CW: Life is like a box of chocolates. Sometimes there is not enough left for you.

“Write a scene or story that includes a piece of candy.”
– a prompt for this week’s CW piece.
[Source: @Writer’s Digest]


Rhonda unpacked the large box of chocolates, picked one of the pralines for herself, and passed the box onto the person to her right. It would be a while until those chocolates got to me. In my head, I tried to figure out the people to chocolate ratio. 

There’s more than enough.

There SHOULD be enough for me.

As the box made its way down the line, my eyes tried to keep inventory.

“Maybe some people won’t want any?

But everyone kept on sticking their hands into that box and pulling it out with a chocolate creation in their claw.

There won’t be enough!

I was freaking out in my head. Ever since I gave up smoking last Sunday, my sweet tooth has definitely become stronger.

These are for Rhonda. Not you. Remember that” – my wife said to me as she handed me the box of chocolates.

It’s not like she’s gonna eat them all” – I replied, wondering if Rhonda had a sweet tooth or not.

Well, at least she shouldn’t” – I added, thinking about Rhonda’s full figure.

Stop it. You don’t know anything about her” – my wife reprimanded me.

It was true. Rhonda’s worked in my firm for a few years, but she and I have never had the need to speak, other than the polite “Hello“, etc. She was now retiring and I probably would never see or speak to her again. My boss collected some money from every single one of us to buy her a collective gift, but my wife insisted that there never is enough sweetness in someone’s life.

At this point in time, I agreed. I HAD TO get a piece of chocolate if I wanted to remain smoke-free. At least for now. Later will be yet another challenge.

A couple of people towards the end of the circle did skip their turn. Maybe they don’t like chocolates, or at least they don’t like the kind that was left. Or maybe they were trying to be polite. I did not care. There were two pralines left and only one person in front of me. I was saved.

This is my daughter, Magnolia” – Rhonda introduced the woman that just stepped into the room.

Is this hazelnut?” – the new arrival asked, reaching for the last chocolate in the box.

MY chocolate.

I think so” – said the buffoon to my left, and offered the box to her.

Looks like I got here just in time” – she giggled like a schoolgirl as she placed the praline in her mouth.

Noooooooooooooooooooo” – I wanted to scream.

That was delicious” – said Magnolia to me with a smile.

Was she laughing at me?” – I wondered.

Did she do this on purpose?

Did my wife send her?

I’m Magnolia. Rhonda’s daughter. And you are?” – the chocolate thief turned to me with an extended arm.

“Steve. Peggy’s daughter” – I answered, squeezing her hand.

“Who’s Peggy? My mom never mentioned her” – asked Magnolia.

She doesn’t work here. She actually passed a few years ago, but since you told me who your mother was, I thought it was only appropriate.

Oh” – she replied and blushed.

Before either one of us could say anything else, Rhonda pulled her daughter away from me in order to introduce her to everyone else.

Magnolia was stunning. Unlike her mother, she had a slim figure. However, she definitely had her mother’s bust and booty. Her high heels made her already long legs look endless. The peach dress she wore hugged her body so tight that I was worried she would suffocate. For a brief moment, I wondered if I should rip it off of her to rescue her.

OK, folks, back to work” – said Tom – my boss, ushering all of us out of the room.


It’s been nice working with you, Rhonda” – I said on my way out.

Thank you, Steve. It’s been a pleasure” – she replied, packing the last of her stuff.

Your daughter… is she single?” – I asked.

As a matter of fact, she is. Why don’t I give you her number?” – Rhonda volunteered and wrote down Magnolia’s digits on a yellow sticky note.

We had a quick chat today and I was smitten. Thought that maybe I could send her a bouquet. What flowers does she like?

Oh” – Rhonda blushed just like Magnolia did earlier.

She’s a simple girl. She likes roses. Here, I wrote her address on the other side.

Enjoy your retirement, Rhonda” – I said as I stuck the post-it into my wallet.


You’ve been sending me dozens of roses each week. That’s too much” – Magnolia said politely as I handed her a fresh bouquet.

I wanted you to remember the day we’ve met. At Rhonda’s retirement party” – I said, pulling the chair away for her.

How could I forget.

I remember the dress you wore that day and how I wanted to tear it off of you.”

Steve!” – she said and blushed, playfully swatting at my arm.

I remember you having the hazelnut praline. You thought it was great.

Wow. You remember the filling flavor of the chocolate I had? I don’t even remember that. You’re too good to be true. What are you hiding from me, Mr. Perfect?” – Magnolia asked.

I straightened and cleared my throat.

“I admit. I’ve been conning you all along. But I couldn’t tell you any sooner. You would have run away” – I began my confession.

It was her turn to stir and straighten in her chair.

She said nothing.

She withdrew her hands from mine.

I’m married.

Damn it, Steve! I knew it. I will never be happy!” – she exclaimed, causing some of the other patrons at the restaurant to look towards us.

Please, let me explain. We’re getting divorced. It will all be over soon” – I said, grasping her hand and pulling it towards me.

I promise.


It’s Friday night. No one is waiting at home for you, and I would rather be with you than my bitch of a soon-to-be-ex-wife” – I said to her as we finished dinner.

Want to get out of town with me?” – I proposed.

But it’s getting dark” – she countered.

We’ll rent a room for the night and go in the morning.”

But I would need to pack…”

I could not help, but smirk.

You don’t need a change of clothes. We’ll spend most of our time with it off” – I said as we exited the restaurant.

Steve!” – she said, playing hard to get.


The motel is kind of sketchy” – she said as we walked towards our room.

You’re not alone. You have me. I will protect you” – I said, putting my arm around her as we entered the room.


Good morning, handsome” – Magnolia said, stroking my back.

Good morning” – I replied.

Ready for the trip, Sweetheart?” – I asked, seeing the answer in her glowing eyes.

Let’s do it!” – she replied with eagerness.


Why are you doing this?” – Magnolia asked, as I tied the last knot.

You ate my chocolate” – I said under my breath.

Do you even have a wife?” – she asked angrily.

Not for long” – I replied, pulling out a knife from the trunk.

You plan on killing her, too?” – she shouted.

“No one will hear you in this forest. We’re in the middle of nowhere. The last city we’ve passed was miles and miles away.

Magnolia struggled against the rope that tied her to the oak.

But no, I don’t plan on killing her. I love her.”

So why are you getting divorced?” – she asked.

“BECAUSE YOU ATE MY CHOCOLATE!” – I shouted out as I stabbed her in the chest.

I was trying to quit smoking.”

Another stab. In the abdomen this time.

“And you took the last praline.


And I had to give in and smoke.”

The knife went in again.

And then I had to court you.

And again.

“And kill you.

She forgave me for sending you flowers, but I don’t think she will be able to overlook this.

Exhausted, I slumped to the ground next to Magnolia.


P.S. As always, you are more than welcome to use this prompt to inspire your post. If you decide to write something, be sure to pingback to this post, so that I can get an alert and check out your piece. (A post on how to do pingbacks can be found here.) If pingbacks are not your thing, feel free to simply leave a link to your piece in the comment section below. The more, the merrier!

Stay golden,



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37 thoughts on “CW: Life is like a box of chocolates. Sometimes there is not enough left for you.

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  1. Forget the story about the weird rock under the bed. This one’s my new favourite! Damn, Goldie! How do you do it?

    Is there any way I can hype this story without you mistaking my praises for mere flattery? That plot twist, I didn’t see it coming!

    See? I keep saying it — people who love chocolate are all shades of crazy, no offense. Just take a look at Steve here. Poor, confused soul.

    Liked by 4 people

      1. Predictable? Never! Thought provoking with unexpected endings, nearly always! This one was particularly twisted though; Steve must be a hundred shades of psychopathic to want to murder someone over a small piece of chocolate.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Thanks, Stuart! That’s awesome to hear. I was told that a plot twist would be the lack of a plot twist in my CW piece.

          While I definitely think there is something very wrong with Steve for going this far so quickly, I think that the chocolate was just an excuse. Because he didn’t get the chocolate, he got angry and went to smoke. He broke. He could not resist nicotine. And that realization broke his ego. Magnolia was directly responsible for that.


    1. Growing up, I was always taught to be polite and not take the last of anything in case someone else wants it more. However, this has gotten so bad that in my immediate family, people REFUSE to take the last of anything. But I want to throw away the box! Or wash the plate, etc. JUST TAKE THAT DAMN THING!

      Isn’t that the truth? I often think about people’s perception of me. Especially co-workers. They have no idea who I really am. I am not sure if I know who they are, but at least I don’t toss around completely inaccurate statements about them like they do about me. Whenever a tragedy happens and you hear the murderer’s family and friends say: “I had no idea. He was such a X, Y, Z. You could never do such a thing”, I wonder how true that really is. Was that person really such a good actor? Or were they in denial? Did they even TRY to get to know that person?

      Thank you for reading, Darnell! Stay golden.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh yeah. I’ve met a few people like that. I like the people who are delighted by chocolates and take the first one they see. I dislike the people who try to be polite by declining, but then can’t resist twisting the knife by saying “I’m trying to be good.”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I like to make an educated decision when I pick a chocolate. However, if there are more people waiting “in line”, I just go for the first one I see. It’s aggravating to me when someone hold up the line.

      And I definitely agree with your opinion on those “martyrs”.


  3. Hahah Goldie! Such imagination!

    Whenever a box of chocolates is opened, I always have a top 3.
    I have to admit that if someone takes my number 1, I wouldn’t kill them, but I will make them very aware that this was supposed to be mine.
    (So stay away from anything with nuts 😉 )

    I wonder, how would people react if it wasn’t a chocolate, but someone would steal a job or a partner?

    Anyhow, great, awesome, amazing piece! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

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