Announcement: Twitter presence.

Ladies and gentlemen,

cats and dogs,

as well as other creatures reading this –

I am now on Twitter!


Please feel free to go and check my account out and maybe even follow me at @SamGoldieKirk.

This is a fresh restart, so there is not much content, yet, but you can see my Twitter schedule pinned up on top.

Unlike my blog posts, my Tweets will be rather short (duh!). They will also be of a slightly different nature. As of right now, the plan is to post:

  • excerpts from the book I am currently reading on Mondays,
  • some thought-provoking quotes related to the Enneagram (mainly Type 8) on Wednesdays,
  • mood memes/ gifs on Fridays.

For some of you, this might not be much, but it is all that I can sustain right now.

I hope to see you on Twitter in between my regular posts!


Stay golden,



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Want to get to know me better? Check me out on Twitter @EnneaGramType8.

52 thoughts on “Announcement: Twitter presence.

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  1. I have a confession to make. Remember when we newly became friends — when I said I’d find out your identity through social media and you said, “Good luck with that”?

    Well, I find your Twitter account. I don’t know if the account I found is this one you’re using now or if it’s another one, but it had “EnneaGram” in it. I was going to tell you of this discovery, but then I thought better of it. It felt kind of wrong. I understood that you had your reasons for being an anonymous blogger, and I decided to respect that choice.

    *Frowns* I’d have followed you on Twitter if I hadn’t been banned for life from creating a Twitter account. (I’m not crying… a fly got into my eye.)

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes, I remember that very well. And my “good luck with that” didn’t mean that you were never going to find me elsewhere than here. I was just sincerely saying that. I already had that I account and I was thinking about pairing it more with this blog, but I wasn’t sure how. It’s not an overt account, though, so it’s alright. Thank you for respecting my choice. I knew you’d go looking. I might be a bit full of myself, but I presume that more people have done that. Honestly, I don’t plan to remain anonymous forever.

      Stupid flies.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, I have taken the test about 2 years ago and the results were spot on. Very thorough. I’d like to learn more about it to use it to better myself. It helps you understand why you act the way you do and how you can chance it to your advantage.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. My twitter is not at all scheduled its messy and funny and I think of it as a message in a bottle, write something and toss it into the twitter pond, more practically I use it as draft of thoughts that may later become blog posts….

    I am not behind you but I am following

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I’m trying to find time for all of that. The thing is that I do like things that engage my attention. Twitter is too fast to do that. Or it engages too much in a useless manner. You just hit the nail on the head though – focusing on the people you follow and that follow you. You have a choice there.


  3. I am now on Twitter!

    Hmm… ‘on Twitter’ us underlined, and I often ‘read’ that as a hyperlink. But it’s not clickable.

    A search on Twitter for “@EnneaGramType8” tells me currently: “This account doesn’t exist” 😦

    This comment was brought to you courtesy of 💥 ?Random Raiders! 💥

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ah, yes, I changed my … handle (?) and never updated that. Fixed.

      I hear ya with the underline but I cannot help it sometimes – a Goldie wants what a Goldie wants. I have, however, analyzed that particular instance and have since removed the underline.

      I don’t know if it’s just me, but the image in the post appeared broken to me, so I replaced it. With a resized one!

      Liked by 1 person

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