Award ceremony – August 2019. Receiving and giving.

This post is a day late and I blame it on hurricane preparations. It might or it might not be 100% true.

August was slightly difficult for me in terms of blogging. There was a time when I questioned my schedule, my motivation, and my content. For a fleeting moment, I wondered if maybe I should change things up and blog less. Ultimately, I decided that now is NOT the time for that. Now is the time to keep at it and be consistent, because it ultimately helps me feel better. It is my hope that my posts make you feel better, too. Not necessarily in a literal and straightforward way, but in a way that speaks to you and enables you to make yourself feel better; be it when you lose yourself in my stories; when you ponder some of life’s most difficult questions with me; or when you engage with me in the comment section.

It has been a privilege to receive quite a few supportive “pats on the back” from you guys these past few weeks. It really makes a difference when someone tells you that you do make sense, or that they enjoyed your story, or that they implemented your advice and it helped them. It is a great motivator! So, THANK YOU. (As much as I love praise, please do not hesitate to give me constructive criticism. I am willing to hear everyone out and I surely want to better myself.

A huge THANK YOU goes to Simon, who helped sponsor this post.


The awards I received in the month of August are:


Oh, it was just this one.

(As per usual, please click on the page numbers at the bottom of this page to view the rest of this post.)

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