Appreciation 4 appreciation.

*** INTRO ***

A few Recognition, Liebster, Mystery, Appreciation and Sunshine awards have been presented to me in the past month or so, for which I am very grateful. It is amazing that someone out there thought my blog was worth a second look. Every time I receive a link to a nomination, or even an encouraging comment, I am humbled. It is remarkable how WordPress connects people from different corners of the world, from different walks of life.


I thought long and hard how I was going to do this without spamming you all with a million different award posts, so I came to a conclusion that I would do them all in a single post, which I will break into separate pages for easier viewing. (I ended up doing this post in one sitting…) (You might want to read this post 1 page at a time. It might be overwhelming… Scroll to the bottom to find a link to the next page.)

P.S. I know some bloggers do not partake in such events, so if I nominated you and you do not want to do it, that is alright. I understand.
P.S.2. If I did not nominate you, please do not take it to heart. I did not mean to skip anyone on purpose. It was PURE MADNESS composing this post. I am only human.
P.S.3. If I did skip you and you would like to participate, please let me know in the comment section and I would love to add you, because you all deserve to be recognized for what you do.

untitled (8)Image result for liebster award


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107 thoughts on “Appreciation 4 appreciation.

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  1. Sleep is theee bessst! Thanks for the nomination! Appreciate the support friend, I’ll get to it eventually. Hopefully sooner than later but more likely later at the rate I’m posting 🙂

    Liked by 6 people

  2. Thank you for nominating me , i loved your answers BUT i need more time to read this throughly.
    It’s a brilliant idea to post awards 👉👍

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Sure, just follow the rules. Create a new post on your blog, copy the image for the award from the Internet or the first page of my post. Then, mention that you got nominated by me, answer the questions I came up for you, form new questions and nominate other bloggers that you want to recognize. It sounds more complicated than it really is.


  3. Congratulations on all your awards! I appreciate the nomination but do not participate. In the spirit of community I will offer a couple of blogging tips here for newbies:

    1. Set goals. Each writer blogs for different reasons. It can be easy to get swept up by all the activity, creativity and fun in the blogosphere. Think about why you blog. Set your own goals for how many posts per week, length, and topics.
    2. Track your goals and posts with an editorial calendar. It’s a way to curate your work and easily draw from for sharing posts from your archives or using a past post for a new development.

    Bonus tip: have fun!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for sharing your tips. They are definitely spot on. I’m thinking about incorporating a calendar to my blog, but I’m not quite sure how I want to do it just yet.
      Thanks for stopping by, Charli!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. So, I had some problems even finding this post. You seem to be a very busy blogger :)) Just wanted to let you know that I just posted my Liebster-post. Thanks again for the nomination!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Hey! I finally read your answer. 15 pages, got to know so much about you. As I clicked to read the next page, I realised you are so much of me and so much of the person I’d want to be. Loved reading your answers, all of them in one go! 😀 And I also discovered that you’ve nominated me for the Sunshine Blogger Award. Thankyou! It means alot ❤ I'll update you as soon as I post my answers. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I’m so pleased that you got to read it. I admit it was a lot, so kudos to you for sticking to it. I’m humbled by your words. I tried to reach out to those that I’ve nominated, but I might have missed a few. I look forward to your post then!

      Liked by 1 person

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