Parenting in times of a pandemic.

Before we get down to business, I would like to inform you that I am back! Back to writing my posts and reading yours. Please be patient with me as I relearn how to swim.

Thank you so much to all of you who have reached out to me after I announced my plans for a break. Your constant support means a lot to me.

There will be a more personal post coming soon that will reveal a glimpse of what I went through recently.


A word cloud
Parenting word cloud

You are probably as surprised to read yet another coronavirus related article on my page as I was when I decided to write it. We live and breathe COVID-19. We all want it to go away and for our lives to return back to normal (whatever that may be). However, I find this difficult time phenomenal for analyzing people and their behaviors. This post is not about the pandemic. Instead, it is about people. Have you noticed any differences between people now from before?

As a kid, I remember my parents saying things along the lines of: “Back in my day…” I thought it was the absolute worst. As I got older, I caught myself looking at younger people, shaking my head and thinking: “Back in my day…” It is my belief that every generation goes through the same cycle. I feel that the pandemic gave us another layer of opportunity for such: “Back in the day…” reminiscing.

Back in the days before COVID-19, people complained about kids spending too much time in front of a computer/ tablet/ smartphone. They would boast about their childhood filled with wild adventures outdoors. Kids did not understand it. Why go outside if you can put on a VR set in the comfort of your own room and “see” the world?

Suddenly, a pandemic hits and people are told to stay indoors as much as they can/ You would think it was a dream come true for those who fought their parents about going outside before the virus. Apparently, it is not. In the UK, teenagers are lashing out against their parents because they are not allowed to go outside. There is talk about new forms of domestic abuse – parents abuse their children by not letting them go outside, and children abuse their parents with verbal and physical violence as a form of a rebellion against the regime. What are the kids really fighting for? Is it for their right to go outside? Or is it simply the age-old fight against parents and authority? Having lived in the past, I would dare to say that it is the latter.

In the US, a vast majority of states decided to close schools for the remainder of the academic year. Some closures are mandated by the state, while others are only strongly recommended by the government. Montana, Wyoming, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, and Maryland decided to keep schools closed only until the end of May (for now). For more information, visit:

While chatting with my cousin, I found out that online tutoring is not what I thought it was. I imagined that kids woke up, powered on their computers, and then sat in front of them for the same amount of hours they would spend at school. At least in my cousin’s situation, the reality is different. Online school lasts an hour. Afterward, it is up to the parent to spend a minimum of four hours teaching their kid. There is a multitude of issues here.

I have to admit I snickered at my cousin complaining. They have nothing better to do, so what is the problem? But it did make me think of those households in which both parents have to work eight hours a day. How are THEY meant to homeschool their kids?

Figuring out how to juggle full-time work with full-time care for your kids is not easy. It definitely requires a lot of thinking, compromise, and sacrifice. However, I cannot believe the number of complaints I hear/ read about parenting during a pandemic. All of a sudden, parents are finally faced with… parenting and they are flabbergasted. Having to work all day and then work some more when you get home to your kids is not easy. But what did you think when you decided to bring a child to this world? Did you really believe that nannies and teachers would be enough to raise your kid to be a decent human being? While those people certainly play a significant role in the shaping of our young ones, they are not a substitute for a parent. COVID-19 makes this more than obvious.

This is what a teacher from Colorado said about one of her own children:

My first grader — we would kill each other. (…) He’s fine at school, but here he has a meltdown every three seconds. (…) I need to teach other children…

Instead of complaining about the lockdown, maybe we should learn how to be parents to our kids? If we ourselves cannot stand our kids, how is it that we expect others to deal with them?

A mother about her online learning with her daughter:

She gets frustrated every time we start and then I get irritated and she gets irritated and it usually ends in me saying we should take a break and then the cycle repeats. One or both of us typically ends up in tears by the time it’s all said and done and no work is completed.

People are creatures of habit. Try and form a schedule for your kid that resembles the one from before the virus broke out. Have them understand that this is not anarchy. No, times are not easy. Yes, as a parent, you are meant to guide your kid.

As you can see from those examples above, many parents are having a tough time handling their children during these lockdown/ pandemic times. To try and release the tension, someone, somewhere, made a meme. Merrian-Webster defines a meme as “an amusing or interesting item (such as a captioned picture or video) or genre of items that is spread widely online especially through social media.” The photo shows a young girl and a woman (presumably her mother) sitting next to her on the couch. The bubble above the girl’s head asks if the girl is adopted. The bubble above the mother’s head says: “Not yet no, I only put the Ad out yesterday.” Personally, I find it humorous. Unfortunately, some people got offended. But what else is new? There will always be something someone does not like. (Disclaimer: Yes, I understand that adoption is a serious, often heartbreaking topic.)

If you are a parent, please share your experiences with us.

How has life been different for you as a parent amid a pandemic?

Have you learned something about yourself/ your kid/ your relationship with your child by having to spend more time with your offspring?

What are some of the tactics that help you keep your sanity?

If you are under your parents’ supervision, please share your experience with us.

Have you become closer to your parents, or have you drifted farther apart during the pandemic?

What do you do to keep your independence?

What is worse? Having to go to school or having to stay at home with your parents?

If you are an adult without kids, please share your thoughts and observations on the subject.

Stay golden,

SGK signature.png.


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141 thoughts on “Parenting in times of a pandemic.

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  1. First off: welcome back!

    I’m not a parent, but there are online tools that make learning fun (such as Khan Academy). If I were a parent tasked with ‘home schooling’, I’d reward my ‘orribles with (something) for every badge they earned in that academy, rather than try to actually teach them myself.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Thank you. Things were rough and I was afk for the most part, but there were moments when I wanted to log into Scribo and edit. Of course, I could not remember my password and I REFUSED to reset it. Figured it was a sign that I needed time away from it all.

      There are plenty of resources it’s true. Think of our childhood. 1. We would probably be forced to go to school anyway. 2. No computers, Internet…

      Liked by 1 person

    My youngest was home-schooled during his 8th-grade year. What people are trying to do now is not home-schooling. It is cooperative learning. You have someone choosing your curriculum and the learning technics that they believe will work the best on the greatest number of their students. You assist your child in the process. Here’s the thing: there’s no interaction between the students. They can’t feed on anyone else’s energy in the classroom. They can’t relate to the teacher the same way they did.

    When you truly home-school, you choose the curriculum, you choose the hours of training, you choose the methods, you design the field trips, you are in control. Yes, you buy preset curriculum from these amazing companies, but you absolutely design the way your child is taught. But here’s the thing. The kid has a “best for them” way to learn. Some are auditory, some are visual, some are kinetic. You are attempting, with very little preparation, to find out how your child assimilates information. You don’t lecture your child while they take notes. You work WITH them. It is not remotely like school.

    The worst part of the cooperative learning that we are experiencing now is that you have to be creative DAILY! You don’t have access to the teacher’s monthly lesson plans or their goals and objectives for your child. You are…dat dat DAHHHHHHH…the SUBSTITUTE TEACHER! By the time you figure out a system that works with your child, the schools will be reopened.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I see what you mean with home schooling vs. cooperative learning. Makes sense.

      However, it’s still the same kid. We all have different preferences. Some are better at Math while others prefer English Lit. But should you have some sort of an idea how your kid learns? You helped your kid with homework in the past (hopefully), you’ve observed them study for a test, you’ve gone to parent-teacher conferences. Also, ask them now. Talk to them. Yes, it might not be a smooth transition but it IS doable.


  3. I never stopped going to work. I’m essential.
    My wife, the stay at home type since we married, is taking care (sort of) the 4 year old granddaughters education. Sadly preschool isn’t the same without the classroom.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. My child is 30 years old and has his own place. If he were of school age, we would have problems during the lockdown because I had no parenting guide book. Id fail keeping order. Today would be different. With the experience gained over the hours, I think the time together would be much easier, and kid-friendly.

    The best most parents and children can do now is make an effort to work together at home, during, and after the pandemic.

    Glad to have you back Goldie.

    Liked by 4 people

  5. You already know how I feel about you being back. As for your post, it’s funny that it seems people are just now figuring out parenting. People all over social media saying how do people do it? How are they coping? Like, ah….normal. What’s so different is that there is a generational gap and some parents are just as useless as their kids. You know me, first, I’m a kid by heart so, I know what kids want. Second, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel, just get off your ass and do something with your kids. My cousin’s wife a few weeks ago tweeted “Oh my, I’m a student and parent of two young boys, how are parents out there finding the time and energy to parent etc? I’m like ah, didn’t your husband, my cousin/brother do the very same thing that you’re talking about the last two years while you were working and going to school? I was triggered, I didn’t say anything but he is the time of person who just does. He does not need motivation from others, he does not need praise or kudos, he just parents. I was put off on her only being home at that point a few weeks and totally negated everything he had done. I actually tweeted back and said, ask your husband. It just annoyed me because at the end of the day, engage your kids, play with your kids and teach your kids. Stop looking for high fives. She’s a millennial and strong feminist and thinks everything she does need notice or a medal. Sorry tangent, but just an example of how people think life only started for them. I hate that, sorry, I do. Life sucks, especially now, but it’s nothing hard work, creativity and putting the time in yourself couldn’t fix. Apologize for the rant lol

    Liked by 6 people

    1. Thank you for sharing your experience with me. So much wisdom there. My cousin has a nanny for the kids even if they are home. No wonder they are freaking out now. Raising kids is not easy but it shouldn’t be an excuse for being completely hands off.

      And what you said about your cousin/brother just hits home. Some people “just do it” while others whine about it.

      Liked by 1 person

    Parenting is difficult no matter how you slice it. You have children and their personalities differ from your own. It can be a love/hate thing for sure. I can’t stand my mother and don’t talk to her at all. I could never stand her, I’m 44. I always told my children, “don’t ever feel obligated to have a relationship with me, you don’t owe me a thing. I will always try my best and sometimes my best sucks.”
    I feel for the parents who have their own mental health issues and are dealing with all the scenarios the pandemic has brought. We are all having to take things one day at a time, hell, 10 minutes at a time.
    My oldest son is 25 and we get along beautifully. When he was younger we went through phases of despising the sight of each other. If this pandemic had happened when we was in middle school we would have killed each other. Him leaving for school was the only thing that kept me sane.
    Parenting is no different than any other relationship or interaction. There are ups and downs.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Thank you 🙂
      We all have different personalities. Personalities among family are sometimes better and sometimes worse. When it comes to your kids, you have SOME sort of impact on their personality. With random people on the street – not so much.

      I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a parent who says: “don’t feel obligated.” I’m so used to: “I’m your parent, you owe me” BS. None of us are perfect, but…

      I definitely understand it’s not easy. Especially if you have problems of your own. However, it makes me cringe when I hear about entitled people who suddenly got hit with reality.

      I’m glad your relationship with your son is good now.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you 🙂 Yes, I agree with the entitled people getting hit with reality. I’ve never understood parents feeling their kids owe them something.

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Welcome back 🙂

    As a single mama to a 6 year old, working full time from home, AND homeschooling, I’ll go ahead and state the obvious-; it’s bloody hard. That being said, I appreciate the extra time with my son and have the unique experience of learning to teach my son. In this way, we’ve become closer. Regular breaks away from the laptop screen are a must, as well as daily walks along the canal (we feed the ducks) which keeps us from getting serious cabin fever.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Thank you.

      How have YOU been?

      Your comment is golden. I can only imagine how hard it is for you to be doing all of that on your own. But you are exactly on point – you’re getting closer. He is learning about you, you about him. You are forming a bond. Well done. You’re doing the right things!

      Liked by 2 people

  8. Welcome back, Goldie!
    Yes, it IS about people. I don’t know if we’re changing or just finding out what was beneath the surface all along.
    My daughter is trying to juggle work as a CPA, managing her property (which is not collecting rent now, because the renters have been told they don’t have to pay it) and teaching her three children. She is also insisting on keeping her “little diseased cesspools” away from my husband and me, because we are 67 and 70.
    I really think one thing that adds to the burden of parents that perhaps is being overlooked is that in many cases grandparents aren’t as available to help out with the kids as they were two months ago. This is sad – My arms ache to hug my grandchildren. But it is even harder on the parents, who seem to have every shred of responsibility dumped on them.
    This situation may also say a lot about how much we let the media dictate what we care about and are afraid of. My husband (a retired engineer) figured out the statistical likelihood of our even GETTING Covid19, much less dying from it, and it was way less than the chances of getting killed in a car crash, and yet I don’t remember thinking, “Driving is so dangerous, I’d better not drive the car, except to do essential errands …”

    Liked by 7 people

    1. Sounds like your daughter has a lot on her plate. I’m sending strength and prayers.

      I have not thought about the lack of grandparents aspect but it’s so true. Great point.

      True. I mean if they’re mostly at home, taking precautions, then them infecting you is limited. But I do understand their fear. They just don’t want to be the ones to kill you. Just in case.

      Liked by 2 people

  9. Hey!! Welcome back!
    Well, I’m learning to adjust to staying home with my mother and sister. My father is stuck in another state because of the pandemic. I’m really happy to be spending time with both my sister and mother but I have to say my mom’s constant eye on me irritates me at times. But I guess that’s what mothers do. Keep an eye on you and look out for you.
    Yes, I’ve been self-studying, thanks to Mom’s constant pestering. JK, I couldn’t be more grateful to Mom for pushing me to use my time wisely. But at times, it gets a bit annoying for her to be around ALL the time. Anyway, I’m so grateful that my Mom and sister are with me in these troubling times. And that Dad is safe. I hope you’re doing well and are happy and safe as well. Have a nice week ahead, Goldie!

    Liked by 4 people

    1. I think that’s a healthy approach. Given enough time, friction will occur even between the best of friends if locked in the same room/apartment/house.

      It’s awesome to read that you are so understanding and appreciative on your mother.

      Hang on in there. Hopefully, your family will be reunited in no time.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. I stayed home with my girls until they were 8 & 10. But they were in school, so I wasn’t with them 24/7, which would be hard. I am sympathetic to parents who are faced with energetic kids who want to play outside and see their friends. It’s not easy to have kids whining at you all day long, whether you’re trying to do office work or clean the house. My view is that we have different issues to deal with during this time, so we should try to sympathize with ones not our own. Sometimes that’s difficult!

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Did I know you had kids? Did I ask you that question again? I think I’ve been gone too long…

      You’re not wrong. I definitely agree and sympathize with such. However, like with anything else, for some people, this is just another excuse.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. The relationship between parents and their children never ceases to confound me. Sometimes, I swear it’s designed to be doomed. The one side is trapped with the very people whom they get all their flaws from, which is incredibly frustrating, especially if your family isn’t the most functional. On the other hand, you have the parents who are human too, and want to be able to enjoy themselves and not always be at the beck and call of someone to whom their primary connection is responsibility, not preference, not choice.

    If there’s some solution aside from patient and honest efforts on both sides (a near impossibility in most cases; ah, pride), I certainly haven’t found it yet.

    Good to have you back, by the way!!

    Liked by 4 people

      1. Aw, thanks. 🙂

        Hiding the sharp objects, huh? Not a bad suggestion, but I don’t think that will be necessary… luckily for everyone else, I’m afraid of knives. 😈

        And there we go, met my creepy quota for the day.

        Liked by 2 people

  12. First off, welcome back, Goldie! I’ve been anticipating your return for a while now.

    I never thought a day would come when I would say this, but I really miss being in school. And that says a lot, considering how much I despise my school.

    Living with my parents has been a horrible experience lately, though it’s mostly because of the frustrations the lockdown has caused for them — this would be the first time in over ten years my mum would be staying at home this long, and my dad . . . well, he can relate to her experience.

    They’re furious, and understandably so. But it’s annoying because, most of the time, they take out their anger on us kids, which is totally uncalled for. We’ve fought several times because of this. Heck, we even had a quarrel earlier this morning.

    I’ve been trying hard to work with them during this difficult phase, but now that seems like a pipe dream. I can only hope things revert to the way they once were so that I can leave this prison to a less frustrating one.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Thank you! It definitely feels good to be back. This is some kind of a home for me. It’s not perfect, but I miss it when I’m away.

      I was so disappointed to see you have not published any posts while I was gone. Are you still doing your freelancing? I assume you’re busy with that. Otherwise, there is no excuse!

      You missing school is a perfect example of “the grass is always greener on the other side.” We always want what we don’t have and think that what’s on the other side of the fence is better than what we have. Until we lose what we had… The pandemic is a great reminder to appreciate what we DO have. Even the smallest of things.

      I hate it when people take out their anger on those who have nothing to do with their negative emotion. I am actively trying to make people realize their destructive ways, but I have not had much success. They just insist on being “they way they are.” Oh well…

      Sorry to hear you’re struggling and arguing. Hopefully, things will go back to “normal” soon enough.

      A less frustrating prison. How very mature of you to say. Very spot on.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ah, thank goodness. I can hide under the protection of that excuse because your assumption is very, very accurate: I HAVE been busy with my freelancing, though I’m done using that as an excuse for my abs . . . which is why, today, I’m enceFULLY returning to the blogosphere. In fact, I’ve already scheduled a blog post to be published in about seven hours from now. And I’ve started writing my next blog post already. Yay, me!

        Thank you for your sympathy and kindness. I’ve done a little self-reflection since I read your blog post, and it has really helped me understand myself better. I now realize that like my parents, instead of dealing with the source of my anger, I’ve been taking out my frustrations on something else (school).

        It has helped me realize how much of a hypocrite I am, and I’m grateful for it. If you ask me, the shame this realization made me feel is a small price to pay for salvation from the affliction I brought upon myself years ago.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. This comment says that it was written 7h ago so there better be a new post when I visit your site in a minute.

          Wow. I really needed to read those words. How can someone worlds apart read my stuff and reflect and realize things and yet it’s so hard to have the same effect on people right next to us?…

          Liked by 1 person

          1. (The blog post is LIVE now, and I see that you’ve seen it already!)

            That’s a very deep thought you’ve brought up. I’m trying to think of a logical explanation, but my brain keeps failing me. I guess it’s just another one of those “such is life” scenarios…

            Liked by 1 person

  13. And what a comeback you have made!
    It does feel a bit like learning how to swim again. I get that.

    This raises the interesting question to me:
    Should teachers play partly the role of parents? And should parents play the role of teachers?

    Teaching itself is actually harder than most people expect.
    I did a pedagogical course once and there really are a lot of methods.
    Obviously, parents did not study how to teach (unless they’re a teacher).

    As for me, there is no question about my (hopefully, future) child ever going to school.
    Fuck no. I will be home schooling, that’s for sure.
    I like teaching. I always have.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. The longer the break, the harder it is to get back into the rhythm. But I’m still mostly into WP so I’m hopeful that it won’t be that bad.

      Great questions. Growing up, I saw parents primarily as parents but secondary as educators. Teachers were educators mainly, but also had a hand in “raising” us. That’s why they used to say that being a teacher is tough – you have to do both things.

      I always liked teaching, too!


      1. I think you will get a bit overwhelmed judging from the amount and length of comments you got on this post only.
        But that just means you have a lot of fans! 😀

        It’s interesting.
        My parents have never been able to be help me with homework. My dad could help out a bit with mathematics, but a lot of it was not possible due to the language.

        I taught chess to kids when I was a teenager. And in most my jobs I taught adults.
        Both aren’t a very easy target group, but I feel like kids can be shaped a bit more into inconvenient thinking, so I’d say I prefer kids over teaching adults.
        How about you?

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I have to say that I was flabbergasted by the amount of comments and the richness of them. It warmed my heart, and made me smile. It made me feel right at home.

          I used to teach kids all sorts of subjects and I believe that they enjoyed it and so did I. I taught a little at the university (not subjects) and it was great, too. But I found it harder. I think it’s exactly because of what you said – you can’t really mold adults. It’s more difficult. I felt the need to teach adults in some sort of way, but other than teaching an occasional new hire, I have not had that opportunity. Maybe one day…

          I think the biggest thing is the student wanting to learn. If they are open, you can do anything. If they hate the fact that they need to learn… you are lost.


      1. It’s actually been pretty smooth sailing. I honestly had my reservations about spending 24/7 with my hubby, but it’s worked out well. I might even say we’re getting along better now than before the pandemic. LOL. Glad to see you back. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  14. Welcome back!!! As a parent of grown children who all live on their own, and are not allowed under the social distancing orders to visit, I wish they still lived at home where I could keep them safe and hug them every day.

    Liked by 2 people

  15. Glad to see you back in the ocean… Its like falling you can never forget how
    The past is usually coloured with glasses devoid of the bad stuff… Hence the good old days life before corona has suddenly become the good old…
    Kids rebelling to everything that is good for them is also a kind of tradition.

    Not many voluntarily like school, that’s also tradition… When i told my niece she had to do 3 hours of school she asked if it was a punishment.
    But I think the most important part is to have a schedule and stick to it.. We are creatures of habit after all


    Liked by 3 people

    1. Indeed. Well said. We’re reinventing the wheel. Nothing new. Just different circumstances.

      Hehe, punishment is different for different people. Sometimes, when I have a rough day at work, I wish to be back in school. But I know that soon enough, I’d prefer to be out of there.


  16. Yay, welcome home!!

    My kids are adults, so I’ve not had to juggle educating my kids, working, and maintaining my home during the pandemic—but I know what it’s like. I was a single mom, working two jobs, and showing up to every one of my kids’ activities, including tutoring them through homework. We had out scuffles but, overall, I think we got through it pretty great. I’m like to think I’d nail ot if I could work from home but, since I don’t have a test case, I won’t ever know. I get that the “hip” thing to do is be a chronic complainer even when you don’t mean it, but I tend to buckle down and grit my teeth when the going gets tough. I don’t really understand why people can’t see this as a temporary blessing. We’re witnessing something truly remarkable—we’ll talk about it until our lives end, and probably realize (in hindsight) what a gift this is/could have been. I’ve always wished life would slow down some, and now it has.

    Liked by 3 people

      1. It happens. That’s part of the reason why I stopped re-reading my comments. I did understand what you wrote, so it’s all good. Otherwise, I would have asked for clarification. That is also why I don’t use my phone for such things. I was writing a refund request while at an airport on my phone. O…M… G… they must think I’m illiterate.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Unfortunately, beggars can’t be choosers, so I used the tool I had available to me at the time. I know myself: if I’d waited until I sat back down at a legit keyboard, I’d never have replied at all. So, there’s that. 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

  17. Good to see you back!!!! I hope you’re doing okay…. I’ve been thinking of you.

    I think all schools ate different. The high school I work in have scheduled a few lessons every day and the students are responsible themselves. The primary school have set up some calls but I doubt much real teaching is happening and not for too long…

    Love, light and glitter

    Liked by 2 people

  18. At last! I missed your thought provoking posts….
    taking a moment to REALLY let that guilt trip sink in…..

    Just this morning I watched a very upsetting video by chance on Facebook. It was by Brad Hunstable taking about the death of his 12 year old son – three days before his 13th birthday.
    His son apparently was a relentless Fortnite player and had got a new monitor for Christmas. In a fit of pique, he’d thrown the controller and busted the monitor. His parents made him work and commit to nicer behaviors in order to earn a new one, which he did. He was due to get a new controller for his birthday but in another fit of frustration/rage/who-knows-what.. he broke the replacement monitor. He then hung himself in his closet.
    His devastated dad was relating this story and blamed his sons death on social distancing from Covid 19, saying politicians hadn’t thunk it through properly.
    To an extent, I agree. I think that there are bigger issues closer to home. I think a 12 year old boy has no business being allowed to be that obsessed with gaming. His dad said he was one of the vest in the country for his age. That speaks to many, many hours in front of a game. I limit my 18 year olds gaming time never mind a 12 year olds!
    This dad was blaming lack of school and PE etc. I get that it’s hard. I have three kids. My favorite times in my life were school vacation when we could do stuff together. Even now, we play a lot of board games, take day trips and stuff. I make my son walk our bigger dog, he often suggests we walk the two together. He likes going out for a walk with me as he’s used to it. The TV was never my babysitter. Parenting is hard work. The fact that this kid killed himself over a broken monitor suggests he didn’t have the skills in place to cope with his gaming addiction and that’s the saddest part. The problem wasn’t Covid 19, or lack of friends and school, it was too much emphasis on technology and that I believe is the greatest problem facing kids today.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. You do not get to guilt trip me. You’ve been MIA for MONTHS!

      It’s a topic you and I have talked about in the past. Suicide of minors? Insanity. I totally agree with the whole gaming obsession. It ruins many things.

      Well said. It’s heartbreaking…

      Liked by 2 people

          1. It takes a particular skill set 😂
            You know I’m teasing you steaming great jessie! I understand more than anyone how sometimes there just aren’t enough hours in the day. Real life MUST come first. There is no way that knowing that eliminates the opportunity to pick on you though 😎

            Liked by 1 person

  19. Good to see you back!
    My cousin told me how my 9-yo niece is taking her online classes. A good looking-top with pyjamas. One day, when my cousin scolded her for not having breakfast on time, she said that she’ll eat it at the beginning of the class while the teacher settles everyone. He told that that’s bad manners, you shouldn’t eat during class. She said she’d switch off her video and eat quickly. I was surprised at how fast kids are learning from us.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Ohhh!! I really can’t say how my niece learnt that. Both her parents are docs so they don’t have online meetings. They gotta go to the hospital for that 😀

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  20. I really enjoyed reading your post. I am a single parent raising a 9 year old son and can relate to the shelter in place COVID-19 challenges. We WILL get through this and be better parents because of it.

    On another note, is an excellent math/spelling site which challenges students with math games to increase their math speed. My son loves it and is more confident is his mathematical abilities.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. That’s fantastic to hear that you found something that works for your kid. There’s a lot of good stuff out there. We just need to find what works best for us.

      I think you are spot with your attitude. I can only hope for tighter parent-child bonds once we are done with all of that.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re spot on!!! Parents do have to find what works for their child. As a parent, I find it’s a lot of trial and error. Where is that, Parenting Manual? 🤔😃
        I’m looking forward to reading more of your work. I will be following you as soon as WordPress resolves my technical issue. Take care!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. We are all so different and so are our kids. It’s so challenging when we try something that worked for our neighbor but it does not work for us.

          Thank you for pre-following. I hope that your issues are fixed quickly and to your liking.

          Stay golden!


  21. I chose to stay at home during the day last year and be with my youngest kids(3&4) while the older one(7) went to school.

    I find it easier to not have to get up early and go to the school and then come home for a short time and go back. That really broke up the littles schedule.

    But for the at home school gosh it’s not fun! My son can do the worksheets etc fine.he rebels against reading though and when it’s time to see his zoom class he can’t sit still and is upset when the teacher mutes him then has attitude the rest of the time.

    So it’s been a learning curve, and it’s not easy and yes parents that don’t stay home as a normal would have a tough time because it’s an all day juggle. They wake up eat fight each other calm down eat fight again toss in tears and upset attitudes then it’s dinnertime and then the last fight before bed.

    Every, single, day. This repeats itself. But we have 3 young kids in a small space so I understand it. I’m glad to be safe and not sick though so I’ll stay home as long as needed

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I always marveled at parents that would juggle multiple schedules. Dropping one kid of here, another there, then it’s time to pick that first one up, but the other one is not done yet… Definitely a headache. I’m glad that you were able to find a bright side in all of this pandemic stuff.

      You made me laugh with the whole muting thing. I had no idea this was even possible! That’s not so great for your son, but wow! Teachers always complain about kids who disturb the class. Now, it’s easier than ever to just mute that person. I can see how that can cause problems, too. A constantly muted child will feel completely disregarded. They might learn how to behave in a better way (hopefully) or develop more negative traits.

      I hope they get tired of fighting soon enough. (Although, having been a kid, I know that sibling fights are a necessary part of the schedule.)

      You have a great attitude about it all. Hang in there and stay golden!


  22. It was an amazing jolt to see your name pop up in my notifications the other day and am truly happy to see you back, even if it was just to give us an update on how you’re doing! Definitely thrilled to hear that you plan on making a return and hope you take it easy on yourself in the process.

    As for this whole subject, I am definitely amazed by the trouble parents are going through to be able to TEACH their kids, especially when they have to, on top of doing parent stuff (e.g. cooking, etc.), TEACH their kids! It’s no easy task and the year to come won’t be easy on anyone, especially when classes will end up being given more and more at a distance. Hopefully, we adapt and find a way to appreciate the efforts we put into this long-distance learning!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I like to think that I am back back, but I will most definitely take it… One day at a time…

      Glad to see you and Bookidote are still going strong.

      You think the distancing for students will somehow remain? I can see universities doing that (they already have before), but lower grades? I might be completely off, but I have a feeling this will all go back to “normal” soon enough.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. For the time being, long-distance teaching is recommended by our university for the upcoming semester, which means that we don’t have a choice but to adjust evaluations according to it. You can’t have anymore multiple choice exams, since all the answers will be in your notes. I think students and teachers will have to adjust to this reality moving forward and that the “test” element of a “test” won’t be as “challenging” as they usually are. It’s also probably going to heavily impact learning, especially with social contact being limited.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I’ve been thinking about tests in particular. At uni level, you are often allowed to have your notes, but how are you to monitor younger kids who normally would not be allowed to have any notes while taking a test. Do you tell them to sit farther from the camera so that you can see what they have around them? I mean, please, there are so many way to cheat…

          Liked by 1 person

  23. Hi Goldie!
    I definitely admire parents during this tough time. It must be hard to juggle a full-time job and the demands of parenting! At the same time, I feel sympathy for children who miss their friends and are perhaps not receiving the same quality of education as they had before.
    Hoping that you are well 🙂 Stay healthy!

    Liked by 2 people

  24. Very controversial topic. I guess it happened everywhere, at any age and each different ways. How many times we argue about ‘spare the rod and spoil the child’, how many are told academy comes before anything. At this time of crisis, things took a worse turn, isn’t it?

    Liked by 3 people

  25. I would have never thought a college kid would get back to her home and spend more than three months with her parents. I guess, I owe this to the pandemic. No doubt we have our share of disasgreements and fights every now and then, but I am not really sure wheather we came closer or grown distant. Everything feels the same as the time, I left for college.But I know one thing for sure, it’s going to be a lot difficult to leave home again.
    Hope you are safe! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Leaving home comes with a loss of privilege. You no longer get home-cooked meals, your clothes don’t wash, iron, fold themselves, etc.

      Distance makes the heart grow fonder – they say for a reason. People tend to argue less with people they don’t see as much.

      I hope you use your time to the fullest.

      Stay golden!

      Liked by 1 person

  26. Well I have a very closeknit family and if anything the only trouble I would have is figuring out what sort of emergency it is and the best person to respond first like hey I might need someone to hide away incriminating evidence or delete my search history before anyone else gets on the scene… Or when I need someone who can keep everyone at bay because for all their good intentions they can get a lil claustrophobic in emergencies that you worry about them worrying about you, so someone who can make decisions of when and how to bring in everyone into the loop and how much everyone else needs to know about a particular “emergency”


    Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you…
        Growing up I used to think all families were like that.

        This pandemic and lockdown has made the checking in with each other difficult, we so used to being in each other’s lives, a zoom call is cool, but it just quite doesn’t have that thing

        Liked by 1 person

  27. this is a lovely read thank you . i started lock down with lesson plans and sticker charts and a feeling of I got this! they are your offspring Nadine …. we are going to have the best time. haha how wrong I was. first off there is 6 years between my 2 and they are opposite sexes the eldest is like hormonal mad mary and the youngest well put it this way he would happily climb back into the womb given the chance (no jokes) so I’ve had one child stuck to my face making the “TH” sound turn into the most irritating thing I’ve ever heard and a not quite teenager sobbing ever time I even breath in the same direction so after weeks of trying to get the 6 hours a day crammed into there never listening ears I gave up and rang school for advice …… “oh mrs P as long as they are doing their times tables and reading for an hour please don’t put to much pressure on them !!!! errrrrrm sorey what now ! I’ve just been at the point of nearly pulling my own hair out and she says an hour reading I’ve never saw a 5 year old look so smug !!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hahaha! Thank you for the entertaining tale.

      I think we all thought it would last a week. Or two. OK, a month tops. And here we are, almost 4 months later…

      I hope things have gotten better for you.


      1. thank you glad you enjoyed it . it’s kind if crazy how we are still in this situation but those little fiends are back at school now.
        thank God !! I was about ready to certify myself haha!.

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  28. There are so many diverse viewpoints on this argument. Whilst I got to know my little one better as nursery was closed for months, I also had the task of taking care of her whilst working full-time by remote. Speaking to customers with a screaming toddler in the background is rather difficult. I agree that as parents, we signed up to look after our children but I did not anticipate having what is practically two full-time jobs at the same time. It’s easy to get frustrated. As much as I love spending time with her, I was so relieved when nursery opened. I don’t envy the parents of school aged children. As an ex- teacher, encouraging education in what is usually a relaxed home environment is no easy task.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I was on a work video call the other day and as one person was speaking, they dog would not stop barking. She was so embarrassed. Had to pause and take care of the dog for a moment. It was slightly awkward for a moment, but once she came back, everyone forgot about it. I think people are generally understanding. I work from home and every now and again, they insist on cutting the grass right by my apartment window when I’m on a call. Definitely less than ideal. But it’s not something we can fully control so I learn to live with it.

      I don’t envy your situation. You definitely had a lot on your plate. I’m glad you got through it, though.

      Liked by 2 people

  29. Parenting has been quite a challenge in lockdown – specially as a new parent. I try to make time to do some things I like, talk to a friend, blog etc. They help me keep it together☺️

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