
A day (or so) ago, I noticed a comment in the “All” folder under the Comment section, which was not showing in my Notifications. The comment appeared in my Notifications hours after I replied to it. The same thing happened today. Apparently, other people are experiencing similar issues.

I just wanted to keep you all updated. You might want to take a look at your comment section (“Spam” and “All”). There might be some comments hiding from you.

The reblog is from over a year ago. I thought of it when I encountered the current problem. It seemed funny to me when I read it just now, so I thought I would share.

Stay golden,



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Here I go again, disrupting my blog’s flow. (If there ever was one…)

Long story short, I just wanted you all to know that I have not forgotten about you. There have been plenty of great posts published in the last two days, and so I shared my thoughts on those in the comment sections of almost all of them. Aside from showing my appreciation, I also shared personal stories and started some conversations. Unfortunately, almost all of them were never posted. After I would hit the “Post comment” button, my comments would just vanish. No “Your post is awaiting moderation”, no error given. Just nothingness.

Image result for nothingness

Is the picture a good enough visual of nothingness? In a way, I also feel like I am in purgatory.

Image result for purgatory

It makes me wonder if I even exist… Maybe there is no me?


View original post 500 more words

46 thoughts on “Beware!

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  1. I have also noticed that sometimes the comments from regular commenters going into spam. I wonder why this happens. Infact I also saw that WP was showing that I was not following the people I followed. :/

    Liked by 2 people

  2. 🙂 I have made it a practice of mine to check the spam area for false positives. I too have found innocent comments in the designated spam area in the past.

    Also, I am grateful for the heads up.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I remember reading this. Terrible.
      I also noticed that even though I am following a certain blog, their new posts didn’t show up in my feed all of a sudden. It was only when I went to their pages that I noticed they wrote something.


    1. I don’t use the app.
      So yes – computer and browser.
      Interesting to hear, since I thought that they are actually putting a lot more effort into the app that it would be running without a hitch.


      1. Nope. I’ve been going a few rounds via email with WP developers. I’ve been sending them screenshots. The app has bugs, some of them they are aware of. If they can’t duplicate your problem, they don’t know what to do.

        I’m sure they think its my phone.

        Liked by 1 person

Hmm? What did you say? I did not hear ya.

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