
It is Monday again. Even though it was already a month ago, it feels like I JUST did the Hashtag Week. Another month had passed.

Let that sink in.

Do you even remember Christmas?
Do you remember what you did for New Years?

To me, it seems like it was forever ago. It seems like soon enough we will be celebrating it all over again.

This led me to a realization that time is like an express train. It zips from point A (birth) to point B (death) with an astounding speed. It only stops a couple of times, at the major stations. Otherwise, it does not allow you to leave and re-board. Once you opt out, and jump out the window, that is it. You fall to your death. By staying on the train, you get to enjoy the beautiful scenery outside your window, and you get to meet your fellow travelers.

What I am trying to say here is that you need to wake up. You need to live your life TODAY. Do not wait until tomorrow. Do not wait until the train slows down, because then, it will be too late.

Does your life go by quickly, or does it drag?

Stay golden,



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43 thoughts on “#MondayMotivation

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  1. This post takes me back to a month ago … a lot of heavy rains and floodings and I had just started to blog … I want to thank you again for all the help and encouragement☺ oh .. and these rains finally stopped and we’re enjoying bright sunshine🌞

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I’m also getting that feeling that you just did this series, like, last week.

    One analogy of the train, that I heard somewhere, is that you step on at birth. There isn’t anyone there, but as you grow older, new people join you on the train. Some, such as family, stay for a long time. Others, childhood friends, kindergarten teachers, etc., only stay for a short time before moving on to other compartments. Often times, you’ll realize that someone has moved to another car, and you’ll wonder when they left. Others will step off the train entirely, and you’ll miss them and wonder why they have to leave, but understand they reached their destination.
    Eventually, your old friends will be replaced, or intermingled, with new friends. Family will move to another car, both you and them busy with your own lives. Someone special might even become your steadfast companion, promising to stay longer than the others. One day, you’ll realize your stop is coming up, and as you step off, you’ll look back and recall everyone who traveled with you and, maybe, feel a little overwherlmed by trip you’ve had and the new trip you’re about to take.

    Whew, that was longer than I intended lol. That’s my favorite train analogy though, and I just wanted to share it 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I like it a chuffing metaphor! I feel I am moving between carriages since I started this 2 months ago, where did it go. I realise now I may be 1/2 way through my time here and looking back i’ve Had such amazing adventures and probably jumped out of the train windows a couple of times but some how managed to get back on.
    We’re lucky to be here, a happy accident.
    Cheers floatinggold!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I wanted to give you some feedback here, since I wasn’t sure how to do it on your page.
        1. You do not have a complete “Contact” page. When you click on that tab, the page is blank. You might consider editing that.
        2. Your “Videos” and “Stories” tabs don’t really lead anywhere.
        3. Unfortunately, aside from your first post and the “About” page, your blog is not in English, so I cannot read it. But I would definitely be interested in your poetry. Maybe do posts with translation into English?


  4. Life is indeed whatever you call it. Speaking of which, I think it’s time I hop on this train rather than waiting for it to slow down before I get in. Merci beaucoup Mademoiselle for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

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