The Zombie Apocalypse is already here! [6/9/17]

via The Zombie Apocalypse is already here!

5 thoughts on “The Zombie Apocalypse is already here! [6/9/17]

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        1. Basically. I want to be able to look at the list in the future and see what I did when and how.
          Also, if I was to re-schedule, I would feel like I should go through the post, and edit/ polish it up. I want it unchanged. It reflects my blog’s evolution.
          When you re-schedule, the date of the post changes and the comments look weird (a year before the piece was posted?).

          There were a few options I considered, but they either involved messing up the date, losing the likes and/ or comments, or something weird like that, so I found the “Link” type of post the best for me. It’s different for people (like you, I assume), who view it through a Reader. But for those that come to visit my blog site, they get to see the title and the link to the original in the excerpt. Once they click, it transports them to the original right away, without going through the re-blog. I found that quite useful.

          Liked by 1 person

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