NROP, CW, BT, HW – What do those mean?

If you have been here a while, you are surely aware of those seemingly random letters I put at the beginning of each blog post title. Hopefully, if you are a returning reader, you know what those acronyms stand for by now. However, if you are a new reader or do not come to visit all that often, chances are you have no idea why my titles are so weird.

Even though I have been blogging for over two years now, it was only with the beginning of this year that I decided to make my post categories more discernible. Why? As my blog grows, so does my audience (A BIIIIIIG THANKS TO YOU ALL!). As much as I would like everyone to read each and every post of mine, I realize that some people are attracted to some of my posts more than to they are to others. There are people who read blogs only for creative fiction, while others prefer to discuss current events and have no interest in reading stories. I want everyone to be able to find something for themselves in an easy and convenient way.

In the past, I have entertained the idea of assigning category-specific photos to every post. That way it would be easy to spot which post is which. However, that never really stuck with me, because I think that the main photo can enhance the story in the post. The pairing of text and photo can provide the reader with an extra oomph. Moreover, I did not want my blog to only have four or five different photos. How boring would that be? I am already being a minimalist and so I usually use one photo per post. I do not think cutting down on that is really viable. 

The acronym system was developed with you in mind. That way, when you do not have much time but would like to read something of mine, you are able to click on the right post for YOU straight away. There is no need for you to open a post after post to see if it is from the category for which you are looking.

I have been asked on more than one occasion what the acronyms/initialisms mean. Today, I finally decided to take that question and turn it into an opportunity. Without further ado:

NROP = News Related Opinion Piece – a post inspired by current events. (Once a week; currently on Monday morning)

CWCreative Writing – a story or a poem. (Once a week; currently on Thursday morning)

GR = Golden Review – post featuring my reviews of various products I receive.

HWHashtag Week – a collection of #MondayMotivation, #TuesdayThoughts, #WednesdayWisdom, #ThrowbackThursday and #FridayFeeling. (Ran M-F one week a month, January 2018 – January 2020; currently only #TuesdayThoughts and #WednesdayWisdom are being published each month)

Spotlight = I reblog a post by a fellow blogger. (Once a month; last day of every month)

BTBlogging Tips – where we collaborate and solve the toughest of blogging questions. (Ran once a month, January 2019 – January 2020)

Awards = pretty straightforward; I accept awards and give one out. (Ran once a month, January 2018 – January 2020)

Stay golden,



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87 thoughts on “NROP, CW, BT, HW – What do those mean?

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  1. I’ll probably forget those, but it’s easy to tell what I’m reading from the first sentence. You’re a good writer and I enjoy your posts! 😻

    Liked by 3 people

  2. I’ve always wondered what those abbreviations meant but never asked as I didn’t want to appear more stupid than I already am. Especially as no-one else seems to have asked; I certainly wasn’t going to be the first. But now I know! Which is good…

    Liked by 4 people

    1. You made me chuckle, Stuart.
      I was under the impression that people knew, because I slipped in the explanations here and there along the way, but I now know that it wasn’t enough. There’s been a few people that have asked whether via the comment section or email. NEVER feel stupid to ask (me) anything. I encourage this, because it would help you better understand me. In my personal life I often feel misunderstood, because I say something and then another person interprets it a certain way and walks away… And THEN I found out that all hell broke lose, because of something I said totally unaware. With the acronyms, I hope that this post will enable every one to be on the same page and understand me better, which is definitely one of my goals.

      Liked by 4 people

    1. Good call. That was my initial thought process. However, my titles aren’t always straightforward. In the past they were always rather cryptic. I like it when the titles are not literal. Or … not totally revealing. I understand that plain and simple titles are better for the SEO, though (no, I do not really do anything to improve my score).

      Liked by 1 person

        1. There is SO much information out there on that topic. It’s overwhelming. I tried looking at it once or twice, but I feel that it sucks too much fun out of blogging. At least for me at this point in time. Also, I think SEO is constantly evolving and what is true now might not be true in the future.

          The main thing for me is long vs. short posts. Supposedly you need to write long posts to be considered viable for higher ranking. But you know what? Not many people have the time to read such posts. Those who write short posts often have more traffic. So dunno.

          Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m a new reader so I just learned something about how you operate! 😆 I like how everyone has his or her own style. I like to photograph and therefore add my pictures to my posts😊

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Welcome! Feel free to take a look around. Make yourself at home.
      Most definitely! I had this idea to include my own photos, too, but I can’t commit to it on a consistent basis, so I put it off for now.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Thanks 🙂
    Ps, you could do a featured picture that is different to the images in your post. So far as I know featured images don’t show up in the post at all, so you would have images too.
    I’ll probably forget them but slowly remember them.
    Love, light and glitter

    Liked by 2 people

  5. I’m happy to announce I did know most of your acronyms 🙂
    I know what you mean though. I’ve always struggle with categories and images. I was using a handful of images most of this year because it helped set up several posts in advance fast but yup I agree it does get boring so I’m trying to change them a little now. I’ve always loved the images you use for your posts Goldie!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Hey, Goldie!
    You don’t know how relieved I was when I saw this post! Like I already knew that NROP had something to do with news and CW meant creative writing but other than these, I had no idea regarding the acronyms. Thanks. It’s really cool how well-organised your blog has become because of the acronyms.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. I think this is great. You’ve carved out a nice system here. I do prefer the creative posts most times. So I’ll look for the “CW”. Still, though, some days I’d rather read news-related stuff. So I’ll hop around a bit. I wouldn’t be surprised if other bloggers jumped onto this idea and used it, with your permission of course. Haha. Great post! Thank you for sharing!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I’m all for it.
      Most blogs that I encounter are rather one-dimensional. They’re filled with lifestyle posts or creative writing. In that case, there is no use for my acronyms. I, however, like to dabble in all sorts of things. Some of my most devoted readers take a look at all of my posts, while others only read specific categories.


      Liked by 1 person

  8. LMAO I so love your sense of humour “what did you say, I didn’t hear you” perfection!
    and the bit about not biting or patching up. Absolutely fabulous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love the layout too. It’s perfection! So glad I found you again! phew!

    Liked by 3 people

  9. Interesting! I saw ‘NROP’ the other day, googled it and came up with this. Which confused the heck outta me, so thanks for making it clear 🙂

    PS pendantic point: an ‘acronym’ is an abbreviation that can be spelt as a word. None of your abbreviations can be, so they’re all just plain old initialisms 😛

    Liked by 3 people

    1. This one blogger wanted to re-blog my post a couple of months ago and she reached out to me to explain “NROP,” because like you – she found the backwards definition. I HAD NO IDEA. LOL. But it’s too engrained in my blog to try and change it. I’m owning it!

      Technically, I read NROP as a word, so acronym it is. As for the others, thank you for the correction.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. 🙂 Thanks, Goldie.

    Today I learned that the acronym “NROP” means, “News Related Opinion Piece”.

    Do enjoy the rest of your week!

    Liked by 3 people

  11. Well, that sounds very well organized. Reflections on current events, reviews, and short fiction. I used to do the first, but I’ve let it slide, except for preparedness, and that’s a real niche-y sort of thing. Way to hang in there on your original vision. I hope it helps you build an audience. : )

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I really like the diversity of voices I get from my readers when it comes to different sections of my blog. Some prefer one to other, but some end up reading most (if not all), so I think it does expand the audience a bit. There comes a point when it gets tough to juggle different categories, but, in the end, I enjoy what I do and do what I enjoy.

      Thanks for stopping by. Stay golden!

      Liked by 2 people

  12. Hey Goldie, I had no idea you’d only blogged for two years. Look at you such a pro using acronyms etc. This is a fun post, and the one I’m linking to your comment on Story Chat. Thanks for stopping by. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. :((( Not entirely sure why that is happening. It’s true that I have not been posting as regularly as I have in the past, but I am definitely still here and publishing content. Are you viewing my blog through the Reader or the website? Not sure why the Follow button wouldn’t be there…

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I know exactly what you mean. There are so many organizations and people just use the acronyms all the time and I have to stop them to ask what they are talking about. People assume if they know you know.


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