Females – How should they dress?

Please make up your mind.

Please stay consistent.

It is alright to learn new information and change your mind on a given subject. However, I find it not convincing at all when certain people fight for their agenda with contradicting weapons.

Last time I checked, women did not want to be objectified. They wanted to be equal. They wanted to wear comfortable male clothing. They did not want to be stereotyped.

And then comes a senator, who makes a wave.

Kyrsten Sinema (D.) was sworn in on January 3rd of this year as the first openly bisexual woman and the second member of the LGBTQ community in congress. She is a femme, which, as Google tells me, means that she is a lesbian, whose appearance and behavior is very feminine. No doubt, that is how she appeared at the swearing in – sleeveless top with pearl accents, a floral skirt, and high heels. The article says: “That Sinema chose to show (…) high femme look is significant. Why does it matter? Because representation matters. Visibility matters. Setting an example and breaking barriers matter.”

  1. Representation in this example is synonymous with diversity. While I am all for people from different backgrounds working together, I am very much against picking a less qualified candidate only because they boost the diversity quota. To me, this is nothing to be proud of. I would rather get somewhere based on my merit, instead of the color of my skin, gender, sexual orientation, etc.
  2. Visibility totally does matter. In the age of social media, we know far too well, that you can go from no one to someone in a matter of hours/ days if you get seen. Visibility is good, but it makes me feel bad for more talented people (ex.: on social media), who are less visible.
  3. As I get to “setting and example”, I pause. I re-read and I do not understand. What kind of example is dressing femme as a senator? Is that supposed to say that girls can dress in a girly way? Wait… Were they not just trying to tell us the past many months that women do not need to dress girly? I am confused.
  4. By barriers, I assume they mean her being bi-sexual. I am not aware of any mention in the rule-book that a senator has to be hetero, but I understand how the LGBTQ community might feel proud and positive about such “accomplishment”.

As I keep reading, I find that indeed, it is about showing females that they do not have to wear bulky suits and flat shoes in order to be taken seriously. I thought you WANTED to wear suits because that is what men wear, and that heels were torturous. Did we change our minds?

When people focus on a female politician’s fashion, they are reminded by feminists that it is not all about the clothes she is wearing, but also about all the brains she is packing. However, this time around, even though everyone is talking about the new senator’s outfit, people do not object. They say it is a testament to her for being able to be both – fashionable and professional. (So, does that not mean that you have assumed before that it could only be one OR the other? I thought feminists were supposed to believe in women, and support them.) Her outfit was called “weaponized feminity“. So now feminity (vs. being au naturale, butch, etc.) is a good thing? When did that change? I did not get the memo.

All this caused me to look at the history of feminism and fashion, so that I could see clearer.

The first wave of feminism, initiated by suffragettes, wore typical female Edwardian fashion, in order to have people focus on their agenda, and not their looks/ clothes. However, there was one woman, who would wear a baggy tunic over pants. Women fighting for their rights at that time wore purple for loyalty and dignity, green for hope, and white for purity. Aside from that one person, they seem to have been pretty reasonable and smart, to me.

With the beginning of the 20th century, Coco Chanel designed a skirt suit with straight lines, in hopes that more masculine fashion will assist females with being taken more seriously. She also wore pants to work, which back then was very controversial.

By the 20s of the 20th century, Chanel’s straight silhouettes became mainstream, women stopped wearing corsets and started adopting the bobbed hairstyle. That was the end of over-the-top feminity.

In the 30s, Hollywood stars left the skirt suit behind, and started dressing like men.

When WW II rolled around, women started wearing jeans. However, those who joined the military, still wore pencil skirts as uniform.

Because men were occupied by war and its aftermath, women decided to make a bigger impact on the world of fashion. And so one of them designed sportswear, while another one boots, which were then not often worn by females.

As soon as the war was over, males came back from battlefields and went to work, which made the females return to their gender roles from before the war. Ooooor, they could go shopping, if they were tired of taking care of the house. We were back to exaggerated feminity. However, women still kept the comfy clothes for when they were at home.

The late 60s (2nd wave) brought us skin. Females decided to rebel and started showing some skin. Soon after a miniskirt was invented.

In the 70s the lines between what was considered masculine and feminine blurred. Men wore longer hair and bright colors and Ann Klein’s power suit came to life. (A woman was refused marriage by the official because she wore a pants suit to her wedding in the late 60s.)

Unisex clothing became popular in the 90s, which made it easier to decipher who was for whom. (3rd wave) Aside from ripped jeans and flannels, some bands rocked “girly” accents, such as pink colors and heart prints, and toughened them up.

We are now at wave 4. Some commented on how Hilary Clinton should not have been wearing those ugly pants suits, while others complained that her actions should be looked at, not her fashion. Those who suggested that she dress a bit more feminine were met with fire.

Her pantsuits have since come to symbolize power, equality, and feminism.”

If that is what a pantsuit stands for, and so does a high femme outfit, then what does not?

The media is so arbitrary. They are like reed in the wind – leaning towards whichever way they get blown.

Just a couple of days ago I read how we are all doomed, because Apple did not earn as much as they predicted to in the last quarter. Since when have we become friends with giant conglomerates, and enemies with the regular folk?

If you wanted to be treated like the others, would you try to blend in, or do everything to stand out?

Do you prefer to blend in, or stand out?

Should anything remain sacred, or should we be able to wear whatever and wherever?

Stay golden,



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72 thoughts on “Females – How should they dress?

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  1. It’s all T&A. No matter what anyone says. I’m so tired of everyone being so damn sensitive.

    If you’re gonna speak, demonstrate, resist or exhibit in the public square. Then you must be ready for the backlash that will ensue.

    All of these idiots are simply hogging the microphone. They claim diversity, yet they cannot stand a diversity of opinions, views or stances.

    No matter what anyone looks like, they all shit and fart.

    Gosh dang it Goldie, this was a great post. Really got under my skin.

    So, are we allowed to objectify anyone when they get all dolled up or not? If you put your tits or ass or muscles or hair or makeup on display, don’t act so hurt when anyone comments on them.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I just started replying to you and somehow that caused your comment to get deleted. I managed to undo it, but it seems like you got on the bad side of WP.

      I’m glad I did. I feel like you’ve been mellowing out lately. Not sure if it’s a conscious decision, or not.

      It’s easy to blame others, but to take a hard look at ourselves is not nearly as easy.

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          1. It’s a curse Goldie. To be quite honest, for some reason I can/try to see the beauty in everyone. Whether physical or wit, for some reason the more I look, listen and observe. The more I appreciate them.

            I’ve wanted to write about this for awhile, I just cannot seem to find the words.

            When it comes to women, no matter their shape I can still find physical features that are desirable, sexually.

            When it comes to men, I find myself admiring their features. Not in a sexual manner though. More or less in a manner that exemplifies their masculinity.

            I cannot explain it.

            I think I may be much more sensitive than I let on. Not in a touchy feely way though. More like I’m apt to really observe someone.

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              1. I don’t set out to either Goldie. I think I just lack appropriateness. I don’t try, I just am who I am. Maybe I spent too much time around the wrong crowd.

                Its black and white for me. People either like me or they do not like me. No one simply tolerates me!!!

                Liked by 1 person

  2. Newsflash. My Grandma was a flapper. The dresses and fringe they wore was feminine and the skirts/dresses they wore were short…They rouged their knees! At the time, those would have been mini dresses. The POWER look is a tight dress and 4-6″ stilettos on television. If you’re SVU, it’s pants and a jacket. Think of power suit, think of how Michelle Obama’s looks. The Look isn’t the clothes, it’s the attitude of the wearer. Look at the difference between Oprah Winfrey and Hillary Clinton. Both extremely influential and opposite in their approach to fashion.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You bring up a great point regarding attitude. It is very important. And yet, we talk about fashion. We form opinions based on people’s fashion choices.

      Thanks for sharing a bit of your family history with us. I don’t think any of my family members were rebels/ pioneers, but then again, maybe they just didn’t tell me.

      What kind of clothing suits your attitude?


  3. I love high heels, and I only care about what folks wear to work when it doesn’t fit with the role they are playing..or show respect for customers or peers. So…a bank teller with her tummy showing? NO. A representative from a company that you, as a professional, have paid to tour and learn from wearing baggy shorts and a tank top while doing a presentation? NO thanks Zappos. I think how a person dresses for work reflects their opinion of their company and job…it sounds to me like this politician took the time to dress professionally and in a style that made her feel confident and capable…(although I haven’t seen any photos) and the media should stop labelling everything and everyone.

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  4. Oh I agree that’s very confusing! 🤨
    It seems that there are 2 kinds of women. Which uprise depending on their moods. If they had enough of wearing pants suits they become against it and if they had enough of wearing skirts and dresses they become feminists. I think it’s all in their heads.
    Cloths don’t matter. I think that if you’re elegant, clean and comfortable in your cloths it doesn’t matter if you’re wearing a skirt or jeans.
    Personally I prefer to blend in. I don’t like being noticed.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You make a valid point – just because we don’t like something doesn’t mean that we have to try and ban/ protest it for everyone. In today’s day and age we can just wear something different.


  5. I used to dress more “feminine,” I guess, in that my hemlines were shorter and my heels were higher. But I’m not comfy with that style now as an older woman (not saying other older women shouldn’t wear that), so I mostly wear pants and moccasins. I think people should dress in what’s comfortable for them, but I also believe in following the protocol of a venue, such as a professional office. Personally I would rather not hear about the sexual prefs of celebs and politicians, but here we are.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Right? Should they be known for laws they vote on/ pass instead of who they sleep with?

      Have you heard about that Instagram model a couple of months trying to enter Louvre with her cleavage almost down to her waist? I’m all about freedom of clothing, but have some decency…

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Bleh. I see that several of the Golden Globe dresses showed massive cleavage. Personally, I’d wear a glittery velvet tux and be sparkly and warm! Why do women have to bare body parts when men get to wear warm jackets? Unfair! I’m the one who’s always cold.

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        1. I’m all for women wearing what makes them feel good. Go ahead, wear a mini skirt. But galas, to me, should be associated with refinement and class. Those wearing such revealing clothes are just attention whores and not classy at all.

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  6. I have been going back and forth in my opinion of school uniforms. But I never experienced it, so whatever I said was not based on anything solid.
    In my current job however, me and my colleagues wear all the same clothes picked by the company. They are very unflattering and have the company logo on several places. It’s like I’m sponsored 😉
    I like it. They are comfortable. Nobody stands out.

    I’m not a fan of “wearing the heck I wan’t”. Skirts don’t suit me. Jeans look bad on me too. I am not going to wear just to prove a point or whatever.

    Clothing style has changed a lot over the years. I saw an old picture of my dad. He looked like the BeeGees and I quite honestly like it!
    As for hair, I’d like to live in the 80s because without trying my hair looks like that 😀 I could be really popular if it were those times haha

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I never had to wear uniforms in school, either. I’m glad for that part.

      At least now you don’t have to figure out every morning what you’re going to wear. You have company clothes. I laughed when my new company sent out an email offering us clothing with their logo on it that we would have to PAY for it. No, thanks.

      It sounds like you’re reasonable (which I already knew), and you take much more into consideration that just your whim.

      You’re too funny with the hair comment. But yes, it’s interesting to see people from older decades, especially people you know today.


      1. So you’re not a fan of school uniforms?
        Why is that? They are better looking clothes than what kids wear these days or even in “my time”.

        I love the fact that I don’t have to pick clothes in the morning. Saves time, but more importantly, money. I think I only 2 pair of regular pants and a few shirts!

        Haha. Pay for company clothing, please!
        Did someone even consider it?!?

        Liked by 1 person

        1. For one, I did not want random people to know which school I was attending.

          It seems like your company organized your closet in a way.

          YES! People buy those ALL the time. I guess some people feel proud to work where they do.


  7. I also disagree with filling a spot to meet quota like you mentioned here Goldie. Talent, know how and capability should play higher roles than appearance. Anywho.. I personally had my share of business casual so I steer clear of that now a days by wearing more sporty and jean / casual type clothes. Of course you can dress it up with a little bling too every now and then for fun!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. As a kid I wondered why some people don’t dress to the nine for church. And then I entered the workforce and had to dress like on Sundays M-F. Now I understand why people just want to wear jeans and sneakers to church. Not that I necessarily follow suit, but I understand.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Great and insightful post! I appreciate the fact that I can blend in with a school uniform. But the utter crap that comes with skirt lengths is extraordinary! We are told that are skirts have to be below the knee so that they don’t ‘distract’ the male teachers or guys from other schools. When individuality is expressed as an important quality at school and then thrown away just because we have to be ‘proper’ and not ‘distracting’. Harshly enforced school uniform, along with work is a dangerous thing and one I do not stand for.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The length has always been debated.
      I once asked my boss why there was a dress code, and expressed I would much rather dress differently. Then I was told that there used to be no code and people would dress in the weirdest of ways and colors (not really suitable to the job). So I get that sometimes there are rules because otherwise people would go waaaay overboard.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yeah I generally don’t mind rules if they have a purpose but I think that imposing restrictions on skirt lengths is a bit too far.

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  9. I really don’t care what I wear as long as it’s comfortable and I don’t look horrible. But I dress appropriately on special occasions. They say don’t judge the book by its cover but let’s face it the world will always judge us based on how we look. It doesn’t matter to me, I dress for myself and not for others. I don’t dress to blend in or to stand out, I just dress my way.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Bias is a thing. Whether we like it or not. Conscious, or subconscious. It is, and will always be there. Nowadays, there is a visible push to eradicate any and all judging. Even though I haven’t thought about the results too much, I think it would not be a good thing. (How would we know wrong from right then?) Yes, people judge. You either get used to it, or change. Your choice.

      Kudos to you for dressing for yourself. I think that is what we should all do. Most of the time, is your way similar to other people?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re right. We can never stop judging for as long as we are humans.

        I usually wear just jeans and shirts so I dress like most people. I don’t like to stand out, although some people notice me for wearing black most of the time. It just goes with anything, and I don’t like thinking about what to wear.

        Liked by 1 person

          1. I know some people who don’t like black, and they’re usually extroverts. So it might have something to do with the personality. My boyfriend used to complain every time I buy black clothes because he says I have a lot of them and people can’t tell the difference. Why do you think some people don’t like black?

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    1. When I wrote my novel in November, everything that might be needed in the future, I wrote down in a separate document. They should have learned by now that there is too much fiction and whim to remember. Write it down. At least be smart about your idiocy.

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  10. I say dress with what makes a person comfortable, though I also do believe in dressing in a specific style if it’s in a setting that requires the dress code to be a certain way (a wedding, a work meeting, a funeral, etc). I tend to pick clothes that I like because of how it looks and fits on me. I feel I may be playing it too safe in that I do think first and foremost about how the clothes make me feel. Secondly I feel a bit vain if the clothes are satisfactory for me and up my confidence, but then the vain part of me wonders how other people will perceive what I’m wearing and if the clothes are a good fit for me.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I’d like for you to not care about what other people think of the clothes you wear, but I understand it can be difficult. As long as you don’t wear a pink mini skirt to a funeral, you should be fine. At least in my book.

      Liked by 2 people

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