, even if they are “for” the cause.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. It may be true that the children marching do not have a full understanding of the issues, but I’m thrilled to see them marching. It’s an exercise of our First Amendment. If nothing else, it teaches a civics lesson. When I was 15 and Vietnam was going crazy, 18-year-olds couldn’t vote in our country – they could die for the country after being drafted into the military, but they could not vote. We marched, the law was changed. It may not be that effective today, and media attention can bring about unwelcome effects, but I’m still glad they marched. The march revealed other things as well. Propaganda and spin machines came out, labeled the children as “crisis actors” in an attempt to delegitimize them – label and discount, instead of addressing the issues. This backfired and exposed the labelers for who they were – adults so entrenched in their extreme beliefs that they were threatened by children. I think that is telling regardless of the issue. As for the Second Amendment, I’ll get around to writing about that a little later. It will be fun 🙂

    Four generations of my family have served in the US military to protect our rights. I love it when people exercise them, and find it weird when people get violently upset about it, like with “Taking the Knee.” It’s ok to disagree and it’s ok to counter-protest. That is all free speech and I’m glad we still have it, at least for the moment. Dissent, symbolic speech, protest – that’s not only American, that’s how this country became free to begin with.

    Great piece as always. I love hearing your, and others’, perspectives.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. That surely is their right, but I would have much more respect for them if they actually took a more active role in changing/ improving our world (ex.: volunteering, picking a profession that could make a difference in the future, etc.) instead of taking every opportunity to cut school.

      I have to admit that any kind of marches (whether I agree with their premise or not) irritate me, because it often interferes with my life (and other average citizens) and does not benefit me in any way. For example, it affects my traffic, my route, etc.. I often have to adjust my plans to make sure I am nowhere near these places to avoid any potential violence and tragedies. But that is a small inconvenience in light of potential real positive change. But like you said – these marches get diluted. They do not lead anywhere most of the time. If those people really want to get involved, become a politician.

      I have to disagree with the notion of “labelers” being threatened. I think there is a lot of deceit in today’s world.

      I’m all for free speech and people disagreeing. It’s healthy. It’s how various arguments are brought to life and new ideas are born. However, I think there is a time and place for everything. I’m only afraid for free speech bias.

      Always a pleasure to discuss with you. I’ll be on the lookout for your 2nd amendment piece.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Well, as my dad told me, they will get their chance. I definitely agree that there is a lot of deceit out there. And truth is a tricky beast, because everyone can have their own version of it. Justice Holmes called speech the “market place of ideas.”

        Liked by 1 person

  5. I did find myself in the Women’s March in Vancouver a while back (not sure why … it seemed appropriate at the time) but, in general, I’m not big on the idea. Being part of any ‘movement’ makes me feel like one fish in a school of thousands ….
    Certainly trotting out the kids to draw attention to one’s own obsessions is a disturbing practice.
    I am presently a bit stuck in some sort of creative black hole and can barely write my own name, so offer instead this short Spike Milligan rhyme to lighten the mood

    I’m walking backwards for Christmas,
    Across the Irish Sea,
    I’m walking backwards for Christmas,
    It’s the only thing for me.

    I’ve tried walking sideways,
    And walking to the front,
    But people just look at me,
    And say it’s a publicity stunt.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. While a lot of children lack in-depth knowledge of a lot of the issues they are advocating for, I do believe their actions are pertinent and of great importance. It is unfortunate that as a society this is the path we’ve trodden down, but it sheds light on a lot of things that are important.

    You’ve raised some valid concerns and I enjoyed reading your post and look forward to continuing doing so.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You’re right, at some point, if you rock the boat hard enough, it’s going to take on water. So something is bound to come out of these marches. The question is: “What?”

      Thank you for stopping by, reading and commenting.


  7. Welcome back, you were missed. I’m like RuthSoaper, even if I don’t comment your posts always make me think. I also agree that some of those kids would have marched for anything just to get out of school, and some of them don’t yet have sufficient maturity or life experience to make political choices. However, everything they experience is a chance to learn and if they learn that organized, thoughtful objection can make a difference that might save a life then it’s worth them participating, regardless of original motivation. Please keep writing, you will soon get back in your grove. Hugs.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much for your welcome and your comment. Very well said. And you’re right – I am all about learning, so if they learn some good lessons it IS worth it. It’s great you brought up this side of the story.

      You enjoyed your vacation? Planning another one?

      Liked by 1 person

  8. A very interesting read, and so true! I really like your writing style. It’s very well constructed and it draws the reader in as well as holding their attention to the end. Always an enjoyable experience reading your blog, keep the posts coming!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Interesting as always, Goldy. Although I’m not an adult myself, I’ve learnt to treat everything on the internet with caution. Sadly, not all of the kids have. And I’m not blaming them for this either. You’re a kid, you have the right to be immature (well, maybe not as immature as the condom snorting thing). Protest marches are good for spreading awareness, but of course, the excess of everything is bad. And nowadays, most of the times, their purpose is not even to spread awareness. It’s like Nationalism in Europe and the Balkans in the late 19th century- it moved away from its noble association with democracy and liberalism and became increasingly involved with violence and jealousy. That’s the same state of all these protest marches in the contemporary world. They’re slowly moving away from their actual noble purpose and are reduced to events designed to gain attention.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re welcome and thank you so much for that nice compliment. (I know you know).
        I didn’t even know snorting condoms was a thing until I read this post of yours. It seems to be complete bullshit, and I’m being kind here.

        Liked by 1 person

          1. Yes, doing some silly things is okay. Everyone does them- I’ve done some silly things and I’m sure you have too. But there’s a fine line between cute/silly and absolute bullshit, which most people cross. And that is what is not right.

            Liked by 1 person

  10. Great post! I’m on a news hiatus at the moment myself. The thing that frustrates me the most is that, like you say, these marches are an excuse to get out of school or work. What do they actually accomplish? There are plenty of volunteer opportunities for people who REALLY want to make a positive change in the world.

    Liked by 1 person

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