HW: #MondayMotivation – Prevention, not treatment is the way to go.

Much of our lives revolves around treatment.

We get sick, so we rush to the drug store to get some flue medication.

We get overweight, we rush to the gym.

We experience burn out, we consider changing careers.


Not prevention.

Why is that?


The weather has turned! (I knock on wood.)

The days are significantly warmer, the sun is out more often, and the days are longer.

All this is music to my ears.

Even though I have not done anything just yet, I am already making plans on how to restart my outdoor activities. My first priority (and the easiest to achieve) is biking.

Is it warmer where you live?

Did you notice the day being longer?

Do you plan on taking advantage of the above?

Whenever I discuss my plans, consisting of a new habit, with people around me, they ask: “Why?” They follow up with something along the lines of “you do not need it”. No, I am not diagnoses with any major illnesses, no, I do not aim to become one big muscle, no, I do not need to lose weight.

My answer is: “I just want to do it. For me. I like doing what makes me feel good.” If, as a byproduct, I become healthier (or anything else), I see that as an ADDED bonus.

In this post I focus on physical activities, because that is what is on my mind at this point in time. But that can be translated into ANY field of life.

Take blogging for example.

If you have been at it for longer than a day, or two, you should know that it is not all sunshine and rainbows in here. (If you do not know that, then, take a needle and pierce through your bubble. Trust me, once you are higher and the bubble bursts, the fall will be that much harder.) As bloggers, we are faced with a myriad of different obstacles. I know that firsthand. (If you have not read my post on the most common trials of being a blogger and some of the easiest solutions, you should open THIS link right now in a new window and read it as soon as you are done with this post.) The thing is that when it rains, it pours. Or bad luck comes in threes. In other words, it can be a domino effect. Or a snowball – turn avalanche effect.

My point is, that it is often too late when we hit a roadblock. I am tired. I do not have an idea for a post. I do not have the mental capacity to create anything original. I do not even have the time to sit down and try to type. And so I skip a post. No one will hold me accountable (but I sure will). For a moment I break “free”. And then another day rolls around, and I think to myself: “I already missed one post. This week is messed up. Let me skip this post and I can start anew next week.” And so the cycle continues.

This might not be you, but I am sure you can find something in your (blogging) life that you can compare this to.

Are you doing anything preventative in your life here in the world of blogging, and/ or in the outside one? Do you mind sharing?

Are you currently treating something, wishing you would have put more time into preventing it in the first place? If so, please share your lesson with us. 

Pre-scheduling has never been my cup of tea. Since I am a spontaneous person, I wanted my blog posts to be impromptu. But I did not want to post 7 posts a day, and then nothing for a month. So I came up with a rough draft of a schedule in my head. Then, I would have to sit down and write the post right before it was “due”. The deadlines were imposed by me and for me. No one else. It did curb my spontaneity, but I thought that having such minute limitation was worth it. It would motivate me to write, which was (and still is) my main goal for this blog. Unfortunately, sometimes that plan would backfire, because I would rebel against all the pressure I felt (subconscious and imposed by myself). Or I just would not have the time, or motivation.

However, with the start of February, I have decided to post VERY systematically. I called it a soft opening. There were no announcements, in case I failed. It is still early stages, and I already had doubts, but it HAS been working so far. By making a strict schedule ahead of time (when which post category will be published), I have the freedom to write it as inspiration strikes. That way it is still spontaneous for me, but more structured for you. Doing so prevents me from stressing over a post the very day it is meant to go live.

Prevention. Not treatment.

I realize we are all short on time, but I do think that good health and lack of stress are things worth working on.

Today, I would motivate you, URGE you, to take a look at your life and see if there is something that you can work on improving, before the poop hits the fan.

Stay golden,



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28 thoughts on “HW: #MondayMotivation – Prevention, not treatment is the way to go.

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  1. Something I have started doing is composing blog posts for TidePodcast prior to recording. I chose which blogger I will give a shout-out to and get everything ready. So once the recording is done, all I have to do is fill in anything that came up during the conversation and attached the audio file.

    This has simplified the process and has saved me time so far.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad to hear that you are figuring out how to streamline all this.

      I started doing something similar by creating a post, titling it, setting it for the specific date, etc. before I actually write it.

      To my surprise, it works really well for me.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I have my eye on a pair of running shoes. It’s been a while, and I feel all sorts of feeble. It’s easy to pass on spending a hundred bucks when money is tight, but I have to do it. It finally snowed a little bit today, so I guess I’m not in that much of a hurry!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am very much against running, because of all the negative effects it has on your feet and knees, so you won’t get the proverbial kick in the behind from me.

      Sounds like you have a couple more months. Set $20 aside each month. It will seem like less of a spend than $100 at once.


  3. Wonderful post. I can especially relate to your part on blogging roadblocks. Sometimes mine are more about wondering whether what I have to say will matter anyway in the long run. But I know that God has directed me here and these roadblocks are only occasional and fleeting.

    God bless, Goldie.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hahah. Poop hits the fan. Made me laugh.

    I guess I work in a preventive way on my career.
    I have been collecting big names on my CV. I have learned that it’s not my thing, because they have all a very arrogant management.
    But I know these names will look good and will help me in the future.

    Blogging wise, I don’t do scedules.
    I honestly can’t remember a day where I didn’t say “this could be a good blog topic”.
    I haven’t been very consistent lately, but that has its reasons.
    I still have a lot of inspiration.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I don’t know why I felt the need to censor “shit”. It just felt right in the moment. I’m glad it amused you.

      The way you build your resume sounds very smart. I wonder what is up with the “arrogant management”, though.

      I’m glad to hear that your inspiration is still there. I know you’ve been struggling more than usual lately, but I hope you’ll get back on the horse soon enough. I do miss your posts.


  5. I do a lot of prevention, and still I worry it’s not enough (it never is). I keep my weight very low and do not care what anyone says (even my children) ~ I know it is key to avoiding some of the illnesses my parents had. I will give up social events for paying work, even a small amount of it, since my philosophy is that if you do a little more will come. I don’t care if friends are disappointed ~ I have to take care of myself. They aren’t going to help if things get rough later. I have an iron will when I decide a thing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It never is!
      I think we’ve all heard about people who were in the best of shapes, and yet an illness got to them and they are a few feet under now…

      I’m absolutely the same. You’ve got to take care of you.

      Here’s to iron wills!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I know some bloggers that have posts lined up, pre-done. I’m not that structured. My posts have a semi-structure but, I am free to change them when I feel like it. And, if you don’t blog, you won’t blog. My blog has a nearly four year gap right in the middle of it.

    I’m glad the days are getting a little longer but, I dread DST. It’s not natural.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Isn’t it freaky how organized some bloggers are?
      Then I go and compare myself nearly two years ago when I first started blogging here and now and I see a huge difference in structure. I might turn into them sooner, or later. Weird. I would never have predicted that.

      4-year-gap? That’s a LONG time. What made you come back?

      Thanks for reminding me… I always liked the fall time change (an “extra” hour of sleep), but hated the spring one. In the past couple of years I grew to dislike them both. Not natural indeed.


  7. My blogging hurdle is the one you mentioned about “audience.” How can you consider yourself a blogger when after 4 years, you have 50 followers? I feel like I’m whistling in the dark. I have some very funny stuff, some very deep philosophical stuff, and some hints and tips on leadership which I thought everyone wanted. Good Lord, people pay thousands of dollars to go to leadership seminars and buy leadership books, CDs and memberships into newsletters and online seminars. Having been a follower of Leadership for decades now, much of what I post is way more helpful than the shallow-make-everyone-feel-like-they-can-be-successful-with-this-one-EASY-step stuff we get bombarded with. But no… It’s hard to keep blogging when you know no one will ever read what you wrote. For pity’s sake, you mention getting 5 comments? I can’t tell you the last time I got a comment, but it was probably one from you. You keep my spirits up. I average 1 to 2 views: my daughter and my husband.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m a bit surprised that you don’t have a bigger audience, too. Followers and views are mysterious things. I often try to make heads or tails out of the data I have, but it rarely makes sense.

      The thing that I DID confirm is that people DO want the “shallow-make-everyone-feel-like-they-can-be-successful-with-this-one-EASY-step stuff”. I personally don’t want any part of it, but …

      I wrote a piece recently that got 1 comment. I was mortified. It had quite a few views, though. What does that mean? That people hated it? Why didn’t they say so?

      Happy to hear that my comments are appreciated. I really enjoy reading your content for exactly the reasons you describe.


  8. Many bloggers would advise you to write a couple of posts and schedule them if you’re finding it hard to get the time to blog. But this method doesn’t work for me. I prefer to get an idea of a topic, write about it, then publish it. After that, I would wait for inspiration to come knocking on my door again. And if it’s taking it too long to knock on my door, I’d go out to knock on its door.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Same.
      However, this week, I did map out all my HW posts for the week in a single day. Ideas just kept on flowing. So I wrote down on a piece of paper a few words so I wouldn’t forget. THEN, when the day comes, I expand on it.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Oh love love love this post! I try to be mindful and that helps me approach many things in life, including blogging in a more conscious or even planned way. I try to remember how the only thing that shapes my “later” is the “now”

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