Quotes challenge. Day 3 of 3.

Just in case you are late to the party, and you have not checked out these interesting bloggers that nominated me for this challenge, feel free to give their sites a visit.


Daisy Mae

Britchy *

Thanks guys! I hope you have enjoyed my quotes.


The quote for today is by an Unknown author. Have you ever wondered what that means? Was someone ashamed of putting their name to it? Or was someone preserving someone else’s privacy, and decided to use their quote without revealing the name of the author? Will someone use the things I say and attribute it to an “unknown” author?

A diamond is merely a lump of coal that did well under pressure.

That is how I see myself – a diamond. Am I full of myself? Maybe just a bit. But doing well under pressure is a trait I am very proud of. And it is actually something other people recognize, so it must be true, and not just in my head. Of course, not everyone knows about it, because not everyone had seen me under REAL pressure.

Do you crumble under pressure? Why? Do you do anything to mitigate that?

If you do well under pressure, why do you think that is?


*Britchy’s challenge had a “The Power Of One by Bryce Courtenay” theme. I believe my quote satisfies that requirement, because it is making yourself stronger and seeing your worth. Am I right?

Stay golden,



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21 thoughts on “Quotes challenge. Day 3 of 3.

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  1. Love this quote! You are not full of yourself. We are all diamonds, we all have crystalized under the pressure of our lives, each one of us has something that crushes us or has the potential to. I have been crushed under pressure and I have also risen through the ashes in my lifetime. Here’s to us diamonds! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Interesting outlook. It’s cool that they nominated you for that. Britchy is awesome, she has helped me get started as well. It’s nice to see others (that I’ve never met) helping each other out. Good post, you’re a good writer.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. And why do your comments end up in Spam now?
      I found it, though.
      Thank you.
      Funnily enough, I’ve been browsing through some blogs and saw your picture a few times. Now I know it was a sign.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Pressure is very unnecessary.
    And if we could just start to communicate, do better planning and quit procrastination , the amount of pressure would be minimal.
    But it doesn’t work like that, does it? Humans just have to assholes so they can point fingers to each other.

    Do I do well under pressure?
    I get the job done, no matter what.
    But neither my mind or body are not happy with it

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I whole heatedly agree with what you said. And I do strive to limit the pressure. However, what some people consider pressure, I don’t and vice versa. So no matter what we do, someone is always going to feel some kind of pressure. But you are right – we can minimize that by bettering our communication. Procrastination is a HUGE factor. I had this one co-worker, who was always under so much pressure, and had to do SOOO much, but once you got to know what was going on, you’d find out they did absolutely nothing for 98% of the time, so no wonder they were scrambling when deadlines approached. It used to get me so mad. I’m glad I’m out of there.

      Good point. I get the job done, but afterwards, I do need a bit more “me” time to rest and regenerate.


  4. I love this quote. It reminds me of the one about the egg, the potato and the coffee bean all getting put into hot water. The egg was hardened by the experience. The potato fell to pieces in the hot water but the coffee bean? That changed the water.

    Liked by 1 person

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