Award ceremony – September 2019. Receiving and giving.

An old blogging friend of mine has recently returned to the blogosphere, and so we were both keen to catch up and see what we had missed. Yet again, I was reminded of how people come and go in these parts of town. It comes of no surprise to me that blogging can be compared to life. You go to a new school (begin blogging), you meet new classmates (bloggers), you become close with some of them (Likes, comments and more), and then school ends (they leave). After that, you are left to navigate the stormy waters on your own. Until you go to another school and meet a new set of classmates. And so the cycle continues.

Even though I have not been blogging for as long as some of the blogging veterans, I have seen a fair share of people come and go. It gives me pleasure to say that this blog is about 2.5 years old, and I hope to keep adding the candles on the cake. I am not going anywhere. Or so I think. (If I do disappear without a word one day, please check up on me.)

Blogging is not for everyone. It can definitely be time-consuming, and it can even feel like a waste of time sometimes, but, under certain circumstances, it can be the greatest of journeys.

Thank you to those who were a part of my world, but left. You made a difference in my blogging experience by sharing your writing, your feedback regarding my posts, and more.

Thank you to those who have been here for a while. You continue making a difference, and I genuinely appreciate you. Feel free to reach out if you ever consider quitting.

Thank you to those that I have not met yet, but will. I look forward to discovering you. You are the hope for a brighter future.

Simon, Lashaan, and Joshua, a special “Thanks” goes to the three of you for tagging me with these:


The awards/ tags I received during the month of September are:

Image result for the-seven-heavenly-virtues-book-tag

Untitled design (3).png

(As per usual, please click on the page numbers at the bottom of this page to view the rest of this post.)

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5

13 thoughts on “Award ceremony – September 2019. Receiving and giving.

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  1. Dumbness?

    I talk to myself out loud.

    I’m with you on the damn bugs.

    You’ve mentioned teleportation…twice. Would you believe me if I told you that humans used to have the ability to trans & bi-locate?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dumbness. It’s a thing. The informal meaning.

      This post was VERY lengthy. I am in awe, knowing that you actually read through it. It just goes to show that I could really use a teleportation device. Bi-locate? That’s interesting.


      1. I looked up dumbness. I couldn’t find it. But, our language evolves.

        When we were full soul humans, we could translocate all over the planet…and, yes, bi-locate. We used to be far more powerful. We didn’t need teleportation devices until much later when we started to lose our abilities. The devices are still dotted around the planet but, sealed up. One was destroyed in an earthquake just to the west of Greece (underwater, now).

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Guilty as charged 😉

    You and I agree on many things (dumbness of people, winning the lotery), but weather wise we don’t go hand in hand!

    Also you post pictures of a moose and tiger, i’ll just rudely assume they are for me 😉
    My latest obsession are also sharks!

    I will do the award, as soon as I have a laptop!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. It’s true. I cannot understand why you like the weather that you do, but… I respect your choice 😀

      The beginning of the post was inspired by you, so you are more than welcome to take the moose and tiger. Sharks are cool indeed.



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