
I have never really researched how those Weekday Hashtags started, so I am not aware of the rules. What is #ThrowbackThursday supposed to be? What I think it is, is a picture, or a few words that take you “back”. But how far back does it have to be? Would it count if I “threwback” to something that happened last week? What about a couple of days ago?

No, I am not particularly preoccupied with the dos and donts. I am just curious, because to me, it is similar to reminiscing. And while I do look back fondly (or not) at things that recently happened, most of those retrospective moments are from a while back. Which in turn leads me to think of my childhood quite often.

Growing up, I did not think my childhood was “the worst”, but I also knew some kids had it “better”. Looking back, I still agree with that statement, but I look at that time with a bigger smile on my face. It is yet another reminder to not worry too much in the moment. It reminds us to zoom out and see the bigger picture. To not be enthralled by the craziness of right here, right now.

My today’s #Throwback is to my childhood. To food. To family dinners.

As I cook dinner for tonight, I think back to when I did not have to worry about having to cook. Food would buy itself, prep itself, cook itself, and then be waiting for me warm.

Today I think back to the time when I took the above for granted. To when I did not know how much time and effort was really behind all those meals. When I was “busy” reading, or playing a game, I did not understand why my grandmother, or my mother would get upset. Now I know that timing in the kitchen is of utmost importance. You do not want your food to lose its taste because it gets cold waiting for someone.

Were you a picky eater as a kid?

Are you still?

Do you cook for yourself?

Stay golden,



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99 thoughts on “#ThrowbackThursday

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  1. It got me a bit nostalgic reading this.. took me back to my so called princess life when with parents at home. Now that I am on my own alone far from home I am compelled to cook myself and each day I do , I miss my mum dad back at home and think of how easy it was back then.🙂 Hopefully this time when I go home for vacation I will learn to be more grateful to my parents. Not only that I’ll enjoy cooking together with them😋

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Nah, I’m not a picky eater; I eat everything edible. So long as it’s nutritious, I’d eat it. 😂

    I live with my parents so mom does most of the cooking. My sister and I often help her out in the kitchen, like last night, I made dinner last night. 😊

    Liked by 3 people

      1. I agree, it does get overwhelming.
        Yeah, I’m not sure you’d like some of our local dishes. 😂
        I made beans pudding last night but since you’re not used to stuff like that, you’d probably throw up when you’re eating for the first time. You sure you still want me to come over tomorrow? 😅

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Bean pudding sounds great. I’m curious about stuff I don’t know. My ex-co-worker used to rave about red bean ice cream. I thought it was ridiculous, but I tried and enjoyed it. So yes, please come 😀

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Beans pudding, also known as beans porridge, or simply as beans, is a popular Nigerian dish. Most people don’t like it because of how it looks, but it’s really delicious and it’s in fact my favorite food.

            All you need to cook it is beans, palm oil, onions, pepper, seasoning (cubes), and crayfish. Crayfish is optional, anyway. You can add corn to the beans, too.

            We use beans to eat almost everything: rice, yam, Garri (cassava flakes), Ogi (pap – a food that’s very similar to custard), bread, spaghetti, you name it! Just don’t take it with a soft drink or beer, else you’ll fart till eternity. 😂

            I’ve included two links you can follow for more details.

            Sorry I’m replying late.



            Liked by 2 people

                  1. Well, the internet is to blame, not Obinna. 😂 I laughed when I saw you said something about beans and chocolate. I can’t imagine the horror!
                    I hate chocolate; and I can’t imagine eating something as, erm, irritating as beans with chocolate. I’d just throw up. 😯
                    Bottom line is that you should be thankful I saved you from what would have been a disaster 😂

                    Liked by 2 people

      2. This is why I make enough that there are left overs at least one day if not two. That buys you some time in between.

        And I have Picnic Lunch Dinner night which is just sandwich makings, chips, fries, pickles etc…sometimes fried chicken from take out…. That”s an easy dinner.

        And we now have Fried Chicken Fridays which is take out because i’m not frying chicken and Royal Farms makes it totally cheap and affordable.

        Also Friday is Movie night and if we are sick of chicken we do pizza which can be done cheaply from grocery store. (I have found it 9 cents per ounce). If we are wealthy that Friday we order in from Dominos!

        Liked by 1 person

          1. picnic is my favorite lazy dinner lol!!!!!!!! my kids are boys so they like buffet style dinner anyway. Terrible to say but we don’t sit down together to eat though I have contemplated doing it at least once a week.

            Liked by 1 person

  3. My mum didnt have it easy with me 😅 especially when I decided to go vegitarian.
    When living on my own for first few years I didnt cook. I lived of cereals and watermelon.
    About 1,5 years Jasper and I started cooking from scratch.
    I often wondered, how does she , mom, do it. And then I realized, it’s not that hard.
    I like cooking.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. I was picky and now I eat what I used to hate… veggies, salads, fish… and healthier items. Maybe we grow out of our picky habbits it seems? 🤷‍♀️ GREAT post! 😉

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Notttt beyond that “I cooked this this is all there is suck it up” comment??? Then they choose to just eat cereal or sandwiches. They hate good food! And I”m not eating chicken nuggest and hot dogs and hamburgers the rest of my life! lol!

        So no, they won’t eat what I do, they think what I eat is disgusting most of the time. I like stews and casseroles and things. And the littlest one doesn’t like THINGS in his food and he also doesn’t like foods TOUCHING one another. lol So that rules out half of what I eat!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. lol that’s what it takes! And i juist don’t have it in me. They do eat their vegetables, tha’ts the only thing I insist on. I just make sure i buy the kinds of veggies they eat, is our compromise. They prefer the fresh like carrot sticks, etc. Which is fine with me, because that’s better than cooked anyways.

      Liked by 2 people

        1. yeah, i don’t mind compromising and accommodating when their requests are reasonable. I remember quite clearly how I felt about certain vegetables when i was little and sometimes it’s not a picky thing, they truly do revolt you when you’re little.

          When they try to tell me they don’t like string beans though or something normal like that though – I tell them to go sit on a tack lol.

          Liked by 2 people

      1. Lol… I don’t envy you. I don’t know anything about other kids, but I for one was a real devil when it came to eating my vegetables… Just as underhanded, too. I did like carrots though. And salad. I was a real rabbit. 😜

        Liked by 2 people

        1. mine love raw carrots! and 7 likes fresh raw spinach. So I just get what they like. My 29 year old once out boycotted me when i said sit there til you eat them. They are all earth signs, they are stubborn!

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          1. Mmm… Sugar. 😋 Man, I think I’d have eaten even my brussel sprouts if they’d had any sugar on ’em. Cauliflower… I think that’s one of those things I liked as well. Didn’t have it often though. Maybe that’s what made it such a treat.

            Liked by 2 people

            1. Pretty much. I haven’t been able to replicate them. Not sure if I idealized it in my head for too long, or what, but whatever I do, it doesn’t taste so heavenly as it did all these years ago.

              Liked by 1 person

  5. “As I cook dinner for tonight, I think back to when I did not have to worry about having to cook. Food would buy itself, prep itself, cook itself, and then be waiting for me warm.”

    THIS. someday they will find this out too. I am assuming. And then I will be too busy traveling to worry about it lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Good for you! Traveling plans are amazing to have.
      Now that I am “grown up”, I do try and appreciate things as they happen, instead of taking them for granted and then thinking of them fondly decades later.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I didn’t like certain things but i learned to get around them because we either ate or did not. So I didn’t like tomato soup or chili. I dipped my peanut butter sandwich in it to get it down. To this day I dip peanut butter sandwiches in ALL my soup and i love tomato based soups!

    I guess I must not have liked string beans at one point – god knows why – because I started dipping them in ketchup to get by. Which looking back is SO DISGUSTING! But I found out I LOVE string beans and ketchup! To this day yep – i dip em! I like them now too.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I feel like that was the way to go back then. Like parents were more conditioned to take their kids’ suffering than parents are today. They knew that if their kid got hungry, they would eat anything. Nowadays, the kid rules the parent, because the parent feels like they are being abusive to their kids by not feeding them (what they want).

      Peanut butter and tomato soup… weird stuff. Tomato soup is amazing, though.

      People have some weird food combo ideas. As long as it works for you, though…

      Liked by 2 people

      1. i know, it sounds disgusting lol but now i love it.

        And yes, some parents have gone waaaay too far the other way now…. doesn’t help child, parent, or the rest of us that have to live with that child when they grow up.

        I try to accommodate mine but I”m not going to slave for them either. There’s a point where I just tell them “well too bad then. Deal with it. Not my problem”

        Liked by 2 people

        1. You raise a very important point. We tend to forget that our family is not just OUR problem. Kids go out into the open at some point, and they interact with others. So we should have the social good in mind while raising them. Of course, I don’t mean that to be at the forefront of anything, but it still should be kept in mind a bit.

          Liked by 2 people

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