Award ceremony – June 2019. Receiving and giving.

For the past couple of months, I have been observing yet another slow exodus of fellow bloggers. Having experienced that last year, I think that it is because of the summer. People are outdoors more often than at home in front of their computers. Many go on family vacations and unplug from the Internet. Hopefully, that is the case this time around, too. If you are one of those people who blog less (or not at all) during summer, fear not. Enjoy yourself. We will eagerly await your return. To those that are withdrawing from blogging because of other factors: If you are in doubt, or just want to talk, hit me up in the comments or via the Contact page. I do notice when people leave. While I understand you might have many valid reasons for leaving, I just want you to know that WP will NOT be the same with you gone.

As much as I notice some people missing, I also notice those that remain. You have my gratitude.

Thank you for reading my stuff.

Thank you for providing me reading material that inspires me, makes me think, makes me chuckle, and sometimes even makes my eyes sweat.

Thank you for engaging with me. In your comment section and mine.

SPECIAL thanks to those who nominated me this month for various tags and awards. It really hits home to know that someone thought of you and found you worthy of their time and attention. It never gets old and it is truly humbling every time. THANK YOU!


The awards and tags I received in the month of June are:

Image result for sunshine blogger award

Wanna Know You Better

(As per usual, please click on the page numbers at the bottom of this page to view the rest of this post.)

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6

24 thoughts on “Award ceremony – June 2019. Receiving and giving.

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            1. That’s too bad. I wonder if someone people have pingbacks disabled, or maybe they are just not compatible with the types of sites some people have. I know it is recommended to tell people they’ve been nominated, etc., but I like the element of surprise. You either see it, or you don’t. But I needed to point it out to you since my personal award.

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  1. Aha! Personality question! And it turns out we’re pretty much exact opposites. 😆 Granted, you seem pretty balanced, but going by which ways you lean… Well, I’m generally an INFP, occasionally with some ambiguity on the F/T, depending on my mood. Kind of funny, being a selfish, semi-cynical “mediator.” Sometimes I wonder if that’s quite right. I hope it is; it seems a nice thing to be, at least it does to me. And anyway, it’s what I get almost every time. But then again, the box doesn’t make the person, the person makes the box. Still, it’s a nice ideal to aspire to.

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      1. I’m appreciated. I just often feel I don’t deserve it. There are rare times where I feel my own influence, and can nudge things in the right direction, but usually I just feel powerless and like I’m part of the problem. I don’t really live up to my theoretical personality type’s title. You, though! I was reading a description of ESTJs and nigh laughed aloud. Especially the parts about honesty. 😅 It may not be a hundred percent, but I’m pretty sure there are at least some things in there that are very much you.

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          1. Something about ESTJs being highly intolerant of dishonesty and laziness, especially at work; often earning them a reputation of inflexibility, though in truth they’re usually such sticklers only because they truly believe honesty and hard work are the best way to go.

            I found it funny, because a. I have a weird sense of humor that’s tickled by truth; b. you’ve mentioned your work before, including some expectations of a standard, and, I believe, related difficulties with your co-workers?; and c. we were just talking about honesty.

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