NaNoWriMo – update. Yes, I am still alive.

Some of you might have noticed the lack of my comments in your notifications.

Some of you might be missing my posts in your Reader.

I hope you are a member of both of the above camps.


This post might turn out to be absolute mess because of the new and “improved” design of the “New Post” page. I have to admit that I saw it mentioned somewhere that there were a bunch of redesigned features here at WordPress, but I had no idea it would be so STUPID. While the old design was rather intuitive, this is far from it. I do not have much time to play around with things, but the first thing that I noticed is missing is the link/ posting to Twitter. That would be a huge loss. Please feel free to share some tutorials with me in the comment section. How can I justify this “block”? Ok, before I start pulling my hair out, allow me to go back to the topic of this post – NaNoWriMo.

Now, how do I hyperlink to my previous NaNoWriMo post? I have no idea. This is a disaster. Once this is Published, I will attempt to revert my design to how it used to be. You know, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”!

Oh, praise the Lord! I was able to revert to “Classic”. Man, was that an emotional roller coaster. Was it not? I welcome your first impressions of the new layout.


As you know from my initial NaNoWriMo post, I decided to embark on a writing journey through the month of November. The goal is to write 50,000 words in 30 days. There are people who post daily progress details on their blogs, but I realized that that takes time out of NaNo writing. I also do realize that a great part of my audience is not participating, and would not be especially interested in how many words I wrote each day.

You are welcome.

Today, however, is an important day, and so I decided to share an update with you.

“What is today?” – you ask.

Today is November 15th, which means we are half way there.

Yes, I am still writing. 

Yes, I still have a chance to finish it.

I hope to hit the 25k words today, which is right on schedule.

Once the month ends, I will write a more detailed post on how my journey went, and what I have learned. It is my belief that it will be helpful to any blogger, so stay tuned. 

P.S. If I have not answered your comment, please rest assured that I will, once this madness is done and over with.

Stay golden,



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51 thoughts on “NaNoWriMo – update. Yes, I am still alive.

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    1. I hope you’re doing alright. (Any medical updates?)
      You were in my dreams last night. I went to some event, and a bunch of people from WP were there. But then I found out that you drive a van, and that you have a baby strapped in on the back seat, so maybe it WASN’T you? So strange.
      I’m writing… fiction… yet another story about someone’s life and struggles.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Can’t say I don’t feel the same as you with that new design, I instantly reverted when the box thing became an issue. Not a fan at all and it would actually turn you off from writing if that were to be the only option. I feel your pain.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Happy to see you’re still writing.
    Not so happy to see it’s not on here 😉

    You haven’t missed many of my blogs, since internet still hasn’t been installed at our house!!!!!
    I don’t have must time at work becasue I’m teach all day.

    So I guess, for now that’s a good timing for both of us 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  3. We are brethren in being so consumed by NaNo that WordPress was able to sneak in an update that threw us for a loop. My last post took twice as long, namely because I didn’t know how to put a featured post in.
    Good luck with your journey with NaNo as well as getting to re-master WordPress!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Yes Goldie, I am in both of those camps, missed your posts and your comments.

    But I was also MIA. Just wrote a new post today, after a really long while!

    Regarding the new format, at first I was a little annoyed, but told myself, “just adapt to the new technology/upgrades! I am sure there are some new features/tools, just adapt” lol! So I did!😁 Probably not the comment you were looking for 🤷🏻‍♀️

    Also, welcome back!😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awww, so nice to hear from you. Did you announce what those “changes” you mentioned at one point are?

      Glad to hear that you’ve converted so quickly. I might try playing with it if I have some time off in December,

      “Not the comment you were looking for”… What is that supposed to even mean? You write comments, I read them. I look forward to comments, but not any specific ones, Silly!

      Not back yet. Still have a week left of NaNo. It’s getting intense.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I haven’t really announced the changes on my blog but I may DM you to keep you posted.

        Ha ha, yes, I tried it out and decided to keep up with it. Also, now, I keep switching back and forth between the ‘new editor’ and the ‘classic editor.’

        Excuse my ignorance but I still don’t know what NaNoWriMo is, but miss your posts on WordPress. Come back!! 😀

        Liked by 1 person

        1. DM away. Did you start a business?

          I might play with the new one over the weekend. We shall see. Why do you keep coming back to “classic”?

          You haven’t read my initial NaNo post?! How dare you? Kidding. NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month (I think). I’m not sure why it’s “national”, because I see people from all over the world participate in it. During the month of November, people sit down to write a novel. From start to finish. At least 50k words.

          I think I will be coming back gradually over the next few days.


  5. I was definitely thrown for a loop by some of the changes…luckily I don’t feel a whole lot of pressure to try to figure it out…especially with NaNo my focus is entirely on putting words on paper/into processor.

    What is your NaNo project? Or are you working on a couple different things? Please share an update as we pull into the home stretch!

    Liked by 2 people

      1. I know that feeling, these things we work on always feel like they’re so much formed from our minds they’ll be incompatible with others, you’ll never know until someone else reads it and tells you if it sucks or is unclear or you should have focused on this side character. That sort of thing is important but we’ll work on it later.

        ECHO ECHO

        Liked by 1 person

          1. I write a lot of stuff, most of which I consider absolute trash, even if I can convince myself it’s any good. That’s probably part of the reason for Echo blogs, so I can see if one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.

            ECHO ECHO

            Liked by 1 person

  6. I have missed you this month! I am glad to see that your adventure is going well and now it is near completion. It will be nice to read more about it when you return. That sounds like a great deal of words… can it be turned into a published book? Wishing you only the best!!! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

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