The beautiful, the stupid and the dangerous.

I have been writing A LOT this weekend. My eyes are dry from staring at the screen. I am tired from all the work. But I am due a post before this day comes to an end, so here it is! Fasten your seat belts and let us go for a ride. (Honk your horn if you are happy about sticking to your goals like I am!)


Normally, I am rather cautious in regards to social media, various apps, and the Internet in general. Yes, it can be informative and a lot of fun, but it has a lot of downfalls, too. As mentioned in my other posts, it can lead to various scams, desensitization, and even suicide. Because of all this, success stories are so much sweeter.

A life can be destroyed, but a life can also be saved. In this instance, a father of 5 was in need of a kidney transplant. Due to some medical issues, a donation from family members was ruled out. His rare blood type was not helping either. He was placed on a long recipient donor list and was expecting having to wait 7-10 years. However, the transplant happened much quicker due to his and his family’s creativity combined with a helping spirit of strangers and kindness of one donor. How did he make it happen, you ask? A few months ago, he went to Disney World with his family, and he wore a custom designed T-shirt, which said: “In Need Of Kidney 0 positive” and his cell number on the bottom. During his trip, multiple strangers asked permission, snapped a photo of him in the shirt and shared on their social media account. It went viral. Hundreds of potential donors called him. After a gruesome physical and mental evaluation, one persevered. Both, donor and recipient are doing well post-surgically. Yay for a positive (beautiful) story!

Now for the “stupid” part of the post. Once again, I am amazed how some people do not think twice before posting self-incriminating info on their social media profiles. Many criminal investigations were solved thanks to the offender boasting about their crimes online.

Image result for shakes head gif

This time around, a bunch of foreigners from different countries, while vacationing in Cambodia, decided that simulating coitus was a fantastic dance move (???) and posted commemorative pictures online (see header image). Ten tourists were arrested for producing pornography. They face up to a year in a Cambodian prison. I am not going to judge the Cambodians for having the laws they have. Yes, there are controversial arrests being made in that part of the world, but if you are a tourist, going to a foreign country, RESEARCH IT! Learn their customs. Their dos and don’ts. Also, if you insist on doing silly things like group dry-humping on the floor, make sure to confiscate all the camera phones. You bet your sweet ass someone is going to snapchat all the “action”.

Danger closes the night. So you know that Big Brother tracks your every move through your cell phone, right? It seems like some people do not know how deep the invigilation goes, or just simply do not want to know. The star of this part of the post is a fitness app, which put a lot of lives in danger. This app enables you to map out your jogging/ biking path and uploads it into a log. Sounds helpful, right? Yes, helpful not only for you, but also for the bad guys. The company released the logs publicly for everyone to see where people run around. And of course various people decided to analyze the routes, which led to a confirmation of a CIA base in Mogadishu. Someone figured out special operations bases in the Sahel region. By analyzing the data, one can discover patrol paths, supply routes, and even places where the troops live. This is all so concerning. Their safety is in jeopardy. In a lot of cases, they will most likely have to re-establish their hidden bases.


Are you ever worried about the data collected about YOU?

Stay golden,



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29 thoughts on “The beautiful, the stupid and the dangerous.

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  1. Yes I’m worried about the data collection but…. most apps collect data “keeping you anonymous ” 😕 i wonder if it’s true.
    Good post!

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Fab reading! I’m new to this blogging stuff so hopefully I’m commenting correctly!! I am worried sometimes that apps and websites collect too much data from us and are constantly selling our info on!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you for stopping by and commenting. Indeed, you did it correctly! Hope you enjoy your blogging journey. Feel free to reach out to me with any questions. I try to help if I know how.
      And you are right on with the collection and sale.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. My sentiments exactly. I mean there are many beautiful benefits to social media…but the fact that the internet never forgets and also that there could be a real life ‘A’ from pretty little liars waiting to use ones info against them is really scary. I tread with caution even more so now that i just became a blogger.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I have seen a lot of posts on the conciousness that we should have online but the points you made were very strong and right. Especially the fitness app thing. It really makes sense. We have to ne wary and careful over social media to make sure it is used in the way it is supposed to.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I can’t lie that I haven’t thought about this more than twice. 🙂 I like to see the internet as a gift and a curse. “User discretion is advised.” A lot of folks get carried away, doing crazy stuff and posting em just for likes, views and following, forgetting that -just like you said-
    “big brother is watching,” and that there could be gnashing of teeth for an irrational and impulsive post or better still, action. Still though, when utilized properly it can be a blessing. I guess even the internet couldn’t escape the principle of duality :D.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Definitely concerned with Big Brother! I probably seem crazy to some but I actually close my laptop, move phones away, etc. when having certain conversations haha. It’s amazing that we live in this modern day and people still don’t realize not only that we’re being watched but that EVERYTHING you post on the Internet is permanent and will likely be seen by someone you did not intend to see. What’s interesting though, is that only two females were arrested when there is clearly more than that in the photos. Hmm . . .

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, the arrests were not clear to me, either.
      I totally get your concerns. Not many people think of that. Recently, I tried to challenge a few people about this and their response was: “Yea, everything is already being monitored and “out there”, so why care if I keep posting more?” or “I’m a small fish, no one will take the time to look into me”.


  7. Even with the best of intentions, systems get hacked, revealing data that was intended to be kept private. And as Novus Lectio points out, even if they claim that ‘anonymous’ data is logged, how can one ever tell? It’s a minefield. Clearly, better regulation is needed, though that, too, has its problems. Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

    Liked by 1 person

Hmm? What did you say? I did not hear ya.

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